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Guns Drawn by Students. (pictures)

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Oct 18, 2006
Buffalo, NY
Recently in the news, as well as here on THR, we have seen multiple stories about students getting suspended for drawing (usually lousy) pictures of guns. In one case I recall a thread describing this Picasso-like masterpiece as potentially being a spaceship or a building, rather than a gun. And the antis who work in the school districts are so paranoid about an incident (though they would never actually *arm* themselves, because that would be wrong) that they suspend the poor student for days. Suspension by artwork. Personally, in the schools ive worked in, there have been many better reasons for suspensions.

I know that here on THR there are several teachers (just post a should-teachers-carry thread to see) and I myself am highly in favor of laws changing to allow this right. Schools however, are so afraid of weapons that the mere DRAWING of a firearm creates repercussions.

So I decided to combat this hyperparanoia with a nice subtle counter-protest. Obviously, you cannot suspend a student for COMPLETING a homework assignment. In the middle of a unit on the French & Indian War, I showed a segment from the movie Last of the Mohicans, split the students into groups, and had them produce artwork that was a "Representation of your idea of Guerrilla Warfare". (No, im not kidding. Yes, it was allowed. No, the administration and other faculty shockingly didnt even care.)

Some of the better ones I decided to post here. Im no Oleg, the quality of my images is poor, but you'll note that guns were drawn in school supported by tax dollars on school supplies on school time and nobody was suspended. I was very pleased with the effort they put into the assignment, as well! Nobody was filled with fear and almost every single one was very excited about doing the work. Success!

(Names have been editted out of the pictures to protect my students)

I love the cheerful looks on the faces of the men getting ambushed! Also, the Frenchman in the upper right with a knife and a hatchet looks a wee startled, possibly realizing the maxim that you dont bring a hatchet to a gun fight. :neener:

Note the British soldier (third from left) with what looks like a ray-gun, about to have his poor head lopped off.

Only one gun in this picture (center left), but it accurately (for a 7th grader) reflects the powder smoke from the black powder, although in most of these my students appear to prefer to draw handguns than muskets. I really like the expression on the center figure.

Love the corpses! I assume those are muskets wielded by the attacking Indians, and that the red is muzzle blasts. They could be blunt axes, also, i suppose. :)

The Indian is hiding behind the bush, and the British are firing wildly. I particularly like the cartoon bubble comments!

Nothing better than Braveheart-style warpaint. And triangular bullets. ;)

This Indian has a very advanced musket, with a forward grip (or maybe a magazine?) I know its a firearm because the student has clearly labeled it as such. :D Again, nice gun smoke. I pity the poor soldier with a handgun and no cover.
reminds me of 10th grade history, when dr. honeycutt had us illistrate the storming of the bastille. stick figures with pitchforks going to get their guns. *giggle* fun......
Are those smiles or grimaces?

Now those poor children have been exposed to violence and will grow up to be serial murderers and violent socio-paths!! Shame on you Dorryn! :)
Most ingenious

Please come up with more creative assignments like this. Who knows? Maybe you can collect them into a workbook, publish it and sell thousands to the schools with the title, "Overcoming Paranoia of the Faculty/Staff for Firearms."

Not for the students. For the Faculty/Staff. Journaling and therapeutic art are supposed to be so good for the psyche, or so my liberal friends tell me. I always thought it bunk, but this could work.
I absolutely positively love it. My mother has been a teacher for 14 years at a little school who's administration in the past few years has really gone down the drain.
In the last picture, I initially thought it said "freedom/gun" not "firearm/gun", which seemed apropos, for sure. Isn't that one of those tactical ninja Mohican's I read about somewhere?

Excellent, excellent work. :D
A lot better than most of my students. :p But would you have drawn accurate 18th century muskets on the Indians? :)
<ego on>
But would you have drawn accurate 18th century muskets on the Indians?
Yeah, I'm a big perfectionist like that.
A lot better than most of my students. :p
I'm a little insulted that you didn't say all of your students, considering this statement:
Some of the better ones I decided to post here.
You must be holding back a masterpiece!

No fair Nolo. You're not in elementary school. Nice wood grain.
But I am younger than you might think, this is the internet, you may recall...
</ego off>
How times have changed....... If I was a kid now I would never be in school..... expelled in 2nd grade for drawing guns, and on Ritalin because the teacher needs the creative ones dull and listless so they are easier to warehouse.
or my head messed up by some shrink for my obvious anti-social nature.

I applaud your abilities to allow their imaginations to flourish! It seems that the socialist Liberal agenda wants that drummed out of them at an early age. I hope there are other educators out there with the same mind set. It gives one hope!:D
I wonder why the kids choose to draw handguns. Sure, the guns aren't going to be accurate, but even stick figures, it is easy to have a single line running from head to arm and then beyond denoting shoulder weapon. I guess thanks to TV and video games, all guns are now handguns
Everything about the drawings and assignment itself is just plain AWESOME!:D Thanks.This should help get me through the night....:D
Serious Fun

Sometimes the moderator job is actually enjoyable.

This is one of those times.

Rockin' thread.

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