Have you ever had a gun dream?

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Had a dream once I was in a hospital and a perp was trying to escape. I didn't have a gun at first but then I thought it and an AK-47 appeared in my hand and with that I chase him through a door and yell HALT! FREEZE! He ignored me so I shot him and woke up.

Another one where I thought I was in the Cold War Gone Hot in East Germany and my platoon captured a bunch of Soviet soldiers carrying AK-74's and I had my M16 and I was speaking to them in Russian telling them to put their hands up.

I know very random.
I used to get the impossible trigger pull dream all the time, when I was first getting into guns.

But I haven't had a dream that I remember in probably about 3 years.
Had one the night before last. I put together my first AR-15 lower receiver earlier that evening. Then I dreamed about my 870, which turned out that it can be broken down just like an AR-15 and the entire stock assembly screwed into the back. It didn't make much sense at the time, but I went with it. That was a pretty cool gun...

Oh, you meant seriously? I was a riot cop two nights ago with a bright yellow shotgun. It was something like a hostage situation, if I remember correctly. I don't have them that often, but they happen.
6_gunner said:
I have a strange recurring theme in my dreams. It's always a different dream, but the same situation. I dream that I need to defend myself from a threat, but my gun fails me. Sometimes it just won't fire, other times I miss repeatedly, other times the bullets plop harmlessly on the ground in front of me. However, I always switch to a knife and am able to defend myself with that.

A lot of these seem to fit this pattern. I'm sure there's something Jungian psychology could pick out of these, but they all seem to involve things either not working, or bullets falling to the ground or...

Maybe it's your id's way of saying you need a bigger gun?
I've had several, I see them as my subconscious mind preparing for various situations, plus I war game a lot when I'm awake and it must carry over. I'm always aware it is a dream and on several occasions have given myself a firearm or better weapons.

In one case I was walking down the street with my sister in a bad part of town. Two guys called her over, and for some dumb reason she went. They wanted her to try some of their cooked drugs, she said no, they pulled a gun on me. I was carrying, but knew I couldn't win with mine still in the holster, so I was watching for an opportunity. They gave her one last chance she said no and insulted them, they shot me in the thigh, it hurt, as I fell I thought a choice profanity and started drawing, woke up just before pulling the trigger. I was mad at her for most the morning for getting me shot :D.

Also had a dream where there was an intruder and for some dumb reason I left my Sig in the retention holster. I saw the front door was open, and saw a human shape in my living room. I saw him see me, felt him start to move to me and *KNEW* he needed to be shot but I couldn't get my gun out of the holster, woke up just as he hit me.

My wife had one where she knew someone was in the house but couldn't get her gunvault open so she was walking around with the gunvault entering the combination. Finally got it open and shot the guy but he wouldn't go down, she kept reloading until she was out of ammo / he went down.

One month we spent a ton of time at the range, and I had started shooting a little high and to the right. I had a dream a guy broke in and came charging up the stairs, I shot him 3 times and he collapsed. My wife and I walked up to him like we would approach a paper target, I could see the holes but no blood, I said "yep, high and to the right!"
1911 & Ar

I had a dream where I walked into a gun store and I won a prize: I could pick out any 1911 and AR platform rifle I wanted. So, I went with a Springfield TRP & a Bushmaster AR-10.
Gun Dreams

I’ve had lots of dreams where I desperately need a gun, then find one but all the ammo is the wrong size and won’t fit

I've had numerous similar dreams. Usually the dream involves handguns and I'm searching desperately for one that works or that has ammo of the proper caliber.

All I can find are guns that are best described as a POS. They're broke, or won't work properly, or the ammo is an assortment of all the wrong stuff.

In the rare instance that I do find a gun and proper ammo, I can't pull the trigger because it is so hard to pull.

I'm sure that a psychologist could have a field day with this type of dream, but so far I have no idea what it means. :)
Recently had a dream I received $9.95 introductory package from the automatic pistol of the month club. It consisted of an 1896 Broomhandle, an artillery Luger, and a Sig 210. It was a very unhappy awakening to find it was a dream.

:banghead:Recently had a dream I received $9.95 introductory package from the automatic pistol of the month club. It consisted of an 1896 Broomhandle, an artillery Luger, and a Sig 210. It was a very unhappy awakening to find it was a dream.

I actually just had a dream last night where I had to use my Baby Eagle (9mm) on an intruder. The wierd thing is that the intruder was Marylin Manson and the 9mm didn't seem to effect him... Kind of creepy right?

Then I woke up and fell asleep to have another dream. I went hunting :D Very fun even though I didn't get anything :(
I had a dream once where I killed Michael Jackson. I think it was w/ a gun, can't really recall. Very traumatizing, actually. And I like his older stuff, too. Mamma say mamma saw mamakusa! :p
The only dreams I have about guns revolve around strange Dr. Seuss drawings where I am the 308 round slowly circling out the front end of a rifle barrel.

I'm clean and sober, honest!
I vividly remember one dream I had where a guy with a pipe wrench was rapidly advancing towards me, and I inherently *knew* he was going to kill me. I had my SW99 on my side, and I drew it, lined up the sights on his COM, pulled the trigger... and the trigger just wouldn't break. I'll pull with all my trigger finger's might, yet it just felt like the trigger pull was fifty pounds or something. Terrible feeling of panic, that. I guess that dream stems from the fact that I carry it in decocked fashion so the first trigger pull is double action, and does require a bit of effort compared to the single action pull of subsequent shots.

This is one of the reasons I'm thinking of getting a 10mm 1911. :)
I have them all the time.

Unfortunately they are always scary and I wake up in a cold sweat thinking I need a bigger gun with high capacity magazines.
Have you ever had a gun dream?

I've had MANY gun dreams and maybe someone on here can interpret them for me. MOST of the time when I have a gun dream - I'm using the gun to fight off a BG or a "monster" or something. However, almost always the gun is underpowered, won't fire, jammed, etc. These dreams would be kind of funny but I don't understand why I can't simply have a dream where I unload 10 solid rounds into a BG dropping him cold? What's up with dreams like those??? :confused:
Every night and morning and strangly on monday morning one of them came true and that was when I ordered my COLT COMBAT COMMANDER...and then heard my friend wants to buy his kimber back and that will give me enough money for a Springfield Micro Compact 45.
sometimes i dream about finding my prone position (kind of like the tetris/nyet dreams i used to have)
I haven't had those "gun won't fire" dreams yet. I expect they're a lot like the ones where no matter how hard I hit the attacker he doesn't even feel it.

But last night I was required to field strip and clean a completely unfamiliar gun and I had no idea how to begin. Good thing the alarm went off because I was going to be in BIG trouble when the gun's owner came back and it wasn't clean yet.
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