Gun Scrubber, Engine Degreaser and Carb. Cleaner all the same?

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Dec 5, 2005
Desert Southwest
A friend of mine is saying that you can save a lot of money by using Carburetor Cleaner or Engine Degreaser in lie of Gun Scrubber or other specialized gun solvents.

Any truth to that? The cans do not show the ingredients, I have used carburetor cleaner before just to clean dirty copper cleaning brushed before and they sure look new after a blast.
Birchwood gun scrubber cost 6 to 7 bucks at the local Wal Mart – carburetor cleaner is a buck seventy seven.
To good to be true or are we wasting money on the same product in a different can?
I use brake cleaner...lots cheaper than gun scrubber.
Carb cleaner can be hard on some plastics, and either will make short work of an o-ring.
Unlike carb cleaner, brake cleaner leaves no residue.
Brake cleaner works great. Make sure you get the non-clorinated. It's safe for polymer. I can't tell the difference from the expensive gun scrubbers.
+1 on cheap brake cleaner.

Carb cleaner is much too caustic to use on guns, as it will really do a number on many stock finishes and some plastics.

I don't know about engine cleaner as it costs too much to try it compared to generic brake cleaner.

Another good alternative to Gun Scrubber is good old WD-40.
It works very well to hose out gunk, and is harmless to anything on a gun.

Gun scrubber and brake cleaner are similar. They evaporate quickly and take oil with them. There is a special gun scrubber formula now that is safe for camo guns.

Carb cleaner is quite different. It dissolves gum and doesn't evaporate nearly as quickly as brake cleaner. It is useful on guns only on very limited applications, since many wood finishes are affected by it. (BTW, Gumout brand carb cleaner is great for cleaning tape residue.)

In either case work with plenty of ventilation.
I don't know about break and carb cleaners, but my Gunsmith uses an automotive parts cleaner with all the gun parts he works on. It's the kind with the tub on top of a barrel and it pumps the fluid thru a scrub brush.
Carb cleaner is much too caustic to use on guns, as it will really do a number on many stock finishes and some plastics.
My cleaners of all types have no effect on stock finishes because I always clean with the stock off. The cleaners never come into contact with the finish. No problem there. As for carburator cleaner,I have found it to be less effective as a cleaner,carburators often contain plastic cams and links than seemingly aren't harmed by carb cleaner. Carburators are coated with a sealant to prevent gasoline from seeping through the body over time. Brake cleaner will dissolve this coating but carb cleaner wont. Zerstoerer,you have been a member here since 2005 and haven't seen the many discussions on this topic before? Strange....
I use a solvent tank with Stoddard solvent in it for most cleaning. I like the solvent tank as it has a pump and a filter. It allows me to flush large volumes of solvent through actions and wash away gunk. If parts are very waxy I can put them in a wire basket and soak them in the solvent.

On some applications where I just need a blast of cleaning and don't desire to get the entire part wet I use non chlorinated brake cleaner. Using carb cleaner on some applications might be fine but you need to be aware of the risks of damaging finishes etc. It works fine when cleaning out ports on a compensator or gas blocks / tubes as it dissolves carbon and gunk quite well. That being said be aware if the part is painted or uses some of the new tech spray and bake gun coatings. Carb cleaner may eat those or at least soften the finish. Carb cleaner WILL destroy rubber grips, painted stocks as well as traditional wood varnishes etc.

Alternately you can use concentrated Simple Green and HOT water as a general cleaner. Simply spray and rinse followed by compressed air to dry. Simple green, like good solvents, strips ALL lubes and surface protection off the metal parts so reapplying rust prevention ASAP is critical.

As always, safety first when using solvents and spray cleaners. Adequate ventilation and no smoking are good recommendations as well as skin protection might be prudent. Some brake cleaners will dry and defat the skin quickly. If you expose your hands to brake clean or solvent in excess; the symptoms are tingly skin, redness, itching and possibly blisters on the back of the hands and between fingers. Apply a good hand lotion as a remedy to replace the oils you washed out of the skin.

