Hamas in power

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Jan 14, 2006
Did any1 here about the palestinians new party in power?.. a terrorist organization controls a country and their giving everyone guns what has this world come to :cuss: a terrorist organization running a country :cuss:
Gun_nut said:
Did any1 here about the pakistans new party in power?.. a terrorist organization controls a country and their giving everyone guns what has this world come to :cuss: a terrorist organization running a country :cuss:

You mean Palestinians :neener:
It's a sovereign nation with a lawfully elected govt voted in by the people there. It would be in everyone's interest to recognize it as such. Hamas should at least be given as much benefit of the doubt as the IRA was given.
Well. Hamas needs to be a little more careful now. If they start up the suicide attacks and general terrorism, it can now be said that they are represent the ruling government party. State sponsored terrorism.
MechAg94 said:
Well. Hamas needs to be a little more careful now. If they start up the suicide attacks and general terrorism, it can now be said that they are represent the ruling government party. State sponsored terrorism.

Do you think they care? Seriously, it seems to me that the voters knew full well what they were putting in power. It seems like state sponsored terrorism is exactly what the average Palestinian voter is asking for.

Voters put Hitler in power as well. Democracy worked well then huh?

There are some saying we HAVE to acknowledge this as legitimate because it came out of a democratic process. Was the same thing said about Hitlers election as Chancellor?

What if you knew at Hitlers election what was coming?

Do we know now what Hamas will do? What are the chances that they will "play nice".
I think somewhere between slim and none......
I say recognize it. This isn't Saddam where any other runner were killed or put there by him to try and make it look more lagit. It is now a goverment, not just a terrorist organization. Like them or not they ere democraticly elected to office.

That said I second that they need to be careful now. An attack on Isreal ordered by Hammas is now legally a decleration of war and Isreal would be 100% in the right to counter-attack. No more pansying around from the Palistinian goverment and the terrorist groups.
No, I don't think they care. But we are no longer dealing with terrorists hiding among a bunch of refugees the evil Israelis kicked out where the only choices are better security and counter-terrorism efforts. Now we are dealing with the terrorists who are the military of a full blown country. Now a general military solution is justified and it can't be said the average Palestinian is innocent in all this. It is a political/legal change that Hamas might need to consider.

I don't know if it changes anything practically, but it is continuing the change Arafat started when he finally got a country and continued to sponsor terrorism. They aren't just a bunch of refugees that even the other Arab countries wouldn't take. They have their own land now, they need to act more responsibly or pay the consequences.
Lupinus said:
I say recognize it. This isn't Saddam where any other runner were killed or put there by him to try and make it look more lagit. It is now a goverment, not just a terrorist organization. Like them or not they ere democraticly elected to office.

That said I second that they need to be careful now. An attack on Isreal ordered by Hammas is now legally a decleration of war and Isreal would be 100% in the right to counter-attack. No more pansying around from the Palistinian goverment and the terrorist groups.

I agree. Recognize them and let them dig their own grave. They can't hide behind 'We don't support Hamas' anymore as an official state stance. Now if they pull some crap Israel will not be so restrained in retaliating.
On a positive note, it proves that the Palestinian people are totally fed up with 40 years of misery that Fatah has given them. This could end up as a good thing - kinda like a bootlegger like Joe Kennedey going legit. Now that Hamas has legitimacy, they will be held accountable for the impact of their actions/decisions. Additionally, their actions will be far more transparent.
MechAg94 said:
No, I don't think they care. But we are no longer dealing with terrorists hiding among a bunch of refugees the evil Israelis kicked out where the only choices are better security and counter-terrorism efforts. Now we are dealing with the terrorists who are the military of a full blown country. Now a general military solution is justified and it can't be said the average Palestinian is innocent in all this. It is a political/legal change that Hamas might need to consider.

I don't know if it changes anything practically, but it is continuing the change Arafat started when he finally got a country and continued to sponsor terrorism. They aren't just a bunch of refugees that even the other Arab countries wouldn't take. They have their own land now, they need to act more responsibly or pay the consequences.

Uh...Let's see. US Credibility Check

1. USA says we promote democracy.
2. They have a legitmate election via democracy. We don't like the results
3. We blow them up.

US credibility score in eyes of entire world: Zero.

You can't only play democracy when you like how the dice land.
That said I second that they need to be careful now. An attack on Isreal ordered by Hammas is now legally a decleration of war
Exactly. Hamas is going to HAVE to back off. As long as Fatah was in power and Hamas was allegedly operating in the shadows, the Palestinian government could protest the violence and blame Hamas. Now, if Hamas carries out any attacks, the Palestinian government will be seen as much more directly responsible.

