Help guys....getting the wife in 'home invasion/protection' mode....mental motivators

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I've basically given up on trying to push it at all and figure that if she ever comes around it will have to be of her choosing. As long as she doesn't give me static about my passion for the hobby, gun rights and politics in general, we're all good.

Mostly what I've learned is that I have to really filter the amount of "gun talk". I could talk about gun stuff all day long, every day. She can handle about 5 minutes of it and shuts down. Kind of like the way I shut down when she talks about decorating.

This sounds pretty much like what my wife is like. She hated the idea of my getting a firearm when I got it, has warmed up to them in the past few years, and expressed a readiness to arm herself when she thought the house was creaking a little too much when I was gone.

Even though she went for the gun when she was scared, I can still only get her to the range about once every 6 months, and I can't get her to talk about guns, shooting or tactics hardly at all. She just gets that look in her eyes when you know someone is spacing out...

What I don't get is the fact that they can be willing to arms themselves in the even they think they are threatened, but are unwilling to educate themselves or practive with the tool they choose to protect themselves with. I'm pretty enthusiastic about kepping all my parts and not acquiring any extra holes, so I practice as much as I can with my tools. I am willing to admit that anyone posting on the HR probably has a greater interest in firearms than the average bear, but one would think that anyone considering self defense would equip and train themselves to the best of their abilities...


--Adds another entry to the 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' file...
Even though she went for the gun when she was scared, I can still only get her to the range about once every 6 months, and I can't get her to talk about guns, shooting or tactics hardly at all. She just gets that look in her eyes when you know someone is spacing out...
It may be that you're trying to sell the idea of getting to the range as "fun." She might have fun while she's there, but that won't always get her to the range. And maybe she doesn't find it as much fun as it looks like she's having while she's there anyway.

You might try telling her that shooting practice is kind of like housework: if it's going to do much good, it's got to be done regularly whether it's fun or not.

Women can be very practical about some things.

You might try telling her that shooting practice is kind of like housework: if it's going to do much good, it's got to be done regularly whether it's fun or not.
No that is a good idea! I might just try that. Thanks pax! :)
You might try telling her that shooting practice is kind of like housework: if it's going to do much good, it's got to be done regularly whether it's fun or not.


I think you are leading us men down the wrong path.:eek:
I don't think telling the wives that shooting is like housework is going to get the wives beating down the front doors and gates of shooting ranges.
Next thing you'll be telling us to tell our wives that sex is like cleaning toilets- its not fun and can be dirty but needs to be done on a weekly basis. :scrutiny:


I'll stay with the "shooting is fun" tack. It makes even more sense to follow up the range trip by taking my wife out for some icecream or a movie- a movie she likes- not Rambo VI.
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