Hillary and Guns

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Hillary and Guns

Posted Sep 4th 2007 7:53AM by NixGuy
Filed under: President 2008, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Guns

This editorial in the Washington Post reminded me that when the Supreme Court begins their session (on the first Monday in October) they will be deciding whether the District of Columbia's handgun ban is in violation of the 2nd amendment. In the meantime, national Democrats like Al Gore and John Kerry have run away from gun control as fast as they could even while they lose long held Democratic states like West Virginia.

This could be very, very bad for Hillary Clinton, or she might squeak by. The squeaking scenario entails that both of her husband's appointees to the court rule against the District. That's not a likely scenario. Far more likely is that both of the very liberal appointees, Justices Breyer and Ginsburg, rule with the gun control lobby either with the majority or in a minority.

If a majority of the Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the District's handgun ban, the NRA and the entire gun community will explode. Every presidential candidate will have to take a stand on the issue itself and the kind of nominees they will appoint. For the GOP this is easy, except for Rudy Giuliani, who will have problems of his own (not insurmountable, but still).

But this whole area is fraught with peril for Hillary. She will have to run away from her own husband and say that she would not appoint justices like Breyer and Ginsburg (which no one would believe anyway). Not only will she be associated with the liberal justices, but her history in support of gun control legislation will be hammered, time and again. This will happen anyway, but with hot on the heels of a major supreme court decision (likely in June of 2008) the NRA will be fired up as never before.

Hillary needs to cross her fingers and hope that Breyer and Ginsburg can somehow read the 2nd amendment to the constitution as it is actually written and not how the liberals would like it to be written.


Curious to see this on the AOL Blog....
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