High-Capacity Magazines Bill...On First Day Of Congressional Session

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So what is their view on "high cap assault magazines"? A little levity folks....
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I have blasted off letters to my state/fed reps. I haven't bothered to send letters to Senators Feinstein or Boxer. It sounds as though even this stand-alone hi-cap mag bill will be difficult to get thru the house.

Our congress critters need to hear from us.
Still, backers are hopeful, noting that a ban on high-capacity magazines -- which have been involved in many of the recent high-profile instances of mass gun violence -- would be a smaller concession for gun-rights advocates than a broader assault weapons ban.

They only want a "smaller concession" - just give up some of your rights.

No, thanks; make no concessions.
First, this isn't exactly 'news'. Not only did we know it was coming this time, but Carolyn McCarthy has introduced the exact same bill at the beginning of Congress, every single year.

In this case, this is basically going to be the house version of Feinstein's bill. Of course this one seems more 'reasonable' with only a high-cap ban.

Now, I'm not a political analyst, I don't know all the ins and outs, but it SEEMS to me, Boehner can do a couple things here.

First, he can refuse to let it go to a floor vote. This will probably have some severe backlash.

Second, I believe he can merge this with the Feinstein bill. The Feinstein bill is basically a giant self-made poison pill that has an unlikely enough time in the Senate, let alone in the House. This will probably kill both of them dead.

Of course, these are just OPTIONS he has. He's a Representative, so we have to TELL HIM THAT WE DON'T WANT THESE BILLS.

THEN he, and the rest of the Representatives can kill it for us.
It would allow people to hold on to the "large capacity ammunition feeding device" that they currently own, but prohibit them from buying others or transferring the ones they have.

Interesting. So, sales of ANYTHING that holds more than 10 rounds will be illegal., new or used, unless you are MIL/LE/contractor. Bizzare.

They really need to see video on a relatively proficient reloading drill using 10 rders, using 5 of em to shoot say 50 rds. down range. Less than 50 seconds?
These knuckleheads are going to pass something. They know the American people see them for the bungling idiots they are. In a "rare, atmosphere of bipartisanship" with Bongo leading the charge, some infringement will pass. Striking while the iron is hot. Bet on it. This is also a great opportunity for the Republicans to show they have some backbone among them. This unfortunately won't happen. Joe
If hi caps are banned from further production, what about anything that already exists;will they be illegal to use at the range or grandfathered in?
More like 20 seconds.

They really need to see video on a relatively proficient reloading drill using 10 rders, using 5 of em to shoot say 50 rds. down range. Less than 50 seconds?
They really need to see video on a relatively proficient reloading drill using 10 rders, using 5 of em to shoot say 50 rds. down range. Less than 50 seconds?

Is that to encourage them to go with smaller magazines or to limit the number of magazines a person can own?
Is that to encourage them to go with smaller magazines or to limit the number of magazines a person can own?


Those damn unintended consequences.

That strategy can work IF it is completely and totally impossible for such a move to possibly succeed. You know, just show the absurdity of their argument.

It can backfire if they are in a position to say...okay, then, we'll ban THAT too!
So how long do we expect this bill to be in committee before it hits the floor for a vote? Then the Senate will be working on the AWB bill at the same time?
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