Have You Seen This Guy?

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Ran into one today, at a wildlife and hunting show of all places. I was at the Smith and Wesson booth going over an M&P 45 with the rep and he walks up. " Where do you go to register one of those if you get one" I informed him that we are a free state and if you pass an FBI background check you just pay and get it. He then said "You mean a gunslinger state, so many people around here have guns". I don't know if the Smith and Wesson guy or myself looked at him weirder. He then made it better "In California they have to register their guns so we know who has them". I really wanted to let him know that three booths down was NFA dealer with a 50 BMG rifle on display next to some suppressed rifles (legal to hunt with in MS) . We just let him talk and then he went away.
I work in a fairly liberal field. It's fairly well known that I don't agree with the politics of most of my co-workers and colleagues. Most of them have learned to not engage me in political discussions, because they'll either get me interested in a debate, which is always conducted in my deadpan therapeutic voice and facial expression, which they always lose (facts and logic are funny things that way). Or if I'm disinterested they just get the blank "are you really that stupid?" stare, which most of them hate even worse.

It is kinda fun to watch their head explode in anger sometimes though. I've got that whole therapeutic, unemotional tone and facial expression down to a science. Too many years working with severely mentally ill adults.
which they always lose

Thats amazing you can win the debates all those times. For me it ends with them blabbering some noises and interupting me. I don't understand why people want to be wrong. They will not except the truth about things just because they don't want to think they are wrong.
The more they lose in my mind, but in theirs and their peers, they have just won. Thats how immature people can be. If they manage to silence you through yelling, they will do it.
These people are actually fun to encounter. ESPECIALLY if you are in an area with other people. This is because all their arguments are so easily destroyed by mine it really makes them look like the incompetant fool they really are.

-Okay, do you eat meat?
-Okay, do I need to even say it?
-You killed all those innocent cows.
But when you are surronded by people with the same mindset as them, you look like a fool. I will still debate them every chance I get, but I am getting sick of people believing some much BS.
i ran into a kid like that once. I was just talking about a rifle i was looking at with a friend[ this was a few years ago by the way]. Well he started screaming about how guns are bad, and guns kill people. Then he started insulting the countries freedoms regarding guns and such. I looked at the teacher, she didn't even look at us. I mean he was screaming his head off. well he started insulting the founding fathers [he was born from a recently immigrated Russian mother just so you know. so still very "reddish". ] I hit him once and broke his nose.l he never talked about America like that again. :] wheres a high flying flag when you need one.

I know what your talking about. just hope the person doesn't get pissed if you hit em. :D
If they manage to silence you through yelling, they will do it.

I've had them end up arguing with each other before because BS is hardly ever consistent. Eventually one's BS will conflict with the BS that just came out of the mouth of the one standing next to them.

That's checkmate right there.

It also helps that I'm the boss (or their boss's boss) to most of them. They won't yell at me really. They'll disagree, loudly, but even then they'll only do it behind closed doors.
But when you are surronded by people with the same mindset as them, you look like a fool. I will still debate them every chance I get, but I am getting sick of people believing some much BS.

If im somewhere as you say thats when things get even better. Thats when i go off on rants on why i am better than them, and why they are awful human beings. People like that can't face logic so they run away from it by muting their opponet, so what do we do? We make them angry, by using the exact same strategies they try.
have a hard time believing that there are many people like you are describing. I have never heard a "liberal" Talk in such a manner. I have heard many times conservitives pick fights with all sorts of decent people however. Even in the media you will not find a O'reily or mike Savage equivilent. Liberals just are not full of hate like too many conservitives can be IMHO.

Heh, you should vistit here for a while. For all thier talk of "tolerance" and "diversity", they sure dont practice it very much in my experiance.MANY people around here are only "tolerant" of people's "diversity", when the difference is that you are just really liberal, as opposed to the typical hard-core hippie, screaming, screeching, moonbat ultra liber like they are.

