Gun Safe Disguised as a Refrigerator

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Sir Aardvark

Jan 9, 2005
Southern California
I got to thinking......

Who would be interested in purchasing a gun safe that is disguised as a full-sized refrigerator?.

The reason why I ask this is:

When my wife and I were looking to buy a house, we did some walkthroughs on houses for sale and 3 of them had large gunsafes sitting in the garage on display for everybody. Not smart thinking in my book. I've even seen gunsafes in the garages of a couple of houses that we walk past in our neighborhood.

I do not believe you should let just anyone be privy to the fact that you have enough stuff that you think is valuable that you need to lock it up in a huge safe. At the very least you can throw a blanket over it.

So..... back to the thinking part:

Why doesn't a safe manufacturer give as an option a "Refrigerator Accesory Kit" where one of their models looks from the outside just like a fridge?. Think how simple it would be to do; the thing is already the correct size and shape. I'd buy one - it would be the ultimate in stealth. No one would give it a second notice, unless they were searching for a beer.

And before some wiseacre asks - No, I do not have a room inside my house to put a safe in.
I've thought about this. I might be able to buy a scrap case from work at a decent price (I work in a fridge factory).
I saw a converted Pepsi machine that was a gun safe. Problem was that is was a gangbangers' safe....
I like the idea, especially if it is in the garage,(unobtrusively bolted down), with a ,(decorative only), chain and padlock around it, "to keep kids from suffocating in an old refrigerator"...That'll keep people from trying to steal the beer....
If the neighbors ask when you're going to get rid of it, "just savin' up for parts, and I kin git this baby runnin' again!" :cool:
This will work until, like the Coke can and Ajaz can safes, the criminals all know, and everyone will have thier old dead refrigerators stolen off the back porch....hmmm, hey, what an idea.....
CG beat me to it.

I'm going to do that whenever I move into a place that I'll be in for a while. As a college student it's not really feasible, especially considering that I may spend the next year out of the country and not actually have a place here in the states. May have to leave my guns with friends and family.

Nobody mentioned it in the coke machine thread, but the guy's "mistake" was that Mountain Dew is not a Coke product. Not that it really matters, because if it's your own personal machine you could have it stocked with beer if you want. :)
Only one problem, lots of people "hide" valuables in the fridge, so it's a place a burglar will take pains to look in. Of course if you put a lock on it that gives the thief even more reason to break into it, if it's locked up it must be be valuable.
I have heard of a lot of burglars passing on expensive items but stealing the beer in the fridge. I think you idea is still a good one, the biggest benefit to the disguised safe is it makes finding it all that much harder.
Ok, let's assume for a moment that I have something in my garage resembling a late 90'smodel Hotpoint standing deep freezer that has something seriously wrong with it (those noises... can't be normal?)

What would be the recommended course for turning this massive beast into a non-fire resistant gun safe? I would of course add two straps/eyes and padlocks for security purposes, since the original lock is gone, but inside... are the liners removable? I haven't had time to look at this one. Also given that it's airtight, how would one go about de-humidifying one on an active basis? I've heard a small light bulb will do it, but that'd require air movement, wouldn't it?
I'd rather just build the safe into the wall or something. Mine sits in the heated garage but isn't visible to the outside when the doors are open.
I'd be leery of humidity in the garage. Even a relatively dry attic with temperature swings can lead to condensation.
If you wanted a safe in a garage, where it's easier for the thieves to steal the whole safe, build a cabinet around it to disguise it. If they know a safe is in the garage, they will loop a chain around it and yank it out, even if it's bolted down, and thieves commonly look in refrigerators, for beer or hidden valuables.

A vending machine is an incredibly stupid idea, the thieves will think there is money in it, they really love to break into vending machines, instead of a something safe, it is a target for thieves!
A vending machine is an incredibly stupid idea, the thieves will think there is money in it, they really love to break into vending machines, instead of a something safe, it is a target for thieves!
Disguise it as a beehive ! :)
Okay, so a safe in the garage is a bad idea?

I am planning on getting one later this year, and I was thinking of having it bolted down in the garage.

I would hate to have to haul a 800lbs safe up the stairs.

This was my gun/ammo safe for years...intended primarily to keep my teenager and his friends away from them, secondarily as a burglar deterrent. Nowadays, I have a "real" gunsafe, and use this only for ammo storage.
Don't any of y'all watch the new show It Takes a Thief? One of the big deterrents is an alarm company yard sign. Lock your doors & windows. Lock your gates if you have fencing. The guy on the show will clean out a house of anything not bolted down or locked in 10min flat. He is a reformed burglar (now a PI). They avoid homes with alarm co. signs. Why risk getting caught? They don't want to take time (if they get in) to break a lot of locks, so even a small valuables safe bolted to the floor will generally not get messed with, provided you LOCK it! (and don't tape the combo in the safe... :what: )
That vending machine thread gave me an idea. The guy mentioned a port-a-potty place near the end, so... why not build a safe in a port-a-potty?

Sure, a burglar might raid the fridge, or try breaking into a pop machine for change, but a portable toilet? They wouldn't go anywhere near it! Seeing one of those things in your garage/house might even freak them out enough to convince them to leave without stealing anything!

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