Heller Decided! (several threads merged, new ones will be locked)

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A new day, a new way. I've been feeling down this week, this certainly put a spring in my step. It's a good start.

Now, on to Chicago!
Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter and Ginsburg

No surprise there.

Sadly if Obama is elected, the slim majority that exists today will be gone tomorrow.
But let's also remember that tomorrow is another day and we must keep the pressure on to open the door we FINALLY got unlocked.

Now how about that damned National Parks ban!!!

My dad just got back from a month in Eastern Europe today. He brought me back an original WASR bayonet from Romania. (Wish the rest of the rifle came with it - :D) He and I are going shooting at the range tomorrow to celebrate.

Oh and guys - our battle is NOT OVER. Because if Obama gets elected, he WILL seek to overturn this, by any means necessary. So keep up the activism!
I think that this decision may be the end of guns as a wedge issue.

Of course I'm being facetious here, but "Don't worry, there's always abortion and gay marriage." FWIW.

Actually, this may get politicians to concentrate on what actually matters... And issues of morality are not for the government to decide. They are between individuals and their whatevers...

Personally, I like -some- parts of the Democrats' platforms. And I like -some- parts of the republicans'...
This just goes to show the importance of presidential elections. If Kerry or Gore had been able to appoint justices in the stead of Roberts and Alito do you think we would have received this decision? Read the dissenting opinions if you believe that.

I'm not a McCain fan; but, he's never shown himself to be a liar to me. He has said he will appoint justices like Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas. The next president will probably appoint two supreme court justices. This alone will give McCain my vote in the hopes he will be true to his word. A non-vote; or, a vote for someone else is just to high of a risk for me.


It's truly a great day to be an American.
Can you point out one instance of a President overturning a Supreme Court ruling?

They do it by putting in justices who favor their position. Stevens is likely to step down, which will be no loss. But Scalia is also getting up there in years.
That's what I meant - Obama will nominate vicious antis just like himself. Don't give up the activism!
I see two outcomes.

If your state already has such firearms ownership laws that you have no likelihood of owning them now, this decision may shuffle things around and change that. I'd think you'd be glad to get anything you could, even if it meant registration or mandatory training, etc. You can continue to fight and loosen the restrictions in the future.

On the other hand, if your state is already fairly gun friendly, why do you think that there will suddenly be a rush of new laws that prohibit or regulate firearms ownership? If you already have politicians that are gun friendly, that shouldn't change.

States may use this decision as a basis for whatever legislation they dream up, but the politicians still answer to the people of the state. You'll still need to be writing letters and voting out those that don't share your ideologies. They'll continue to get the message.
Yeah - before you go along with the Dems' strategy, and either stay home, vote third party, or vote for Obama, consider that while Obama cannot "overturn" a supreme court opinion, he -can- and -will- nominate judges who will flip things around like you wouldn't believe...

I'm holding my nose on some of the issues, and voting Against Obama by voting for McCain.
Mayor Daly's words:

Mayor Daley stressed the danger of private gun ownership, not only to other Chicago citizens, but to the children of gun owners.

"We've shown time and time again how many children have been killed in their homes by guns," he said. "Parents are away, they get the gun. Parents are away, the child takes the gun, runs out in the street and has an argument, comes back and shoots somebody."

He described America as a country of gun-lovers who export their weaponry to neighboring countries like Canada and Mexico, spreading violence to relatively peaceful areas.

I'll let everyone on the board formulate their own opinions of Mr. Daly and his mental capacity (or lack thereof)...:eek:

Another tidbit: I can't believe that 4 justices voted againts this.... Scary....

I'm waiting on CA's response, this ruling will definitely question our "policies": specific handguns approved for sale, microstamping, 10 round magazine limit, CCW may issuance, AW bans, FFL dealer red tape, etc.

Please pray for us.
Don't be to happy. Feinsteine and Shumer are relentless
in their motivation to destroy our rights...
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