Help me name my business

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I know a name has been decided by now, but I was so impressed and amused by the diversity of names, I thought I would indulge my ego with a name that amuses me. "GOD"s gift to guns" Or "Woodstock"
PS: I think some of you have missed my point. I am NOT requesting names. I have plenty to choose which I thank you for. I posted this ONLY to explain where Ive been since this post, let you know why I haven't pursued the starting of the business, and to thank you for the names you DID send.
YES..This original post is over a year old.

So can we stop the thread resurrection now?
just my two cents

How about things in Iowa that locals might remeber instead of going to the big names like.

Goldfinch Grips (Iowa state bird)
Liberties We Prize Stocks (part of the state motto)
Iowa Oak Grips (state tree)
Wild rose Custom Stocks (state flower)

Well, okay maybe my four cents worth- Joe
Best wishes for better health, friend.

I give you my sincere wishes for your very best health. Hang in there. You have a million other things to do before starting a business. You'll get there soon enough. When you do, perhaps the most meaningful business name will be Heartwood.

Had you bothered to read my last post, you would have a full understanding of the business and why it hasn't been started...duh

Here it is again. I was only trying to explain. I didn't realize there was a time limit.

"I thought I owed everyone here an explanation as to where I have been since posting for names of a business.
As you know my heart has been through some major problems. 2 heart surgery's and 2 leaks in the valves the docs put in.
I don't want to make this a long story so let me just tell you I had what they call tachycardia. Its an arrhythmia of the heart problem there the heart begins to beat at an enormous rate.
Thank god for the girl friend. Had I been alone I would be dead. I passed out twice and she called paramedics to resuscitate me. I had to be shocked 5 times, while awake. One of the times I DID pass out I was shocked and flat-lined for 40 secs. But by the grace of God, am I still here. While in the hospital they put in a pace maker/ defibrillator to help control the heart. If the beat raises to high I will be chocked again. If it get to low, the pace maker will regulate my beat.
I spent some time in the hospital, came home, quit smoking, and proceeded to gain 35 lbs. I was on some killer drugs in the beginning. 18 different kind of pills a day, with much anxiety and fear of flash backs.
That was all back in November and I am only now having any interest in being on computer and thinking more on this business I would still like to start eventually.
Times have been very bad, but at least I am here to bitch about them.
I just thought I owed all that replied with names etc. an explanation so you know this business thing was not some hoax
I don't know if the business will ever get off the ground, but I DO know now that God has plans for me or I wouldn't be hear to write you. Even my cardiologist told me a should be dead.
So much for my Harley riding. Doc told me to sell it because I would never be able to ride again.Wouldn't want the defibrillator going off and me crashing. I'm not counting my problems, but giving thanks for the silver lining in that dark cloud.
I also want to thank everyone that sent me suggestions for names.
Thanks for your time, and understanding.
John Swift

PS: I think some of you have missed my point. I am NOT requesting names. I have plenty to choose which I thank you for. I posted this ONLY to explain where Ive been since this post, let you know why I haven't pursued the starting of the business, and to thank you for the names you DID send.
YES..This original post is over a year old.

Please send no more names. "
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