guns in california

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Nov 3, 2006
Riverside, California
how do i properly travel with rifles in california. how many rifles can i have in my car at once? do the rifles have to be locked? if the rifle has a clip does it have to be away from the rifle and unloaded. do i need the rifles to be in a case when i travel. any answers, espically from thoose who live in california would be of great thanks.
There is no restriction as far as numbers go.

The ammo has to be in a seperate compartment than the guns.

i.e. Gun in car = ammo in trunk, guns in truck cab = ammo in bed, or vice versa.

I'm going to repost this after SoCalShooter, read and head. Specific answers to you question will depend on the types of rifles you are transporting. Do it right and you have no problems, do it wrong and you will get jailed with your rifles confiscated. It isn't as simple as guns and ammo stored separately anymore.
It sounds fairly simple.

Long guns need to be transported unloaded.
Registered AWs need to be unloaded and locked when transported.
Pistols also need to unloaded and locked.. you also need to be transporting between "lawful destinations" with pistols. You cant just drive around with an unloaded handgun just because.
Doesnt say Ammo has to be seperate.

"If you wish to transport a handgun during your California visit, it should be carried unloaded in a locked container. In the absence of a suitable container, you may secure the unloaded handgun in the locked trunk of a passenger car. Ammunition may be kept in the same container or trunk, but the handgun must remain unloaded with no rounds in the cylinder and no loaded magazines in the magazine well."
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Bottom line:

Ordinary long guns (shotguns and rifles) can be transported in CA unloaded. It's perfectly legal to drive with an unloaded Rem 870 and a box of shells in the cab of your truck as a 'truck gun'.

Now, if any rifle is a semiautomatic centerfire with detachable magazine and has any other evil features (flash hider, pistol grip, folding stock, etc.) it's an assault weapon and is either illegal or must have been specially registered as such before 2000. Registered assault weapons have specific destination requirements for their transport and you can't cruise around with these like you can a Rem 870, Rem 700, ordinary Min14, etc..

Bans on loaded magazines only apply to street gang members. Nevertheless I feel that if you have loaded magazines you should have a separate empty magazine inside the firearm.

Oh - if a cop asks you why you are travelling with a shotgun, tell him it's because travelling with a pistol in your glove box is illegal.

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA
Are you serious?

Oh - if a cop asks you why you are travelling with a shotgun, tell him it's because travelling with a pistol in your glove box is illegal.

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA

You must be joking eh Bill?:eek: Its kind of a smart alecky response to a LEO.
Here in the People's Republic of California, I carry the ammo in a locked metal box in the trunk of my vehicle. The rifles are unloaded, have their safety locks installed and are in cases. They ride on the back seat but remain visible just in case I get pulled over.

Basically, keep the ammo and guns separate but the guns should not be seen as "hidden" in the vehicle. This advice is from friends in the LACO Sheriff's department.

python said:
Are you serious?

billwiese said:
Oh - if a cop asks you why you are travelling with a shotgun, tell him it's because travelling with a pistol in your glove box is illegal.

You must be joking eh Bill? Its kind of a smart alecky response to a LEO.

No I am not joking. Compliance with the law is not smart-alecky, and making a cop aware that you know the law is important. It also sets up an environment so that if the cop wants to cause trouble it'll be documented.

I am set up to record traffic stops.

I have no legal obligation to lick the boots of pension-overfed cops.

(But I drive like an old lady so I never get pulled over!)

Bill Wiese
San Jose
a friend drives from Berkeley to Reno

with a shotgun and 30-30 lever
in a gun rack all the time. ( F-350 PU)
For years, once hit a dear and the cops show up without even
asking if they are loaded or not, not even a blink.
They are never loaded but are on the rack...he got the occaisional frown during 04...but he thinks it was all the NRA and Bush Cheney stickers then the guns.

Plus he drives fast and looks like a hippie!
CA makes NY/NJ look like a bastion of common sense.
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