The fact was, under Fatah, even if the Palestinian gov't wanted to stop the attacks, it didn't really have the tools to do so (it realistically couldn't have gone toe-to-toe with Hamas, IMHO, either tactically or politically). Now, Hamas will have to police itself, or else. Which could be a good thing.
Just seen on the news where the Fatah folks are rallying against the election. Maybe they will have a civil war against each other.
Manedwolf said:
Uh...Let's see. US Credibility Check

1. USA says we promote democracy.
2. They have a legitmate election via democracy. We don't like the results
3. We blow them up.

US credibility score in eyes of entire world: Zero.

You can't only play democracy when you like how the dice land.

Who says we are going to blow them up? Come on man, We are tied with Iraq...I see no "blowing up" of Palestein in the near future....thats what the Israelies are for. And lets think of the consequences if Isreal declares war on Hamas (now that they are a government)...you would have every middle-east nation supporting Palestein....just imagine another 6 day war....only with Nukes now.

Bush did acknowledge the government of Palestein ..... he just said they should renouce their terror tactics if we want to do "busniess" with Hamas. Crazy world....
Manedwolf said:
Uh...Let's see. US Credibility Check

1. USA says we promote democracy.
2. They have a legitmate election via democracy. We don't like the results
3. We blow them up.

US credibility score in eyes of entire world: Zero.

You can't only play democracy when you like how the dice land.

agreed. hopefully we just keep our mouths shut and let it play out like this:

hamas orders new suicide bombings when new conservative, hard-line israeli prime minister is elected. israel makes legitimate declaration of war and finally destroys the "palestinian authority", can now turn attention to other pesky arab neighbours after quickly securing borders and flooding the west bank and gaza strip with fresh jewish settlers....fingers crossed.
Lennyjoe said:
Just seen on the news where the Fatah folks are rallying against the election. Maybe they will have a civil war against each other.

ideal. i have no sympathy for these people. they are the dregs of the arab world, and that is saying ALOT.
MechAg94 said:
No, I don't think they care. But we are no longer dealing with terrorists hiding among a bunch of refugees the evil Israelis kicked out where the only choices are better security and counter-terrorism efforts. Now we are dealing with the terrorists who are the military of a full blown country. Now a general military solution is justified and it can't be said the average Palestinian is innocent in all this. It is a political/legal change that Hamas might need to consider.

I don't know if it changes anything practically, but it is continuing the change Arafat started when he finally got a country and continued to sponsor terrorism. They aren't just a bunch of refugees that even the other Arab countries wouldn't take. They have their own land now, they need to act more responsibly or pay the consequences.
they're still not a country, last i checked. and they certainly aren't continuing what arafat started, seeing as how they're currently exchanging fire with supporters of arafat's fatah party.
Hamas has just been honest enough over the years to NOT lie about their ultimate aim -- the destruction of Israel and the death of as many Jews as they can accomplish. This is of course the same ultimate goal that Arafat and Fatah had, they were just smart enough to lie about it to the rest of the world for political purposes.

Nothing has changed except not as many people will be able to keep their head in the sand about the situation as before -- which may be a good thing.

We can easily 'Recognize' that Hamas is now the legitimately elected party in power in Palestine, and still utterly reject their policies and goals. If Hamas wants to abandon their genocidal barbarity, then maybe we can talk.
Two types of folks were surprised by the results of this election:
1. Those not paying attention, and
2. Those who thought Fatah would steal the election.

You can't blame the Palestinians for throwing Fatah out and hoping Hamas can lead to something better. While zealots are rarely prone to corruption, they don't tend to lead peaceful lives.
Manedwolf said:
Uh...Let's see. US Credibility Check

1. USA says we promote democracy.
2. They have a legitmate election via democracy. We don't like the results
3. We blow them up.

US credibility score in eyes of entire world: Zero.

You can't only play democracy when you like how the dice land.


I feel that we should now hold them responsible if they commit any terrorist acts whether overtly or covertly. I think they will seriously change their appearance. I also expect a new Terrorist organization to emerge that Hammas will claim is "independent" of themselves. We shall see though.
another example of people electing the goverment that they deserve.

I see a Palestine Civil War in the future. Syria and Iran on the Hamas side, Egypt and Jordan backing the Fatah. Watch out, this is going to get very interesting.
Hey, Bush wanted to spread democracy to the Middle East.:rolleyes:

The voters have spoken.:D

Be careful what you wish for -- you just might get it :neener:
Manedwolf said:
Uh...Let's see. US Credibility Check

1. USA says we promote democracy.
2. They have a legitmate election via democracy. We don't like the results
3. We blow them up.

US credibility score in eyes of entire world: Zero.

You can't only play democracy when you like how the dice land.

We blow them up?

When ever the new leadership takes any hostile action to Israel or the US the country is now fair game. It's obvious that's what the poster means. Leave it to America haters to try and come up with something otherwise.
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