Gun Shows...This is not a gun show bashing thread

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Jul 12, 2008
In the Dallas Ft Worth area
I was wondering for those of you who attend gun shows what you generally go there for?

Just for entertainment?

Looking for specific Rifle, Pistol, Shotguns, Mil Surp, Assault type rifle, Riflescopes,etc?

To look for reloading supplies?

I think most of us are looking for least what we consider deals so what would constitute a deal to you? Finding a gun way below what you consider market price? Looking for a gun that you are simply willing to pay the price because it is so hard to find?

How many of you shop at gun shows to buy and then resell what you purchase there?

Personally I go for the entertainment. I enjoy going and do not go with any preconceived idea that I am going to find a great deal. I usually do not buy anything but still enjoy looking at the hardware.

I will say that over the last twenty years they have certainly changed a lot. I used to go and 50-60% of the guns there were hunting rifles. Now it seems that about 60-70% of the guns there are assault type rifles and then 20% are pistols. Shotguns and hunting rifles make up the rest. The only thing I would like to see different is that they would carry a few more hunting rifles but with the culture so different now compared to what it was in the late 70s and early 80s I doubt that will happen again.
I hope to find deals, but in recent months that has been hard to do. I've quit gun shows for a while, until the hysteria calms down.
They evidently vary a lot by region. Nine years ago down in Maryland, not exactly a pro-gun state, the shows were terrific. Huge volume of milsurps from wholesalers for rock bottom prices, stacked in boxes, hundreds and hundreds of the same model to pick from. Parts and accessories up the proverbial ying yang. Hundreds and hundreds of tables, maybe a thousand. Several huge buildings on agricultural fairgrounds. It was awesome.

Up in Maine, the shows are tiny. Even the handful of annual "big" shows are a joke by Maryland standards. Most aren't worth attending. Paradoxically, most (though not all) dealers seem to mark guns UP for the shows, rather than down. Prices for guns generally are too high; better to wait until after the show and drop by the shop, pick it up for less, or a trade. Still, all that said, one or two shows used to have cheap bulk ammo -- no more --- and one or two shows have SOME limited parts and accessories, and militaria. I really can't complain, we're such a small population state. But I had no idea I'd look back on Maryland, of all places, fondly for its gun shows.
Well people aren't in a buying frenzy for conventional rifles right now. Of course your going to see more semi-autos and what not. Of course it also depends what show you go to as well. It's not even legal to hunt with rifles up in illinois, but you see a bunch of bolt-actions walking around the isles regardless.

When you really think about it, going to a gun show is pretty much the same as going hunting. Your door fee is like your hunting license, and deals are your prey. Although you may not find anything at the show all year, that one sweet buy makes the whole thing worthwhile. Anyone freezing their balls off for hours in a duck blind to bag a $30 bird will tell you the same thing.
The last gun show I went to I was looking for milsurp stuff, I didn't really find anything but an SKS 20 shot clip, which I found another online cheaper the next day.
I go for fun and to see if I can pick something up that I don't usually see. Price isn't as big a deal for me but then again I live in Wyoming. What I mean by that is that someone who lives where there are more guns available, is looking for deals. There isn't a really a gun store where I live so I just look for guns I don't see normally.

It really pisses me off that I can't buy a handgun in Colorado and bring it home with me! It's a silly law that makes no sense what so ever.
I mainly go there just to drool over all the guns I'd love to have (especially at the very few full-auto dealer's tables). If I can find a fair price compared to online prices on a gun I want then great. If it's in my budget and I've made the decision to get one I'll pick it up.
I just started going again in the last year because I got discouraged for a long time. It costs at least $25 counting fuel, parking, admission, and everyone is too proud of their wares. Occasionally there is a good deal (and I am still kicking myself for not ponying up the $300 for a g19 from my suppressor guy at the last show) but I don't go expecting to find great deals for sure.
I don't like the tables of non-gun related garbage like bead jewelry and antiques. Pawn that crap at the saturday market downtown.
I go to the shows for entertainment purposes, if I find something I can't live without I let it follow me home. It is getting more expensive to kill a couple hours on the weekend though.
1. To get my hands on something that I have been thinking about ordering, gun shows are usally to high buy my local FFL will order guns at a reasonable rate

2. Gun parts, I can get many diffrent parts for multiple guns faster and cheaper at the gun shows often times, I dont have to wait on shipping or pay for it

3. Pick up ammo to plink with, that way I dont have to dip into my stash:D

4. Look at all the idiots who think they have that one ultra rare gun like a 91/30 that somebody threw a scope on and has the wrong reciever to be an actual 91/30 sniper but they instist on a one inch group at 1,000 yards and that is was really used in Stallingrad, oh those import marks uh...they had to put that on there when the G.I.'s brought that back, but I will sell it today today only $850 cash:barf:
The entertainment value cannot be underestimated.

