H.R. 1022 - AWB II - What is in it? - Updated 2/23 on Page 6

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There are a multitude of Politics threads.

Please post in the appropriate thread...this is the HR 1022 AWB thread.

Lets stick to the topic.

Lets hear from folks that e-mailed/called/wrote their Reps today

If you have not here is a link to the petition:


Here is a link to an easy way find and e-mail your Reps/Senators/Pres.


You can do both in under 5 minutes.
2 Party

We have had a two party system for over 200 years and today we are still doing quite well. No 3rd party cadidate ever swung an election in his own favour. A great Gun person,Teddy Rosevelt, split the Republican Ticket in 1912 and the screaming liberal of his day Woodrow Wilson got in.

A gun rights Vice President like Richardson on the Democarat side or Sen Kay Bailey Hutchinson from Texas on the Republican side would help gun owners.

Get 20 gun owners to canvass your precinct during the next election and you will be surprised how well the old system still works.
Eight new cosponors:

Rep Hirono, Mazie K. [HI-2]
Rep Delahunt, William D. [MA-10]
Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3]
Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [NJ-8]
Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28]
Rep DeGette, Diana [CO-1]
Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7]
Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [NY-28]
Do these people ever read anything before jumping on the bandwagon? I have spent several interesting hours on the FBI website looking at real crime statistics and they just don't bear any of this out. There is not "war on our streets." The number of murders attributed to gang activity in 2005 worked out to be about 5% of the total. The VAST majority of all murders where related to private disputes between people who knew each other. Now they are talking about the need to ban "sniper rifles." Do you know how many people were killed by sniper attacks in 2005? Two.

These numbers do not come from anyone with an agenda. They don't come from academic research, surveys or the NRA. These are real crime numbers from the FBI based on all reported crimes during the year. No matter how hard you dice these numbers, you just cannot come up with anything close to what the anti-gun lobby claims. There was no 40% increase in crime. Crime did go up between 2004 and 2005. The 2006 numbers are not out yet, but they may show another increase. The thing is, the increase was fairly small. There were about 800 more murders in 2005 than in 2001. We are talking about the difference between 14,061 and 14,860. This is NOT a huge catastrophic crisis-level increase by any stretch of the imagination.

68% of all murders were committed with firearms (mostly handguns). When you move to robbery, that drops to 42.1%. Only 21% of aggravated assaults involved a gun. This means that the vast majority of violent crimes are committed with other weapons or no weapon at all.

The more I learn, the more pissed off I become.
ok so who do i write to? i live in liberty MO and im confused :confused: oh and the article on page 10 about the 50's is such **ll$*!t it would take alot of 50's to take down a commercial airliner too bad lee harvey oswald is dead we could contract him :evil: jk and if this passes do they actually take our guns or just stop people from buying them?
Not sure if anybody pointed this out yet, but you get ZERO features on rifles...

D) A semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine, and that has--

`(i) a folding or telescoping stock;

`(ii) a threaded barrel;

`(iii) a pistol grip;

`(iv) a forward grip; or

`(v) a barrel shroud.

It means ONE feature = banned... You can't have any of those features...
I'm composing this letter to Lois Capps (a cosponsor from CA)

As a registered Democrat and former constituent who voted for you twice, I feel obliged to write and express my disappointment at your support of HR 1022.

There are many valid reasons why HR 1022 is a bad bill, but I will only put forth one argument: it is unconstitutional. This much is clear to anyone who has read the D.C. appeals court decision from last week in Parker v. District of Columbia.

Let me also remind you of the oath that you have taken as a Representative to Congress (emphasis added):

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

Even liberal Constitutional scholars agree that the second amendment protects an individual right. I understand that you may not like firearms, but you have sworn to support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the entire Constitution -- not just the articles or amendments with which you happen to agree.

The current Republican administration has largely disregarded and severely abused the Bill of Rights. The Democrats' tremendous victory in the last election was a backlash against such abuses and the conflict in Iraq. Despite the brewing conflict between Congress and the President, I have not seen any indications that officials will be held to account for these various abuses; and now I see the Democrats proposing a bill which would further restrict a liberty that is guaranteed and protected in the Bill of Rights. I am very disappointed.

I suggest that your time may be better spent in returning freedom and the rule of law to this country, rather than restricting liberty.

Ph.D. UCSB Physics department (200x)
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