Gun & Pawn deal/mistake on a S&W 65-6

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Dec 30, 2006
"The Last Frontier" - Alaska
I stopped by the local gun & pawn shop yesterday just to see what was new in the case and there it was. A S&W Model 65-6 with 3-inch barrel, original service grips and in better than 90% condition (but not quite 95% condition) with the factory box, for a tidy sum of $225.00. After chatting with the clerk behind the counter I asked if he would take $190.00 for the weapon, well I was floored when he said sure, but here is the real corker - he only charged my credit card $160.00, which by the way was what the hand written bill of sales made out for - should I feel guilty? I did not take notice of this "mistake" until I was at home and had unpackaged my new weapon.
I known a few people that owns a pawn shop and I'll tell you that they still made money.

I remember seeing an old gentleman walk in with a pistol to sell and they offered him $75.00 for it. ( I don't remember what it was but it was an older revolver) and I went in a few weeks later and they had it in the case. $275.00!!! And it was gone a few days after that.

I should have offered him $80.00 for it. :banghead:
Congratulations~, on one heck'eva good deal. If there was a mistake, so
be it as it turned out in your favor; with his loss being your gain. I would
not feel guilty one bit; especially since your bill of sale reflects those same
figures. Enjoy~! ;) :D

I base my findings on the fact that that if I make a mistake
in a deal, me (and my boss) eat it~! We would most certainly
appreciate you folk's honesty; but we would NEVER expect
you to return the dividens.
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Return the $30, you got one great deal at $190 - I paid $345 for my 65-5 from CDNN back in January. My -5 has the forged/hammer mounted firing pin but the MIN trigger. Makes a great carry gun. Wish I had pawnshops around here with those sort of deals.
Personally, I'd return the money or at least make a phone call.
Not taking any chances on the bad carma true or not.
Hmmmmm...would you be asking us what to do if the charge was for $210?

Of course you should go back and pay the $30. I absolutely would and have in similar situations involving much more money where there was zero chance the mistake would have ever been noticed otherwise.
$190 is still a steal. I'd call the guy and tell him about the undercharge. Maybe he'll say "forget about it", and just maybe there'll be enough good will established that he'll give you equally fair shakes (or at least a heads-up) on a future buy.
Yep, tell them and sleep well at night. It will only foster good will and possibly good deals in the future. :)
I agree about returning, or calling.
If you have a doubt about it, that doubt will no go away, and wil nag you until you do something about it. besides, with something as important as a gun, good Karma may come in handy. The last thing you want is bad JuJu when the chips are down.
If that had happened to me I'd think, would I go back and cry if he made the mistake in their favor? Yes, I would so I'd also return the 30 bucks and feel good about myself for doing so.
Be honest- how would you feel on the other side. A good deal is fine, bargain as hard as you want, it is ok to do so as long as both parties agree to the deal.
This is different, this was just a mistake and it is dishonest to keep the money.
If you had handed him cash, and he dropped a bill by mistake, would you put your foot over it and take it when he turned his back? Same thing.
I was completely thrown by the response & treatment

Well I went back to the Gun & Pawn shop to let the clerk know about the "mistake/error" which was in my favor and I would like to return/pay the $30.00 difference. His response was that he is a math major at the local university and doesn't make that kind of mistake and if had a "problem" with it take my "F'ing" $30.00 and my weapon to shove it where the sun doesn't shine, that they have the right to refuse service to anybody and that now I am considered anybody, to leave the store or he will call the police and have me arrested for trespassing.:what: I was not rude or sarcastic, I just wanted to do the right thing and bring this "mistake/error" to their attention and WAS willing to make good on it. So much for being a nice guy, I guess.
Well there you go. Now you have your answer.
In the end, it sounds to me like you have now earned the $30 discount.
You get $30, and he gets to yell like an idiot. Sounds like a good deal!
Besides, you know that you did the right thing.

The kid sounds like a nut. Normal sane people do not respond like that.
Then again, no good deed goes unpunished.
I'd talk to the boss on that one.. I bet he was covering his butt at his bosses expense, If he is the boss he was embarrassed.I'd bet he is not the owner. I am glad ya went back but I owuld look into it justa bit more. If I was an owner and had an employee talk to a customer like that I would want to know. If I had one rip[ping me off like that I'd like to know too....
I call BS on this thread! Highly doubt this transaction ever took place or in the way described here? I totally suspect a troll here and most of you fell for it. Sorry it just doesn't pass the believability test.:confused:
Sir, I am not a troll........

Quote from Bobhwry "I call BS on this thread! Highly doubt this transaction ever took place or in the way described here? I totally suspect a troll here and most of you fell for it. Sorry it just doesn't pass the believability test."

Sir with all due respect, this transaction did take place, I am not a troll - I am fairly new to this forum, having only joined in late December of last year & I would not waste my time or anybody else's time with a BS story - I don't know about you, but I have better things to do with my time than to BS somebody - I just thought I would share my experience with some fellow firearm enthusiast.

I sir, do not think your response was worthy of a "senior member" If you had checked his post history (Which i did you would know he was not a habitual troll, and the chances of a new member (Myself included) going rabidly troll like are fairly slim.

I am taking THR on this, and assuming that you typed without thinking, and will be aplogizing in due time.


P.S. @ swbinak, I have had similar esperiances trying to return excess change, people just dont like to admit to mistakes
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