All the gun show archetypes, or nearly all of them, show up at the small shows as well as at the monster shows.

Ye Olde Codger, Beef Jerky Guy, Creepy Class Three Secret Agent Guy, Crocodile Dundee, Rambo, Gestapo Guy, Guns Older Than Methusulah Guy, The Armorer, Elmer Fudd, Fussy Part-Time Guy, The Collector, Books Guy, Cheapo Fantasy Knife Guy, Generic Tarn-ex Guy, et al.
I go mainly looking for more things to collect. Older S&Ws, three screw Rugers, know, things that have been made but not currently in production. I like the pre-hammer safety guns also. I don't care for that little safety thingy that sits on top of the newer Rossi/Taurus 22 pump rifles.

deerhunter61: Personally I go for the entertainment. I enjoy going and do not go with any preconceived idea that I am going to find a great deal. I usually do not buy anything but still enjoy looking at the hardware.

This pretty well sums it up for me. I haven't had anything specific to be looking for lately, like when I had to find a .264 Win. Mag, or a .356 Winchester. So I go, and might pick up some cleaning supplies, or maybe some brass or some other "bargain" I might stumble upon, but I haven't gone with a mission, for quite some time.

The last gunshow I went to I was looking for a new Glock ... I was fairly sure that there would be Glocks there; there's a dealer who is usually there who has all sorts of new stuff and Glocks, Springfield XDs, Sigs, Berettas, all sorts of stuff. I wound up with a G-19. Then I found a non FFL who had a Taurus C-45 (pump action repeater, .45long colt) rifle and on impulse, I bought that too!.
I usually go if nothing else just for entertainment and looking around at all the goodies. Sometimes I buy stuff for my AR ... nearly two years ago I found an old Smith & Wesson Model 1&1/2 I bought ... got the paper from S&W and it turned out it had been sold in a New York City store on Dec. 9, 1869.
I understtand a lot of people have problems with gun shows ...lack of stuff, high prices, beef jerky, nazi trinkets, etc., but I just think they're fun to attend even if I don't buy anything.
Generally I go just to get out of the house. I really enjoy looking at the older guns and occasionally picking one up. It is nice to have all the gunshops there instead of trying to go all over town for them.
I go to look for the odds and ends that are in the bottom of the box that has been carried to gun shows for 20 years, but gets added to in between shows. The odd sight, that if I ask no body has, the set of grips that nobody remembers, the discontinued bullet mold, the Bonanza "Bullseye" pistol powder measure and/or rotors for it. The Herters shellholder that nobody knows what it fits. Thats why I go, because gun shops don't have those boxes and drawers anymore, the new owner had no use for that "junk", it doesn't fit anything he's ever worked on!!!
I like the hunting analogy above. Yep, I'm the skinflint looking for once-in-a-lifetime deals. Learned the hard way to have cash in hand to be ready for these (a mint $140 Ruger MkI got away last year) - no hemming and hawing allowed!

I like the people watching. My locals shows are so crowded (at least before the election, I'd hate to see one now) that the 3-deep tables make it a hassle to actually handle anything.

My buddy that I go with is sometimes on a mission to BUY something, but he gets bored with the show before I do.

My next few shows, I'll be looking for bulk reloading supplies too, maybe a few small accessories that I don't want to pay shipping on.
Ditto, I go for a little of everything. Usually I look for good deals on stuff I want or need. Like finding 4 FAL mags in pouches in almost new condition for $30.00. Picked up a 308 broken shell extractor for $4.00, new.

Generally I just like going to be around like minded folks and meet up with friends and acquaintances.
I go to
1.) Enjoy looking at and handling a lot of guns you can't see at the local stores.
1.a.) Ditto parts and accessories.
2.) Shop for guns/parts/accessories on my mental list - and my mental list includes some research about the current prices and what I am willing to pay.
3.) Sometimes (often) a better deal on ammo or ammo you can't readily find in the local stores.

I don't go
1.) Expecting great deals - but have sometimes found them.
I like to go for a specific thing.

I went to one looking for a home defense shotgun--came back with my Norinco 982.

Went looking for a cold steel knife--came home with my Recon 1.

Next time I go I'll be looking for XDSC/CZ-75b accessories.
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