High Noon "Hidden Ally" and Kahr brand autos question.

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Sep 28, 2004
Cape Cod
I've been carrying a Kahr PM-9 since the beginning of summer, and I've been very impressed with this little package. I've generally been satisfied with pocket carry, but the slow access and storage space I have to sacrifice had me shopping around recently. My new holster, a Hidden Ally by High Noon arrived a couple days ago, and I've been wearing it at the 4:30-5:00 position for normal concealed carry (with light cover garment).

My question is, for those occasions when I use the "tuckability" of the Hidden Ally, what position best allows both concealement and the ability to use the off-hand to lift the tucked in cover garment? I briefly tried the 3, but the bulge off to the side was greater than what I was hoping for. I also gave 1 o'clock a try, but while I've never had an AD/ND, the idea of a gun barrel covering the family jewels makes me break out in a sweat. Alternatives?
I would say that if you can sit comfortable at 1 oclock them that would be your best bet. I never could, the jabbed me too much. You could keep it at 5 oclock and reach behind you to raise the cover garmet up with you left hand. Honestly there is no quick and easy way to draw when your shirt is tucked in. I only carry that way when the I feel I need to carry, but have to dress up more that an untucked shirt allows.
Depending on your build, it sounds like something at about 2 o'clock with a forward cant may work well for you.
I have a hidden ally for my MK9 and use it around the 4-5 o'clock range. I really like the holster. I would prefer the split decision with the cant but didn't want to wait a month!
One of the most effective positions is the "Appendix" position.

The off hand pulls the shirt up, and the gun hand is ideally positioned to draw.

This position works well standing or seated.

Jeff Cooper once wrote about a member of his California pistol league who was an undercover officer in narcotics, and was one of the few people rated as a Master of The Pistol in the league.

Cooper said he carried in the appendix position, and affected a "hippie" manner of always carrying his hands clasped in front of him.
Cooper said that the clasped hands kept his gun covered and positioned them close to the gun.

According to Cooper, this guy was NOBODY you wanted to shoot with for real.

In the case of the Kahr, one of it's biggest advantages over other autos is, the longer revolver-like trigger.

Unlike autos with shorter-stroke triggers, the revolver-like Kahr trigger's longer , heavier pull pretty well eliminates any accidental discharge.

Carried in a trigger-covering holster, the Kahr is perfectly safe, even in a one O'clock carry.
When pulling the shirt up with the off hand,rotate the hand so the knuckles are facing your chest.I just got the Gabe Suarez close range gunfighting DVD.That is where I picked up this technique.
When pulling the shirt up with the off hand,rotate the hand so the knuckles are facing your chest.I just got the Gabe Suarez close range gunfighting DVD.That is where I picked up this technique.

At what position in the gun on the waist band and how does this help? Not being a smart arse, just really wanting to know.
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