Gunbot email alerts

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Dec 23, 2009
Western burbs of Chicago
Tried to set this up the past week. I have not got an alert yet even though I should have. I emailed Gunbot but never got a reply. Then I Googled my problem and I saw somewhere the someone mentioned about having to subscribe to get this email feature. I looked and I don't see a way to do that on the website. Wondering if anyone knows anything about this.
That appears to just be to create a username. I have that already. I don't see a way to "subscribe". I remember they use to have a donate button which linked to paypal. I did give them $5 like 2 years ago.
I do check Gunbot frequently but have never tried to sign up for their email alerts. Sorry. I guess I wasn't of much help.
I don't think it's working. They had it in the past and there was a yearly fee for it. Use the contact form and ask them.

On a side note: A couple of years ago I wrote a small web script to check aimsurplus every five minutes for .223 and email me when they had some in stock. It worked fine and I got some .223 from it. The interesting thing was that since it would keep emailing me every five minutes until the ammo was out of stock again, I could see how long it was in stock for. I don't know what quantities they were getting but it would only last ten to thirty minutes before it was sold out. It went that fast.
In a posting I read by the guys running the site early this year (maybe last year), they explained it was a passion of theirs and they'd do their best to keep it relevant, up to date and etc. At the time, they stated all those maintaining the site were gun enthusiasts and hobbyists. Frankly, I admire their thinking and have visited the site many times.

Generally for me the site is very slow even when all other sites are normally quick for a 20 mbps connection. Many times the selection choices (instock only, by store and etc.) just return a blank screen that often stays blank. And, several vendors I frequent are not listed. Natchez doesn't sell in my state but I can't deselect them and they fill a large, unusable area of screen space. My login no longer works.

I admire these guys for their efforts and the idea is a good one. I just can't get it to work well enough to a viable source for me. As is the usual case. YMMV and if it works for you that's great.
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