Here's why the "panic buying" will continue throughout Obama's entire administration

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Gun prices you have paid are kinda like paying off your house. Who cares if the value has gone down till you have to sell it.

I hope it ends relatively soon. I need some normal shooting supplies that everyone seems to be out of because of panic buying.
I hope it ends relatively soon. I need some normal shooting supplies that everyone seems to be out of because of panic buying.

Hey, I hear Ya!
I need some primers (well, I don't HAVE to have them) but don't really feel like paying $70 for 1,000 primers, even if they are BenchRest (BR2).
Panic buying will cease in short order.

Several others have mentioned it. The economy is key here. We're just beginning to see hard times. Personally, I think it gets MUCH worse throughout all of 2009. MSM and the talking heads are all looking for a "bottom" to this thing, trying to put a spin on it and give us confidence. Folks, I'm no expert but I try to keep my eyes open - do you really think we're gonna rebound anytime soon? Where's our industry? Most of our jobs are retail or service based, and how long will those last without cheap credit and our debt based currency?

Sorry for the rant, but it leads to my point. People won't have money to spend on much of anything other than housing and food, and that's if they're lucky enough to keep a job.

However, I don't see prices for either ammo or guns dropping off a cliff....they will stay higher longer than most other "luxury" goods. Nevertheless I think we'll see a long slide in prices due to the economy, whether or not Obama and the Dems put forward further gun control measures. With the economy as it is, I don't think it's high on their agenda. And if it is, they're really, really foolish.

Of course, who in washington isn't a fool :confused:
You haven't factored in the economy. That will tell the tale of what gun controls will be tried.

The first gun control came in 1934 at the height of the depression.

The sky is STILL not falling. As many folks have discussed already, there was gun control in 1934... and yet we still have our guns. There was gun control passed in 1968... and yet we still have our guns. There was gun control passed in 1986 and 1994.... blah, blah, blah. Remember the Heller case, for the first time in SOCTUS history, they made a definitive judgement on the 2nd Amendment and it was found to be an individual right. That is pretty powerful medicine folks.

Worst case, I'll sell my ugly rifles and high cap mags for an obscene amount of money in a few years, beforet he next AWB gets overturned or sunsets.:rolleyes:
I respectfully disagree. I think the panic buying will end in Q2 2009, when 'assault weapons' are banned.
Bubba613 said:
Or it could be that in 6 months when nothing has happened in terms of gun control that people will return to their senses and realize they would rather eat than own 4 ARs.

It's more than just about "gun control". It's also about a sagging economy, draconian government power grabs, and self/family preservation. As for eating, sure, you could sell a gun and buy a few bags of groceries or keep the gun(s) and put meat on the table and barter your extra meat for other groceries(veggies, bread, etc.) for ever.

The Foo said:
I hope it ends relatively soon. I need some normal shooting supplies that everyone seems to be out of because of panic buying.

Ah, but is it panic buying or is it prudence? He who hesitates is lost. Thankfully, I didn't wait for the fan to start spinning and for government to squat.

ConstitutionCowboy said:
Ah, but is it panic buying or is it prudence? He who hesitates is lost.

Yeah, look at all those wise souls that sold their SUVs at a loss or the ones who are still working through the 500 gallon tank of $3.00/gallon gas. Or how about those folks who got those ARMs because the now was the time to buy since houses were just going up up and up! And man, those people who buy the used body armor at the gun shows from the table that has a print out of the bill before congress that is set to ban body armor any day. Those are some prudent buyers. Almost like the guys who were paying $50 for AR mags in late 2003, before that AWB became permanent and made transferring magazines illegal.

Prudence indeed. I've got a fabulous tulip bulb I will trade for your entire collection of guns.

There are certainly prudent times to buy, but I can assure you this isn't it.

Person Of Disinterest said:
I mean, his main worry is January 20 or thereabouts.
Yeah, I heard the Obama already has the executive order to ban all guns drawn up and is going to read it from the podium immediately after getting sworn in on the Koran. :rolleyes:

I agree with those that are saying it is a supply and demand issue.

I also believe the folks that sells these are doing everything in their power to stoke a now or never attitude among those considering them.

I can just see the salesman now....

Now sir you know that as soon as that obama guy is sworn in he is going to ban your guns...yep that will be the first thing he does...

You know just a minute there...the more I think about it...well I need to raise the cost of this rifle right now by at least $200.

Shopper....But but I saw your price and it was $200 less than that!

Seller...Ok Ok I will give you a $100 discount on the new price.

Shopper turned buyer....Oh thank you thank you! I will take it!
Good thoughts there Golden Hound. I tend to agree.

The firearms market has seen what happens under liberal control in the form of Bill Clinton.

And because Barak Obama is equally if not more liberal (I tend to believe he is more), then the market (i.e. gun owners/buyers) will reflect the future possibility of legislation against it.