Heck, I could mail you a couple random "letter to the editor" sections from the local paper and you could see what I mean. I actually read a letter there once where a woman was advocating the execution of a woman and her family after there was a new story about her having 12 kids. Apparently she was "selfish" and "destroying the planet with he 'spawn'" and her "breeding" was going to be the "downfall of the planet", and her having so many kids was "intolerable". There were some not so subltle comments about the womam obviously being a "radical right winger" and "probably an ignorant beleiver in religion (which she called ignorant mythology)" and likely a follower of the worst of them all, a "Catholic".

Yup, that sure is "tolerant", and sure sounds "full of hate" to me.;)
Ok, well if you directly insult them, they won't ever believe you and will think you are even more wrong.

So if you want to change an opinion, thta is not the way to go.
Ok, well if you directly insult them, they won't ever believe you and will think you are even more wrong.

So if you want to change an opinion, thta is not the way to go.

Correct, but those people usually don't care to listen to your opinion or attempt to change their idiotic mindset anyway, and that's only when i support doing such a thing as i mentioned.
I also don't get as many of these sparring matches as when I worked in Chapel Hill. I left that job 3 years ago for the one I have now.

For those who don't know Chapel Hill might as well be Berkeley.

During the anthrax scares immediately following 9/11 when Homeland Security was recommending Duct tape and plastic, I had a co-worker ask me if I'd bought any. He knew I was fairly well emergency conscious. I never bought into the whole plastic and duct tape thing though.

I kinda thought the question was funny so I thought I'd mess with him a little bit and challenge his world view. He's from the Netherlands originally so his thinking is very Euroliberal which is even worse than USliberal.

So when he asked this, standing around the coffeepot I just said "No" (sip of coffee), "If I need some I'll just come take yours" (Flabbergasted look on his face) "Why would you do such a thing" (nother sip of coffee) "Do you have a gun?" (Flabbergasted look gets worse) "Why of course not I hate guns, they serve no purpose other than killing" (nother sip of coffee) "And for hanging on to your duct tape and plastic in an emergency" (Flabbergasted look on his face gets really bad when reality dawns) He walked away.

Another guy standing there, who was liberal, but pro gun (carried a .38 in his car even though company policy at that time forbade it) laughed his arse off.
When I encounter those people, I just agree with everything they say.
Then if I am feeling a wild hair, I try to outdoo them in terms of wackiness.

"Killed, Bambi, yep, sure did. It was because of the Flouride in the water."

For all that the anti-types think gun owners are hair-triggered psychpaths hellbent on killing something, WHY do they go out of their way to provoke us?
You can call them any name you want. But they are still Americans. Even when they don't act like it.

The only thing I say is "It's my amendment that protects your amendment."
"I spent most of my life thinking i was a liberal, and came to realise just a few years ago I was really a libertarian."

"Same thing happened to me, except I thought I was a conservative.

Same here, same here.

By the way, who is John Galt?
Yup, they kinda run the state I live and am a native of.
Most but not all live in cities called San Fransisco and Sacramento.:uhoh::barf::cuss::banghead::(:fire:
I sometimes wonder whether some of these people don't just make up stuff of the top of their head just to have something to say.

I was at my son's ball game one day, and I pulled out an old Case pocket knife to cut a loose thread and another Dad who was standing next to me asked to see it, so I closed it and handed it to him. He told me he collected knives some, and went on for a minute and handed it back to me. Then he told me he doesn't carry any of his anymore since they are illegal (!).

I said "This is illegal?"

He said "oh yeah, man you better not let them catch you with that..."

Now we're talking about a 3.5" long Case bone handle mini-trapper made in the 1960s. As benign a knife as one can imagine, really.

The guy seems like a genuinely nice fellow, but ever since then I've been a little wary of what I say around him or his wife, and I've paid more attention to what they say. I can't tell if they are habitual liars or what, but in general conversation, they seem to make up almost everything they say on the spot.
"Stupid people should be encouraged to say stupid things; that way, we always know who the stupid people are."
~ Ted Nugent
Unfortunately I have one at my school, read my signature. That was our discussion while at lunch. But guess whos winning :)
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