Gun stuff

Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone. They came in to get me up and walk but a short look over and they decided to put it off until Saturday. I suppose the geezer was looking poorly. to them. Dr. checked on me Saturday after walking was done and came back Sunday to tell me I was looking better with some color in my face and my 1000 yard stare was gone.

I'm home now after an over 100 mile trip where I kept messing with the seat trying to find a more comfortable position. I would find one only to have to find another after several miles. Getting inside and to my recliner was difficult and I was wondering if I would get there but finally did.

For those that didn't know, wheel bearing meant hip. At this point that leg feels a little longer than the other but I am not about to do it over. I may walk like a sailor when well and going to the target boards.