Has anyone here suffered a gunshot wound?

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I've taken (what seems to be somewhat common) a few ricochets. Mainly 22lr and a couple 9mm when shooting the steel targets at my parents house. One 9mm caught me in the upper part of the cheek without glasses on. Lucky.
I knew a guy that liked to shoot. Whenever I saw him we would talk guns. One time I see him walking on a cane.
The story as told by him:

"I was shooting my .22 and it was hot. We had a bunch of mosquitoes biting us. One bit my leg right behind the knee, I used my front sight to scratch and BANG..."

The bullet sliced a path from the top of his calf and exited at the ankle. It left a nasty scar but it didn't do any major damage.
Nope, but I've treated a fair amount of GSW's, and they all looked painful as hell.

I'm glad I never got shot, and I hope I never do in the future.
[Twice in combat. One in the leg thats still there and has caused me pain sometimes excruciating for over 40 years. The other was in an unmentionable place and hurt like hell initially but doesn't bother me any more. 2 years ago I was shot thru the hand with an arrow and that was terribly painful also. I love the movies where people get hit in the most complicated joint(shoulder) in their body and stuff a dirty handkerchief in the hole and shrug it off. Bullet wounds hurt real bad and may never stop hurting.Be Careful Gentlemen. FRJ /QUOTE].................................................Thank You for your service...and all the other ones here as well...-Joshua
Kinda sorta. Got shrapnel in my cheek. A lot of blood for a brief time. A piece of it came to the surface about 10 years later.
Yes it HURTS

Combat wound to the leg. I got it with an AK-47 at long range, thankfully. It went in just below the left knee on the shin, and came back out just below that. The docs said it was just falling and bounced off the leg bone. I found the bullet in the bottom of my pants leg. It felt like being stung by one of those black scorpions we dealt with over in Iraq. Whats worse is everytime its gonna rain I know because that leg get sore as crap. Needless to say the guy who fired it will not get the chance again.
I've hit my self on the inside of my right knee with a 7.62x54R 147gr pill. More of a grazing shot really, but it did some damage. I've got a bad knee now because of it. It isn't fun. It really burns, really aches, and that's just grazing, only hitting about an inch of skin. Still aches a little bit today when I take a wrong step or move it a wierd way.
It happened when shooting at an old bike. Don't ask me how, but I heard a pang and a split second later my leg swooped out from under me. I've got pictures somewhere around here (on a flashdrive) if I can find it. It happened a couple years ago.

I've also cut the base of my right index finger with my "Original Bowie Knife" (Go to post #50). I severed the nerve on the outside of my index finger (next to webbing of the thumb), so I won't feel the outside of my finger anymore. But it was a burning sensation like the knee a few years before, but not as bad of pain.
Reading through this thread makes me realize I was right a long time ago when I figured out I don't ever want to be shot!!

All you guys wounded in the line of duty -- "Thank you for your service!"
Two weekends ago my buddy picked up an XD .45. The day after he was sitting in a buddy's car comparing his XD to my buddy's XDm .40 and didn't know he had a round in the chamber of his .45 and somehow pulled the trigger and shot himself right between the tibia and the fibula. He was so lucky it didn't hit bone and that it was only a FMJ and not a hollopoint! He's still recovering... tsk tsk
.454 Casull through my chest. Casull revolver fell on its hammer while I was bending over, and went off. It was my favorite 300 grn. XTP load, Hog hunting in Texas. I'm still here to write this!
Saw my father in law shoot his self in the back of his calf with his Ruger single six while fast drawing. 22, lucky it wasn't his .357.

Shot my 10 yr. old daughter while quail hunting. About 35 yds. with #8 shot. Had 12 pellets in leg under blue jeans, 6 in arm, (short sleeved shirt, down vest), 2 in finger and thumb. The ones under jeans fell out, ones in arms squeezed out, finger and thumb pellets had to be removed 3 yrs. later. Very lucky she wasn't hurt bad. I never saw her, and don't know how she got around beside me. Ever since, when quail hunting, we wear orange and safety glasses. 17 years later I still feel bad. also go way out of the way to make sure I know where all parties are at. also won't hunt with anyone I don't trust.
Yep, back in the 1960s with a High Standard .22 pistol. Was trout fishing up on the Rim at Tom's Creek in Arizona, little sidewinder buzz tail rattled at me. I pulled the pistol, jacked one in and blew it's head off. Had the holster on the belt, but in my hip pocket, and there things went wrong. It was the wife's gun and I had told her a 100 times that due to the phony easily disengaged safety, never carry it with a round in the chamber, but forgot my own advice. I reached around to put pistol back into the holster, the holster hold down strap got into the trigger guard, when pistol did not go in, I manipulated it back and forth, taking it off safe, shoved down and "BAM." Bullet entered high on back of my thigh, traveled through meat 16 inches and lodged behind the knee. It hurt like hell after a few minutes, was told by the doctor who took it out at the Payson hospital I was lucky, (didn't feel like it) the bullet was resting between the main nerve column and artery. Was off work for several weeks.

I learned two things that day, a .22 rimfire has very good penetration, and stupidity with guns can get someone hurt.
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.454 Casull through my chest. Casull revolver fell on its hammer while I was bending over, and went off. It was my favorite 300 grn. XTP load, Hog hunting in Texas. I'm still here to write this!

Gods above, man! You win.

But now I'm thinking you may want to change your hog load.
.454 Casull through my chest. Casull revolver fell on its hammer while I was bending over, and went off. It was my favorite 300 grn. XTP load, Hog hunting in Texas. I'm still here to write this!
Deus, that was in 1994, at the time that was one of about three of the best HP bullets available. Also, it was an older style Casull revolver, that did not have a safety. I understand they currently do? I bought the gun used, without a manual, and carried it with all 5 rounds in the cylinder/hammer down on a live one. I figures if Ruger had the safety issue figured out, then certainly the $900 (at the time) Casull did also. Oh how Ignorance sucks! LOL
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