Hello Every Body!

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Dec 24, 2002
Lacomb, Oregon
Hey All,

It's been years since I have been here - reasons; various and assorted (none involve jail) -

Since I was last a reg'lar here, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I've changed careers (and employers within the same field, 'cause I'm Good), had the wif leave me (that day was better than the wedding day back in '94), taken a fencing class w/ my son, bought a bunch of guns (incliding a couple of Flintlocks (rifle and pistol) - I am in love!, a single action revolver and lever gun in .357 I am in love... and the rest here on Daves hilltop) got my first Harley, remodleld and refi'd my 10 acres, made some improvements to my 100 yrd rifle range, my doug firs have grown another 10', fox, quail, and pheasant have moved in, and The Boy (13 yr old son) and I are learning to sail.

see THL is up and running - whts up wid dat?
anyone heard from Sam? did he go to the Big Hanger in rhe Sky? (Peace and Health Sam!)

Missed all al you - wandered across Olegs work in a few places...hey Tamara!...Hey Runt!, but I have obtained guns and not sold a one!
scooter porn and gun porn as soon as I can rig one o' dem dij E Tal cam'r's here from the bunker. I kinda gone Ludite since '02.

The scoot is a 96 1200 Sporty - I changed out the tank and fndrs and had the new ones custom painted - I named her Ghost - after Wolf Larsens ship..

I was a Net Admin...since '03 been doing claim adjusting (Fire/Theft Investigator). Fixin' to get a P.I. ticket.
Was toying with the idea of a flintlock since I'm such a superb shot that I figured I needed a handicap to par myself with the rest of you ordinary mortals. :rolleyes:

But the guy I was going to buy it from turned me off.

Was looking at something in his store, he quoted a price, I mulled it over and called him back a couple of days later to say I was going to pick it up that day.

Get there, he says he sold it, too bad, now I'd have to pay the new list price when he ordered another one.

May have been a scam, may not have been a scam.

Don't know for sure.

But I've had that one pulled on me before. I happened to remember the last four digits of the serial number of a gun I was looking at a couple of years ago, mulled that one over for a couple of days, too, and when I called him back he told me he'd sold it and he'd have to order one for me at the new, higher, price.

So he calls me a couple of days later to say the new gun had come in, and when I went to pick it up, son of a gun if it wasn't the same pistol. The last four digits on the SN happened to be my birthday, which is how I know it was the same gun at the new list price.

Discussed it with him, he insisted it was a different gun. Yeah, same model with the same last four digits. Pisonim. Walked out of the store.

But I really wouldn't mind picking up a .36 caliber Pennsylvania ("Kentucky") style squirrel rifle. Trouble is the red squirrels out here are skinnier and taste more "piney" than the plump grey ones back east, which dined on hickory nuts and chestnuts and maple "helicopters" instead of pine nuts.

Need a lot of garlic for them.
anyone heard from Sam? did he go to the Big Hanger in rhe Sky?

If'n yer talking about CR he be still using up O/2 . Haven't seen him post much the last few years - had some eye trouble . Heard he got that fixed awhile back.

I was in AZ in March but didn't get to visit with him then. I'm going back in a couple weeks to stay for the winter and suspect I will get to the valley he be in .
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