H.R. 2406 SHARE Act?

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Jan 11, 2011
Huntville, AL
I wasn't sure if this belonged here in Activism or in the Legal sub forum, so if a mod wasn't to move it feel free.

I was just looking at HR 2406 on PopVox and was wondering if anyone can offer some insight to this act? It seems on the surface to be a pro-2A and pro-sportsman set of legislation, but I know that titles and even descriptions can be misleading. It does seems to include some new restrictions on ivory and hunting trophies, too.

It seems to be gaining predominantly negative feedback on PopVox. Has anyone or any 2A/Sports organization looked at this closely enough to say if overall we should be supporting it or not? :confused:
You might want to do some more research since it does the exact opposite of what you think it does.

roll-back and further halt onerous constraints on the import and export of lawfully possessed ivory products, including musical instruments, firearms, and museum pieces that include ivory parts. The legislation, the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015, would effectively end the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s unilateral moratorium on the importation, exportation, and sale of lawfully possessed ivory, while also making significant efforts to assist anti-poaching efforts in countries with elephant populations.
It does seems to include some new restrictions on ivory and hunting trophies, too.

That's a statement as opposed to a question, but a quick google on the ivory bill shows that it is to stop the overreach on ivory on the part of the Feds that has left people's family heirlooms with any elephant ivory (e.g. musical instruments) sitting in storage overseas when they finish their OCONUS assignments.

The bill looks like something we could support.
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Thanks for the insight. I tried reading the text of the bill but my eyes started to roll back in my head. ;-)
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