Headed to Chicago for the weekend

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Jan 4, 2006
THR is not the final authority on this, but I thought it'd be interesting fodder for discussion. I'm headed up the road to Chicago to spend the weekend with my new wife and my dad. We're just gonna see the sights etc. Now since things are moving quickly it needs to be noted we're talking mid-July, 2010.

But new developments in the firearms laws there mean, I believe, I can have a firearm in my domicile. So no carry in the car or on the person, but the authorities have graciously allowed that I can keep my pistol in my hotel room.

Anything I'm missing?
I'm not from Chicago, but as I understand their laws, all handguns must be registered.
You're completely mistaken. The revised laws pertain only to residents of Chicago and their firearms IN THEIR HOMES. They can't even take a gun into their GARAGE. If you LIVE there, you will be required to pay money, take (an undefined) "course" and register your firearms (only one a month).

And let me second the sentiment of not spending a dime in Chicago.
If my reading of the ordinance is correct it is still not legal to posess a handgun in the city unless it's registered or, if you are traveling through the city, broken down, unloaded and in a case. No stopping over! Hotel doesn't count as a "home" for the purposes of the ordinance. Bottom line: don't bring it into the city.
As others have suggested, the new ordinance relates to handgun registration - which is not relevant to your situation.

You would be well advised to leave your handgun at home.

Enjoy your time in the city; there are a lot of great things to see and do here. :)
visit another city

Well I'm definitely a proponent of voting with one's dollars as well. And as tempting as it sounds to ignore the other 4 million people there and cancel my trip to spite Mayor Daly, and go hang out in beautiful Detroit in stead... I think I'm just gonna hafta bite the bullet.

But if it'll make u guys feel better, I'll try to spit a lot on the sidewalk. Oh I'm just kiddin, don't get mad.

Thanks for the info everyone. I was mistaken. I guess there'll be no carrying to Chicargo.
Well I'm definitely a proponent of voting with one's dollars as well. And as tempting as it sounds to ignore the other 4 million people there and cancel my trip to spite Mayor Daly, and go hang out in beautiful Detroit in stead... I think I'm just gonna hafta bite the bullet.
Go to Cleveland, Cincinnati or Pittsburgh. Hell, go to Canada.

Be aware that in order to have a decent meal in Chicago, you will in all likelihood pay more to park than to eat.

Also, violent crime is increasing, especially where tourists go. "Taste of Chicago" is now "Taste of Gang Violence".

I only go to Chicago because I have relatives there. I go there as seldom as possible

I don't like the city.
I especially don't like the people and their attitudes regarding a wide variety of issues, from gun control to corruption to race.
I rode through Chicago on Lake shore drive last year with a .357 in my tail bag. I just rode on and obeyed the law and was not hassled. Even had a patch on my back. Just behave and follow the law and you will be fine.
I rode through Chicago on Lake shore drive last year with a .357 in my tail bag. I just rode on and obeyed the law and was not hassled. Even had a patch on my back. Just behave and follow the law and you will be fine.
If you were driving THROUGH Chicago IAW FOPA (reasonably direct route, unloaded and cased, etc.), you were obeying the law.

If you went TO Chicago and weren't an LEO, a member of the Chicago City Council, etc., you weren't.
Well I'm definitely a proponent of voting with one's dollars as well. And as tempting as it sounds to ignore the other 4 million people there and cancel my trip to spite Mayor Daly, and go hang out in beautiful Detroit in stead... I think I'm just gonna hafta bite the bullet.

But if it'll make u guys feel better, I'll try to spit a lot on the sidewalk. Oh I'm just kiddin, don't get mad.

Thanks for the info everyone. I was mistaken. I guess there'll be no carrying to Chicargo.

It's a fantastic city, and the places you're likely to go are pretty safe. Use common sense and enjoy yourself. If you feel the need to carry some protection, a PepperBlaster would be legal.
Yes, you are missing a few important items...

Aside from not being able to have it outside of the house (note - not property)
- You need to have the handgun registered
- Registration requires training, permit & you can't register more than one per month
- Issuance of permit is controlled by the CPD
- The CPD does not have the infrastructure in place for permit issuance and will not for at least 100 days.

Bottom line is that from a technical perspective, handguns are still not legal in Chicago.

Trust me, their gun laws come from Nazi Germany or somewhere pretty damn close. We have it good!!!

I try REALLY hard not to give King Richie any of my money by visiting HIS city.

Headed to Chicago for the weekend
THR is not the final authority on this, but I thought it'd be interesting fodder for discussion. I'm headed up the road to Chicago to spend the weekend with my new wife and my dad. We're just gonna see the sights etc. Now since things are moving quickly it needs to be noted we're talking mid-July, 2010.