And the demand by the market will keep the prices high based simply on supply and demand economics. More demand equals less supply equals higher prices. Just look at the insane cost of MagPul pmags IF you can find them (I knew I should have purchased some 6 months ago :banghead: )

Assuming that no action is taken against by the Obama administration/congress in say the first year, you might see prices dip slightly as some people start to relax (naive fools they be). However, I doubt I'll see another RRA Entry Tactical anywhere near $800 for at least another four years.
I keep reading about AK and AR's and putting food on the table...AGH!

When and where did hunting and taking game animals and AKs and AR's enter the equation? If you want to put food on the table buy a hunting rifle. As a rule they are a lot more accurate. At least at distance they are.

The hysteria is mainly with the guns that have been specifically designed to KILL HUMANS. I know that prices have went up on most guns but the main increases have been on the AK's and AR's etc.
I hope all the hooblob is over soon because in tn. i cant even buy cci 22lr bullets for mine and my dads rifles they have a very limited sup. and guys waiting at the sporting goods counter to buy even the bulk ammo crap as soon as it comes in !!!!!!!!!
I think you're behind the times deerhunter. ARs may be based off the military weapon, but they are a lot more than that. Some people want a rifle that can fulfill a lot of different roles. An AR can be used for target shooting, self defense, and even hunting. The 16" barrels are short enough to make a good home defense rifle, while long enough to be decently accurate at 300m or so. One can hunt pretty well with an AR. You might not get the pretty head or skin as you would with a super accurate scoped rifle, but food is food. The idea that good old wood stock deer rifles are the only respectable rifle is an very obsolete idea.
He could have picked a better candidate, and ran a better campaign.

O.K. So let me get this straight....

Mac screwed up by picking the person who was easilly the most pro-gun running mate he could possibly find. Much more so than even he himself is.

I presume your theory is that he should have dredged up a watered down sad excuse for a conservative to run with him? Ya, that would have really motivated the core of the RNC.

Jeepers Creepers, that's some strategy ... find watered down, wishy washy, phoney baloney conservatives, and ditch the few folks out there who have been brought up pro-gun since before they plugged their first moose.

The Palin pick was a stroke of genious! And I was most impressed to hear that it was Macs brain child, which he made in opposition to his advisors.

Without Palin on the ticket he would have not made nearly as good of a showing.

Obama had a landslide of liberal money and free media on top of that, and he was tossed softballs from day one.

and OBTW, has any one heard a single question about whether Carolyn Kennedy has the experience needed to be a US sentor? Talk about a flippin' double standard... which proves my long held theory that Liberals Rot!
I agree with SSN Vet.

The press WANTED BHO.

One of the nightly news announcers recently said that it was the job of the media to "give Obama a sucessful presidency."


Why wasn't it the "job" of the media to do the same with ALL presidents? And can they say the same thing about how they handled Bush?

EDIT: Here's the quote: It was Chris Matthews...

Matthews: My Job' Is To Make Obama Presidency A Success

Bottom line... influencial people made BHO happen for a number of agendas.

-- John
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Anyway, think of all the meat those arms will place on the table
AR's are probably not the best hunting rifles. AK's and SKS's on the other hand...

One of the nightly news announcers recently said that it was the job of the media to "give Obama a sucessful presidency."
I believe it was Chris Mathews.
Hmmm Interesting thread. Many good points.

Here are my crystal ball predictions and some observations.

There is no new gun legislation during the first 2 years. Maybe legislation in years 3-4. Probably more likely to see legislation in years 4-8 if re-elected. Dems want a 2 term guy. Period.

Black rifle prices come down as demand decreases.

You dont sell guns to buy food. Period. You use the guns to hunt food AND you plant food.

I feel a bit bad about the folks who live beyond their means and are slaves to their jobs because they wanted to keep up with the joneses and move to the city cause "thats where the money is".

I hope Im wrong but all your money wont mean jack when there is no food or your money is worthless.

Its probably not possible now but... do yourself a favor and sell your freakin McMansion and move to a place where you can be somewhat self sufficient.

Set yourself up so economic bad times dont floor you. Sold my home in Florida during the boom 3 years ago and made more than double what I paid for the house. Bought 25 acres and a home for cash in the woods. Wife has a manufacturing job where they do work for the government.

We only need one income. My property taxes on everything are $300 a year.

I dont have an AR or black rifle. I want one. I hope this doesnt happen but Ill trade you some corn and half a cow for one in a few months/years....
It wouldn't have made any difference who won the election. Either one will be walking into one of the biggest messes in American history. No one has the answer, and I think the very last thing on Obama's mind is AWB, federal CCW, gun prices, ammo prices and so one.
The guy was elected so live with. I have to and everyone else as well.
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