Blue mechanic's gloves are a good choice and I use them daily when spending any time in the solvent tank. Solvents can and DO permeate the skin and long exposure will leave you stinky for days. I advocate the use of gloves when ever possible. Your hands will thank you. No it probably won't give you cancer, or make your fingers rot off but dry hands and that stink of solvent gets old.

Engine cleaner is different from both brake cleaner and carb cleaner. It is used on HEAVILY oily or greasy surfaces and washed off with water.

I can't think of any uses for it as far as guns are concerned.

Engine cleaner is different from both brake cleaner and carb cleaner. It is used on HEAVILY oily or greasy surfaces and washed off with water.

I can't think of any uses for it as far as guns are concerned.
I can think of one, but haven't tried it so I don't know if it works or not....anything still in cosmoline like some of the SKS's that are around. Anybody have any experience here?
cheep break cleaner and MOBIL 1 0wt oil for moving parts, rem oil for rust proof or RUSTY'S RAGS found here on THR. IF YOU HAVE NOT,

seems to work great
Whenever I have purchased a used firearm ,the stock is removed and the action is cleaned out with brake or carb cleaner followed by cleaning the barrel. The carb cleaner my also help removing the burent powder in the barrel. It an eazy way to clean out the trigger housing in Remington style triggers befor adjusting the trigger pull weight.
I use GumOut for cleaning the carbon out of the actions. Even gets the carbon ring out of a 357 revolver chamber that has had 38's fired in it.

Other than that, Ed's red, and drippings of Mobil 1 from the new bottles from last oil change.

I've tried several over the years and have settled on Prestone Brake Cleaner for cleaning & degreasing. Some of them are hygroscopic it seems, but Prestone works very well & is much cheaper than Gun Scrubber & that ilk.
Some Brake Cleaners include Acetone in their active ingredients which can harm stock finishes and plastic.

The Brand Name is not as important as the ingredients find themselves in many different cans with many different names. A $1.50 can of Brake Clean can have exactly the same formula inside as the $4 can with a Big Brand name on it.

I buy a case of cheap brake-clean a couple of times a year for around $1.50 per can and just avoid the ones with acetone. Most use 111Trichlorethane as the main degreaser. Good ventilation and nitrile gloves are a must but it sure gets rid of the grease. Stoddard solvent is good to take off heavy oil and grease or cosmoline but to get down to metal that can be blued, brake clean is great.
I've always used brake cleaner to flush AC sys on Autos and Tractor Trailers, it's cheap and does a good job. Also use it to check for leaks on the intake side of carburetors on Autos and Motorcycles.
oldbanjo, odorless mineral spirits is a far safer(for the system) flush for A/C and refrigeration systems than brake cleaner. I don't know of any brake cleaner in liquid form and liquid is a must for flushing A/C systems.
Brake cleaner is available from CRC in gallons or even 5 gallon cans. Check any parts house. Other brands too. It is definitely available in liquid, not just aerosol.

I have used it in a sure-shot sprayer where you pour in about 1-1/2 pints, pressurize with compressed air and then hose down your parts.
I've never used the liquid (never even looked for it)as the aerosol is so convenient. I use brake cleaner in a LOT of places but would never used it inside an A/C or refrigeration system. I don't know how a gallon of odorless mineral spirits compares cost wise with a gallon of brake cleaner.
Most brake cleaners have more acetone-like solvents than gun scrubber or break free. Be careful with all of it on finishes. I have had brake cleaner streak where break free did not. I have not yet tried the synthetic stuff but intend to. Besides, what's a couple of bucks anyway?
Sorry, but I've got to call BS on Brake Cleaners & Guns.

Sure I've done it, but outside and had to have one Glock re-Tenifered (sp) due to the extreme chemicals leaving a dull finish.

Just buy a large bottle of CLP Breakfree and toss out all but your bore cleaner.

CLP Breakree is the preferred product in Smyrna, GA at Glock by their technicians.

Sorry, but I've got to call BS on Brake Cleaners & Guns.
Sure,you can do that if you want. It doesn't change the fact that brake cleaners work great on guns as long as you use a little common sense(and costs less too).
CLP Breakree is the preferred product in Smyrna, GA at Glock by their technicians.
But it's not My preferred product for MY guns.
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