Guns and alchohol consumption - Poll

Your level of tolerance Firearms and alchohol use

  • Never a drop, it's disgusting behavior I don't condone.

    Votes: 388 67.4%
  • My partner has a couple beers, no problem.

    Votes: 27 4.7%
  • My partner and I shoot after a few beers, no big deal.

    Votes: 65 11.3%
  • I'll have a few beers alone sometimes before shooting.

    Votes: 17 3.0%
  • I don't drink, none of my friends do, never have, never will, period.

    Votes: 56 9.7%
  • The guys get together after several beers and sometimes shoot.

    Votes: 22 3.8%
  • I've been legally "drunk" and fired a gun.

    Votes: 36 6.3%
  • I've fired a gun on a mixture of alchohol and some drugs.

    Votes: 25 4.3%

  • Total voters
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Dec 31, 2006
Please find attached a poll regarding the use of firearms in combination with alchoholic beverages and your opportunity to share your level of tolerance regarding said combination.
I didn't vote

While I never mix shooting and booze, I do like me drink. None of your choices mentioned that "yeah, I like booze, but not mixed with guns".
This option is available meaning your tolerance for the combination of guns and alchohol.

"Never a drop, it's disgusting behavior I don't condone."

Addtiionally there is an option for utter sobriety. Perhaps you do not think it is disgusting but if you were tolerate a partner using alchhol, choice two would apply.

This option certainly doesn't apply then,

"I don't drink, none of my friends do, never have, never will, period."

But how about the first option?
in a Sidecar...I'm 6'1" and 190lbs. Three brews makes me legally drunk. I'm here to tell ya that three brews gets me no more drunk than three pops or three glasses of water. It's a useless law. There are laws prohibiting certain sex acts in my State that my wife and I break on a regular basis. Hell, if 'they' knew the extent of those sexual transgressions, me and the Ol' lady would get the death penalty.
Last night on my 3:00 am walk, I peed under a tree in the local park (but I did it responsibly.:cool: ).

What's Right and Wrong doesn't necessarily coincide with what The State deems to be so.

Hooookaaaayyyy...I'm better now.:)

I will often have a beer or three while watching a movie and cleaning after a range trip. Room cleared of ammo and gun dissassembled. Thats it; I would never drink before shooting. What is the point in that? I like to shoot as well as I can, and drinking beforehand, even if it were safe, is not conducive to doing that. I even try to avoid caffiene before shooting.
Alcohol and firearms is like a drunk airline pilot. VERY bad news. I've lost 2 friends/acquaintances growing up because (a) Somebody was drinking and (b) Firearms were present. Go have the beers AFTER shooting, but never while carrying.
Guns and alcohol just plain don't mix. It isn't a problem for me since I don't drink anyways. I wont be of legal drinking age for 3 months but that doesn't stop most people anyways. but even later this summer when I turn 21 I don't really plan to drink anyways. I've seen too many drunken idiots for it to appeal to me. I don't feel like i'm missing out on anything. That said, I have nothing against people who drink, as long as they do it responsibly, Hence no drinking and guns.
Beer in Utah is 3.2%, so keep that in mind.

I drink and shoot, but I've never shot while drunk. Either the beer gets put away or the gun gets put away.
Alcohol and guns don't mix, no matter how much a person can handle. One beer won't make a dent in my sobriety, but if I'm carrying, I consume NO alcohol.

One the alcohol comes out, the guns go away.
Might I point out that some states consider CCW and drinking OK as long as you fall below the legal limit for motor vehicle operation.
I will have a beer while at home on occasion. now that i have my ccw, i carry everyplace i go. so no drinking, no bars, no clubs...
Drinking and shooting just ain't the same since they started up with those worthless aluminum beer cans. :) The 3-piece steel cans made great targets and you could launch them with a firecracker for aerial targets.

Drinking and firing guns DO NOT MIX. First off I may have a glass or two of wine with dinner, or a cold beer on a hot day. otherwise I don't drink or do drugs. Especially when handeling fire arms.

My only experience in this situation was recently. A guy I know, husband of my wife's friend, He invited his friend to come shooting with us. He had a nice Colt 1911 said he was holding it for a friend who was in the service. He then says, "Can I borrow some money for breakfast", so I give him a $20. He leaves and comes back with a paper bag with a 12 pack and change. I say, "You're not going to drink & shoot are you?", he responds , "sure Why not". At the range smelling of beer the Range offices is standing behind him as he violates almost every range safety rule. The officer gives him a quick lession in proper gun handling and after that he takes 3 more shots and sits down for the next hour and a half while we finish our shooting. All the time hounding us as to when we can leave. Good thing we took separate cars and he drove with the other guy. they leave I finish my session.

I tell the guy before he leaves he not only shouldn't fire a gun he should not be in posession of one especially one that does not legelly belong to him. Then the fool asks if I want to buy it for $800.

I'm so glad he didn't hurt anyone or himself.
That boy was an idiot, Glockman, I wouldn't shoot with him either.

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