Guns vs. Alcohol...

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Nov 6, 2003
Overall, which one does more damage to society? Alcohol of course. Drunk drivers kill random people on the road, abusive drunks put their families through hell physically and emotionally, and alcoholism can ruin the afflicteds life.

The ONLY reason certain groups are anti-gun is because they themselves dont enjoy or collect guns. If there were large groups of people who didnt enjoy drinking, would we have a new prohibition movement going?

I see no more valid point to make to a rabid anti-gun liberal than this argument. Most super liberals I know are alcoholics. They would have no answer.
I think you answered your own question there, prohibition was started primarily be people who don't drink.
Banning either will cause one of the biggest crime waves this country has ever seen.
Never used Alcohol! but it is legel so who am I to say you cant use it. If you harm someone else while abusing alcohol then you steped over the line. The same about a gun it is not against the law but use it wrong then it becomes a problem.
My freedom ends when I push too far and interfear with yours, This would be a much better world if every one would mind their own business, minding mine is a full time job I do not have time to tell someone else how to take care of there business.
That is my point exactly, no one is against something like alcohol, which is overall just as bad to society as guns, but so many liberals want to ban guns completely. Its beating a dead horse, but I just cant believe how insanely hypocritical it is.

For instance, MMM is against drunk driving, but not for a ban of alcohol in anyway. But instead of just being against gun violence, they are totally against gun ownership. Extreme one way, but not the other.

Liberals are just plain fools. Its just hard to believe how deep it goes.
Alcohol can make people not care about consequences of actions - can be bad or good, at times.

Responsible firearms ownership is ALL about consequences - from learning the four rules of safety all the way down to storing the weapon securely and away from... unintended consequences...
Totally agree with you. What really pisses me off is all the attention on tobacco companies and the stupid "Truth" ads on TV. You don't see beer companies coming under attack from all the victims of their product and they sure kill more people and mess up society than tobacco do.
I don't see people being arrested for straw purchases of beer? It's also widely available when it should be limited to specialty stores where distribution could be more controlled. So why does the beer companies get away with murdering tens of thousands? Because they have a powerfully lobby and they contribute a butt load of money towards the war on drugs. They want people hook on alcohol, not hard drugs. MADD should target the beer cartel, not the drunk drivers. It's like blaming a stupid person for being stupid. How can you blame a drunk person for being drunk and making poor choices? They are a victim of poorly regulated products. Damn they should also make beer child proof and have a way of keeping it out of the hands of teens.

I hate the beer companies CEO's as much as I do the hard drug lords. If I had it my way, I would sue them up the ying-yang and put them in jail for selling and addictive drug that causes many of societies problems. However, I don't think that all the people against tobacco would want me to take away their beer.
Ha - I thought this would be one of those "why beer is better than women" type threads.
Let's see...

No matter how many rounds I shoot, I can drive myself home and feel alright in the morning.

What was that old ad? "The silver bullet won't slow you down." ;)
What really pisses me off is all the attention on tobacco companies and the stupid "Truth" ads on TV.

Too funny - - -

(don'tcha go to like Amish hell or something for watching TV?)
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Amish: we had such a thing already, called "Prohibition". It was a huge present for the Mafia, and alcohol was as easy accessible as never before!
Neither one causes any harm to society at all. Both are inanimate, and neither has a will of its own. A person who abuses either can cause a great deal of harm, but neither of the objects mentioned can do anything on its own.
How can you blame a drunk person for being drunk and making poor choices? They are a victim of poorly regulated products.

I disagree. It is a person's responsibility to know their limits and not drive drunk. If you can't handle that then either don't drink or don't drive, it's your choice. But to say that a drunk driver is just a victim of the product is the same as blaming the gun industry for the deaths of those who have bene shot. I realize the antis try to do that but aren't we better than them?

Is there a report or some sort of experiment that claims beer is as addictive as hard drugs? I am truly curious here, not just trying to be a punk.

Maybe I am reading this too seriously and it was meant to be a bit of satire, irony, whatever (Slept through all my english classes) and you are making fun of the antis. If so I apologize...
Alcohol is a mind altering drug, guns and tobacco aren't, so you can't compare. The cases against the beer companies is based on truth while the case against the "TF" in "ATF" aren't. Why do you think drunk people do stupid things? Is it because they choose to? Why do insane people do insane things?
Lack of sanity is a condition that a person has no control over (although certain prescription meds, therapy, etc, may help)...drunkenness is something that is easily controlled - don't drink. Flawed analogy.
I was watching a show on Descover Health Channel intitle (The Making of a Hangover) that said Alcohol was involved in 50% of all murders. The show also made some other very interesting points, one was that some studies show that over time alcohol can make men sterile. That cuts it I'll stick with gun addiction

I was watching a show on Descover Health Channel intitle (The Making of a Hangover) that said Alcohol was involved in 50% of all murders. The show also made some other very interesting points, one was that some studies show that over time alcohol can make men sterile. That cuts it I'll stick with gun addiction

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