Help for Burn-Out - RMR Employee

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Mar 2, 2020
Just wanted to pass this along to anyone who knows Jake and RMR. One of his employees had a fire in his house and Jake has put up a Burn-Out go fund me to help him and his family. Let's show some support. See link below:

Below posted from the Go Fund Me page, by Jake Wilcox
Many of you have had the pleasure of speaking with Joe Durnbaugh in our shipping department. He's a retired Forest Service officer who decided to spend his retirement helping out with the customer service at RMR. On Saturday November 14th Joe woke up to the sound of rounds cooking off in his garage. He and his family were blessed to have been alerted to the fire as his fire alarms were apparently dead. (Yet another example of how guns save lives)! Everyone escaped with their lives and relative health. However, as you can see by the photos, pretty much everything he owns was destroyed in the fire. Whatever wasn't burned was destroyed by water damage. The fire started in his garage (bad wiring or rodent chewing is suspected). Insurance will take care of the vast majority of his costs, but it won't cover absolutely everything that he and his wife lost. They could use some money to get them by until they can rebuild. Even at 70 years old, Joe is a prolific competitive shooter who had amassed quite the collection of firearms and ammo. Almost all of his competition guns were destroyed. I am not really sure how much money he will need to get through all this, but feel free to donate as much as you want. I've promised him that some blessings will come from this major loss. If Joe gets enough money from this funraiser to "for reals retire" we will miss him but I promise to be happy for him.​
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Done it

Glad to help my small portion

Ppl think, ''well they (accident victim) has insurance.'' Doesn't cover everything! ! Family pictures, heirlooms, gifts from family members who have passed. Baby shoes comes to mind.
My family suffered 2 fires back in the 40s and 50s which wiped A LOT of stuff out. Pictures, figurines etc

I certainly hope those who can actually afford it ($5, $10, + ) yet are thinking ^^ that, can also not forget this absolutely blows out an entire families Thanksgiving holiday season, maybe beyond

Us readers take this time to secure documents. Take pictures of valuables. Scan a 2nd photo of grandpa. Write down passwords etc. into a flash drive and give to an offsite friend or family member. Take everything out of your wallet/purse clutch and scan it, you WILL NOT remember everything. A small fireproof documents safe is around $30+- bucks at your local XX Mart.

Simply walking through the house videoing is better than nothing in a claim! ! !

Sorry if this seems a bit of a ramble but about know this good man would be saying ''exactly right.''

Thank you for your time R/S DM
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Off thread a bit but
MAY I ALSO SUGGEST... Us readers take this time to secure documents. Take pictures of valuables. Scan a 2nd photo of grandpa. Write down passwords etc. into a flash drive and give to an offsite friend or family member. Take everything out of your wallet/purse clutch and scan it, you WILL NOT remember everything. A small fireproof documents safe is around $30+- bucks at your local XX Mar

Good advise, I had a fire in my house years ago, major pain.
Sadly I learned this lesson the hard way.

Everyone was ok, but after the fire I had what I was wearing when I got out of the house (in bed so not much), no clothes, no checkbook, no ID, no credit cards, no cash.
(first couple days were loads of fun......)
Insurance wanted to know what all I had, when did I buy it, how much did it cost etc., of course my receipts had all burned up.

Take pictures of your stuff. put them on a DVD/flash drive. Make a copy. Put one in a fire proof safe and another backup somewhere off site. (safe deposit box, relatives house etc)
Have a credit card/some cash in the safe as well.

Thanks to everyone for helping out Joe at RMR, I can't spare a lot but every little bit helps.
I posted this same link on another firearms site. I shot with Joe in several GSSF matches and he is simply amazing. He makes getting a perfect 500 score look easy. Yet, between shooting and filling RO duties, he is the most humble and nice enough guy you'll meet.

Everybody I've met from RMR Bullets have been good people. Just got another 500 bullets from them in the mail today.

Hoping this gets another bump and some of the money we are saving from not being able to buy primers can go to Joe and his wife.
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