Historic Vermont Meeting in State Capital Passes Resolution to Secede from the U.S.

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James Howard Kunstler

Any relation to William Kunstler? That paragon of Constitutional understanding ethic?

Dof I is not a governing document. You gotta go to the constitution for rules of governance. Practically speaking SC's been down that road and has the marks to show for it.

Vermonters want to abandon the union because they don't like evil neo-cons. So I suppose at straight up socialist like Bernie Sanders is ok, its just that you can hide your socialism under another name like neo-con.

Selective depravity is unbecoming of educated minds.
rick_reno said:
This can't be happening!! I have one concern that isn't addressed in the article and it's an important one.

How will I get my Ben and Jerry's ice cream if they secede? I don't want to buy imported ice cream.

Ben and Jerry's are on the NRA's anti gun company list. I won't buy their stuff anyway.

I hope at the very least the Vt movement to secede gets so much public recognition that attention starts getting drawn more and more to how the government is taking away the Bill of Rights little by little.
I'd love to see it happen- As is typical of the Tin Foil Hat Crowd (TFHC), they have not thought this through- Suppose they are successful- Next step is that the northern half of the state, which apparently has not been taken over by this ultra liberal conclave, remains loyal the the Union- This effectively cuts off the southern half physically from Canada, eliminating any notion of joining the circus to the north- Even if the state remains intact, why would Canada want even more Loonies than they are already minting?- So now we have the TFHC trying to figure out how they are going to make a financial go of it what with importation fees of even the most basic needs ie food, gasoline, clothing etc from a "foreign land"- This is probably nothing compared to how berserk they would go after having all their now foreign assets frozen, ie investments that now lie outside their independent soil- When their lattes start costing them $10 for a small cup, they come crawling back begging forgiveness- Then we are faced with the biggest decision of this whole fiasco- Do we recieve them with open arms as the prodigal sons or rebuff them and then have to face more illegal immigration on a northern front- Oh the possibilities- :banghead:
Hawk, it is treason to make war on the United States


Suppose I am at a party and having a good time but several hours into the night it starts to smell really bad and some of the people are getting rude, how can it be considered attacking anyone if I simply leave?

If Vermont simply says "Thanks, it's been great but we're leaving" and they don't fire a shot on the US how are they making war on anyone?

Were we traitors to England by leaving? Does that mean that treason isn't wrong if you can pull it off successfully?
If we would get out of Iraq...

...and reinstall Saddam, he could ofer foreign aid to the southern Vt TFHC state. They could build a bridge over the northern part of VT to connect themselves with the northern loon generator enterprise.

Is it a mere coincidence that that Canadian coin [$2??] is called the Loonie, or what?

rick_reno said:
This can't be happening!! I have one concern that isn't addressed in the article and it's an important one.

How will I get my Ben and Jerry's ice cream if they secede? I don't want to buy imported ice cream.

How can you eat that leftist, hippie, anti-gun supporting ice cream? Southern Vermont has become the Boulder/Berkley of New England. Sad.
GlockGlockler, the deal is to secede and declare war, whether or not a shot is fired. Then cometh the Might & Power of our NeoCons' military, so you surrender.

Then, sit back and let the foreign aid roll in! Jack up the price of Ben&Jerry's ice cream. Everybody gets rich off all the benefits.

Sorta like Louisiana's gonna do, post-Katrina, 'cept much less damage.

Then, when ya got enough money together, move to Wyoming.

Reading assignment: "The Mouse That Roared".

:D, Art
As long as it's not MA where all the guns are made. Having guns become imports would be a problem.:eek:
So they secede. Not a new idea, as previously mentioned. Yet if they return to the gold and silver standard, and their money really is worth something, they will teach us a lesson. Start buying gold and silver now, not accept a bogus US monetary and banking system. :scrutiny:
Glock Glockler said:
Hawk, it is treason to make war on the United States
Ummmm, no it isn't.

It is treason to attempt to overthrow the government, but by definition wars are fought between sovereign nations (our so-called "War on Drugs" and 'War on Terror" notwithstanding). If SC seceded and then declared war on the U.S. it would be an act of war, but not an act of treason. If SC attempted to overthrow the federal government by force while retaining its statehood as a member of the U.S., that might be construed as treason -- if they lost. It could also be construed as patriotism if they won.

I guess I slept through history class the day they discussed SC and 1830 ... what are we talking about, and how was whatever SC did treason? Are you referring to the 1832 Nullification Act? http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0836166.html I must be even denser than I thought, because I don't see how passing a law that's consistent with the terms of the U.S. Constitution is treasonous. SC did not declare war. They declared that the taxes being imposed by the federal government were illegal and unconstitutional.
If they could get the votes for secession, they could probably muster the support to do something else prior to that.

Like pass plenty of resolutions nullifying lots of federal statutes that they find odious within their borders, and educating lots of juries on the use of nullification in their own duties.

Whatever course they take, I do wish them luck. Me, I'd rather just see the Constitution (for lack of better terms) "restored" or "brought back from exile" for everybody. But if they considered that "doable", they wouldn't be going down this road.

I was quoting Tejon when I posted that, and I believe him to be 100% incorrect.


Perhaps I am not familiar on what the deal is, it seems to me if Vermont simply withdraws from the US and does not declare war or fire any shots the Feds will be have a fantastically difficult time using force to keep them. They can crush Vermont, yes, but they will soon be looked upon as no different than the Soviet Union.
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