Gunman Killed In Sheriff's Station Attack

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Can't entirely agree - - -

However, if someone's out of range, why are you shooting at them if you know you can't hit them (& those bullets are going SOMEWHERE...
I understood the range was 100 yards. True, this is beyond USUAL handgun range, but bullets do not give up and fall to the ground at 87.65 meters, or whereever.

If the bad guy's exposed and I have cover, or can get to a good prone, I think it is logical to give it a try. I can name a half dozen others who'll agree with me. And if the bad guy goes to his car, the bullet strikes may distract him from shooting at ME!

Suicide by cop? Sure sounds that way. But the cops still have the duty of trying to stop his gunfire. It remains to be seen whether the return fire creates any significant danger. If the bad guy's firing from a schoolyard full of children, then I'd just have to check fire until the situation changed.

From what I understand of the location (I've been there, it has been years though).. about the only thing in danger were other cars. I believe there were a lot of bullet ridden cars that day....

I'd love to hear the official round count, 5 minutes of shooting....

You know, if suicide wasn't illegal to begin with.. perhaps these people would just quietly off themselves instead.. but if you're going to do something illegal anyway, you might as well go for it.
NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Braindead, my comments were not directed at you, but rather at the post immediately prior to mine, wherein your report (which you plainly identified as hearsay, to your credit) was treated seemingly as fact.

My point is that its not fact, its hearsay. BTW, the same criticism can be leveled at the journalist's version of events as well. And I frequently do level that same criticism.

My point is that its not fact, its hearsay. BTW, the same criticism can be leveled at the journalist's version of events as well. And I frequently do level that same criticism.
Agreed, and with the increasingly slanted view of journalists... ;-)

The most interesting thing in this thread is the complete lack of 100% verifiable facts, and I have a feeling that we'll never get them. Anybody living in Ventura County wanna try and get the police report(s)?
Thats mostly because news is NEWS! And after-action reports, where we finally know the facts, are NOT news.

Why report facts when you titilate with pictures of blood on the sidewalk and chalk outlines?

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