Gun Store Robbery

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Dec 5, 2005

One thing that seems to be on the rise is the assailants going into gun stores and taking inventory. The one linked above is the 3rd in as many months in Houston. The reason that I am posting this is that many of us own more than a few guns. I am a virtual gun store with ammo and guns. My fear is that eventually these idiots are going to start watching Gander Mt's and Academy's looking for people buying ammo in a few different calibers, they are going to follow those folks home and do what they do.

We talk about situational awareness on this website and this is your reminder. I think it is time to plan out some of your ammo buys and be at the highest level of awareness at the firing range, gun stores, and so forth.

Don't talk about fight club.
Houston is a dangerous place. Their lack of zoning makes it impossible to predict the safety of a given area for any amount of time. A proprietor might spend a huge amount of money on a nice retail facility, only to have a liquor store, title loan shop, pawn shop, and a topless bar open next door within a few months killing their business.
In some ways this goes back to a thread about guns in pictures. There are many ways in which we project gun ownership and i have no doubt that in some of those cases criminals are taking notice.
Another point worth making is the number of assailants that keep coming up in these robberies and home invasions. Three attackers can almost be expected as the norm it seems.
I believe that's irrational! With crime up ! ( I know they say it's down, but its not!) I don't tell people where I keep most of my stuff. I keep it in a safe that's in a secure place.
Anyone doing an armed robbery targetting guns isn't very smart since anyone they sell or pass those weapons to will have a "get out of jail free" card if and when they're caught with one. All of the serials will be properly entered and the first time one of those weapons surfaces investigators will be all over whoever was holding it.... Maybe they'll take the time and effort to remove any serials but I doubt it.

I've heard that post Katriina, Houston is a pretty rough place. I'd like to hear from any residents if that's true or an exaggeration....
My fear is that eventually these idiots are going to start watching Gander Mt's and Academy's looking for people buying ammo in a few different calibers
Do you worry about getting into a fatal accident every time you drive or getting struck by lightning when you go outside? Do you think you stand a chance of winning the lottery? I don't, so I wont worry about who is watching me buy ammo either. Overly paranoid behavior isn't healthy, and this is definitely overly paranoid.
Sorry, but I don't see this one going anywhere beneficial from the discussion so far.

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