Hippie day at the range part deux (not authentic hippies)

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Ok, so you taught them about guns. What manner of hippie nonsense were you then obliged to be educated about in return?
I bet the hot punk goth chick could teach you a thing or two about having a wild fun time.

+9 on the chick with the green hair!

Sometimes my wife and I are guilty of stereotyping people who look/dress differently, but it is good to know we all have some common interests.

How about getting some freekschool members signed-up on THR?

BTW... great job getting some new shooters on our side!
How about getting some freekschool members signed-up on THR?

Baby steps... first take them shooting... help them pick out their first gun... in six months they'll be here demanding to know, "which is the best cartridge for killer robot zombie bears?"... Then I'll know my work is complete :)

You're doing a great job, atek3! :) Nice Finnish Mosin, BTW! And the chance to try an 1860 Army was a plus! And the gal with the green hair;WOW! SimpHomer.gif
Great story and congrats.
Each of us only has to bring in ONE new gunny.
We can double our numbers, then.

Teach someone to shoot.
Dude… would you please call me the next time you’re setting one of these things up? You know my guns; let’s give the newbies a chance at an EBR, I mean if they’re going to profess to be socio-cypto-anarcho-communards shouldn’t they be allowed to fire the preferred weapon of our enemy?

And maybe I can drag along my freaky-gothy wifey…
uh.. lemme see... if my memory is correct, I seem to recall that this country was founded by "Revolucionaries"... or am I forgetting something?

NOTE: this is not intended to contribute to thread-vere. I say if hippy socio-crypto-anarcho-communards (and I just made that up this evening so mucho apologies to any actual socio-crypto... damn that's a long name.) Anyway, if they want to learn, great. Let's teach them. Maybe they'll realize that the line of BS they've been fed about firearms and firearm owners is wearing a little thin.

Viva La Freaky Goth Chicks with Moisons!
F- for teaching future "Revolucionaries" how to shoot.

The way I see it. If the S really does H T F, maybe ideological non-allies knowing how to shoot isn't such a bad thing. After all, the Contra's (no friend of communism) teamed up with the Sandinistas to throw the dictatorial Somosa's out of power. Sure they fought afterwards, but if you live in under a tyranny, priority one is getting rid of tyranny. Priority two is making sure new tyranny (the Sandinistas) don't replace the old tyranny (Somosa's). Not saying we live under tyranny right now, just saying that the constitutional bounds of are government are, ummm, a bit tattered.

Dig it?

I seem to recall that this country was founded by "Revolucionaries"... or am I forgetting something?
Really? I thought it was the "Religious nuts with guns" that founded this nation. :D
And the gal with the green hair;WOW!
Jeezz...you guys are starting to sound like "guys who don't date" from the Chess/IT/Debate clubs in our High Schools. :neener:

atek3: Did ya get her phone number? :neener:

Deep Blue: Check your PMs
So, are they going to teach you how to conjure the spirit of Gaia, or what?


Oh, yeah, and since we can't have a thread with a picture of a girl in it without it turning into a debate over her sexual attractiveness, I vote "no" on The Joker. Nothing personal.
Seriously, how desperate is THR? I mean, I'm married, so we know I'm desperate, but what excuse do the rest of you have?
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