Happiness is...

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
Can you do me a favor? I need you to follow me to Academy Sports and watch my son. It will save me a trip ...I need to get his B-Day Stuff, without him knowing what I am doing and hide it in the trunk....

"Sure, I can do that, he is going to be 8 correct?".

I was thinking you two could go get a burger at one of them fast food joints down on the far end of parking lot...

You know this mom may be a older returning College student, but ...well...not everything is learnt from skool.

So we meet up at Academy , I "just happen" to pull up when they did....

"Hey, lets run down to Office Depot and get into the 'puters, and then go get a burger...".

<kid> yeah figured mom was trying to dump me on someone so she can get my B-Day gifts and hide them in the trunk.

Mom is dumfounded by all this smarts her son has...and he is not offically 8 yet. :p

<kid> MoOOoom you need to pull your shirt-tail out, or something
Why honey?
<kid> 'cause that T shirt is tight and I don't want everyone staring at your boobs

Told you the kid was smart.

<kid> Mom, don't forget my gun shoots 28 ga and if you get .22 ammo my gun likes the CCIs best. You did right down the correct tennis shoe size and style-right? And instead of a burger, I want a Pizza delivered with a 2 litre coke, a real one. It is MY B-Day and no school tommorrow.

Mom will never forget her son's shotgun takes 28 ga shells, yours truly "may of" had a hand in all the decision making...

So mom heads her direction, we head to play with the 'puters at Office Dept, check out the Dollar store, and do what guys do.

I get into my tool box and give the young man a Bushmaster ball cap that came my way. I also gave him a jar of STOS grease. I explained what it meant and he just grinned. He is collecting fun gun stuff, and it makes no matter if the jar is about empty, it is going into his collection. He uses RIG+P on his hinges anyway.

The hat is cool. We agreed he should wait until he gets home to show mom the STOS...after the Pizza is delivered, and consumed.

So while mom is antsy about giving the son his gifts, the kid is antsy about "explaining" what STOS means to mom :D

Hey we are supposed to pass forward, nobody said we couldn't have fun doing so.

I'll probably get another phone call or email like I did about the 28 ga ...yeah well so...
I figured out why our own pax trains so much and so hard.

The thought of me showing up in her state, meeting her 5 young men and sharing some of my experiences in regard to shotguns, shooting, hunting...

Maybe they would name a training excercise after me or something...:uhoh: :p

Hey, I got folks that are nice to me so I won't corrupt their kids, wives, hubbys, BFs, GFs...anyone, everyone... with ideas. Don't always work, because they too end up with 28 ga guns...this, that, or the other...

I am not that bad, really. Ask Preacherman or Larry...
As my Jr. High teacher always said,
No one is completely worthless. They can always be used as a bad example.”
Umm...IIRC you sat with your back facing the front and the good looker serving our table kept YOUR glasses filled, kept asking YOU if needed anything, and waited on YOU hand and foot.

Me, I was ignored. Don't that even matters out a wee bit?

you shoulda known my mentors, I will never be able to fill their shoes or achieve the levels they did. Don't mean I am gonna give up trying tho...

Oh the kids mom called me. She is so impressed with knowing what STOS is and what it stands for.

Thanks a lot!:D

Now the both of them are hoping Grandpa don't know, and arguing as to whom gets to educate him. :p

Ahh, the feeling one gets in accomplishing something...

Uuuummmmmm....What does STOS stand for? Even with my mind always in the gutter I can't seem to figure it out.....
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