But new developments in the firearms laws there mean, I believe, I can have a firearm in my domicile. So no carry in the car or on the person, but the authorities have graciously allowed that I can keep my pistol in my hotel room.

Anything I'm missing?
It's a fantastic city, and the places you're likely to go are pretty safe.
Not anymore. The places where tourists go are seeing more and more violent crime. Downtown and other places are becoming more and more dangerous. Recently, there was mass havoc on the beaches. You just about can't have a large public gathering of some kind without a shooting, often multiple shootings.

Chicago cops themselves say that the actual locations of violent crimes are being obfuscated by Daley and the police hierarchy.

Chicago is getting steadily more dangerous and those in charge aren't at all reluctant to lie about it.
I don't visit my relatives any more. I tell them to come down.
I'd do likewise, but my mother is elderly and occasionally needs help, such as cleaning out her sister's house, whom they recently had to put in a nursing home. Besides, I live in a small apartment. There's no place for someone to comfortably stay. I don't expect people to come see me and pay money to do it.

And speaking of how "safe" Chicago is, when my aunt was in the hospital prior to going into the nursing home, her house was broken into TWICE.
I live in the suburbs of Chicago, but the news stations covers Chicago too. I really get sick & tired of hearing about the crime, the ignorant people, the huge debt, and the liberal politics. As far as taking any kind of gun there, I wouldn't. Even though the laws are in place, you know the liberal city doesn't want there to be any guns. From watching these people on the news, they are going to do everything they can to find loopholes in the laws, and get you for some idiotic, made-up reason. Be careful, the Windy City doesn't like guns.

I'm moving ASAP.
Man! I don't even wanna go now, jeez.

'Course if I cancel at this point, my bedroom will be the most dangerous place in America. So I guess I'll still go.
I am shocked that while there was a gun ban in Chicago, that people actually got shot in Chicago. I mean if it is the law then everyone must obey.
I am shocked that while there was a gun ban in Chicago, that people actually got shot in Chicago. I mean if it is the law then everyone must obey.
And conservatively speaking, half of the people who ignore the ban also SUPPORT it.
Not anymore. The places where tourists go are seeing more and more violent crime. Downtown and other places are becoming more and more dangerous. Recently, there was mass havoc on the beaches. You just about can't have a large public gathering of some kind without a shooting, often multiple shootings.

Frankly, that's just goofy. I live in the burbs,work in the city, and go there frequently in the evenings and on weekends. The city has the same spectrum of crime you'd expect in any large city, but in 22 years I've never seen a violent crime perpetrated, even in the large gatherings that you describe as being the sites of running gun battles.

Are the Chicago gun laws nuts? Absolutely. Do violent crimes occur? You bet. But you're way, way off the mark. As in waaaaaay off.
Not anymore. The places where tourists go are seeing more and more violent crime. Downtown and other places are becoming more and more dangerous. Recently, there was mass havoc on the beaches. You just about can't have a large public gathering of some kind without a shooting, often multiple shootings.
Frankly, that's just goofy. I live in the burbs,work in the city, and go there frequently in the evenings and on weekends. The city has the same spectrum of crime you'd expect in any large city, but in 22 years I've never seen a violent crime perpetrated, even in the large gatherings that you describe as being the sites of running gun battles.

Are the Chicago gun laws nuts? Absolutely. Do violent crimes occur? You bet. But you're way, way off the mark. As in waaaaaay off.

We are talking about the same Chicago, right? Are we talking about the utopia that Daley thinks he's created, or the one where there was an assault and robbery on Michigan Avenue in the middle of the day, a fight at the Taste of Chicago that lasted for 15 minutes and 3 people were stabbed and where J-Fled held his news conference at the sight of an earlier shooting and ran away from another shooting happening down the street?

Oh, and Deanimator's right. "If" you can find a place to park (and seriously, pray you are not towed illegally) you will pay more for parking than your meal.
Keep in mind that in Daleyville, knives with blades over 2" are also illegal.

As is spray paint and rocks in your pocket, in certain circumstances. (I couldn't make this up-it's vandalism related.)

Frankly, that's just goofy. I live in the burbs,work in the city, and go there frequently in the evenings and on weekends. The city has the same spectrum of crime you'd expect in any large city, but in 22 years I've never seen a violent crime perpetrated, even in the large gatherings that you describe as being the sites of running gun battles.

Are the Chicago gun laws nuts? Absolutely. Do violent crimes occur? You bet. But you're way, way off the mark. As in waaaaaay off.
Then either the cops and the media are "goofy" or you don't know what you're talking about.

So, what's the record number of shootings in a weekend so far THIS YEAR?
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