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Hog/Doe Hunting with a few THR members, long review and pics too!

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Mar 9, 2004
This adventure started with this thread:


Well, what an adventure this turned out to be with myself, my father in law, Richard (RBernie on THR, and Justin (RRTX on THR)...

I posted those two targets that were both shot with 130gr rounds. After those 2, I shot 10 rounds of 150gr rounds, same brand. Well, the group opened up and I couldnt figure out why. I didnt have anymore 130gr rounds, so I packed up and left. I just tried to attribute the less than stellar accuracy on those 150's.

Boy was I wrong.

I waited until the night before the hunt to clean the gun and have her ready to go. When I got it out of the safe to head to the garage, I noticed the scope rings were loose where they attach to the bases. Apparently no loctite and the screws backed out a bit. I put on some loctite, and tightened them back up, just hoping it would be at least "close" to where I worked to get it to.

So, next morning I get in the stand and am just surrounded by hogs. I even saw some sort of exotic doe but it was a little to dark to be certain of what it was and to get a clear, safe shot. I waited for her to come back, all while deciding not to take a shot at a HUGE sow in the hopes the doe would return. Never happened.....

So, we head back to the camp, pow-wow, snack and hit the field. We came out to a large open field where we saw a nice Fallow doe. She started running across the field in front of us. We were about 120 yards away. I popped up with my so called sighted in Savage and take a shot at her while she is in full sprint mode. Amazingly I hit her on one of her hams. Went in, out the other side and just grazed her belly. Just a solid wound in my opinion and although she would have eventually bled out it would have been a while of tracking. My father in law was next to me and saw me getting ready to reload. He popped up with his Savage 30-06 as she was slow walking and dropped her for me. She was small my some standards, but in Texas, she is really an average doe for here. About 90 pounds estimated weight. So, we take her in to the skinning shed where the guide cleaned her up and put the meat in the cooler.

After that, we spent most of the day doing some stalking with our guide and alone. It was a great time. Justin (RRTX on THR) and I went back out to the field where I got my doe to see if we could muster something up for him. No luck out there. We then headed back to the area where we started and came across a few nice size hogs. We both chatted about which was was the largest and he lined up for a shot. This was less than 50 yards. A nice shot in the shoulder area and he hit the ground kicking. We watched him kick a bit and decided a shot in the head was needed to dispatch this piggy. Justing got out his 1911 and insterted a Winchester Ranger T inside the piggy's head. Done. So, we round up the guide and load up the piggy. The estimated weight is 300 to 325 pounds on the hog. Richard (RBernie on THR) and my father in law are still out. Richard was stalking and my FIL was in a stand.

So, after Justin's piggy is hanging in the meat locker, the guide took us out to find some coyotes. Well, we never saw a single one, but back in the field that I took my doe in, we found 3 good size pigs heading in. Thinking that either Richard or my FIL took a shot, we headed to find them. It was about dusk. Since neither of them took a shot (we thought we heard a shot from their general area), I decided that we needed to get this piggy we saw in the field. She was HUGE. We all loaded up and away we went. She, along with some friends were under a few trees. It was getting a little closer to dark and if I was going to take a shot, I needed to do it NOW. I lined up with my father in laws 30-06 since I wasnt sure about my Savage .270 anymore and took a shot. I must have shot under her and she didnt move. I hoped out of the rig and lined up across the hood with a sand bag. I took a good shot and hit her front shoulder, a little low. A good wound and she started to walk our way. We all thought she would hit the ground, but she didnt. I jacked in another round and kept her in sight. She was walking straight to me. Since it didnt look like she was going down, I gave her a shot in the head. She fell on the spot. We loaded her up and headed back to clean her up. Her estimated weight is 375 to 400 pounds. Big ole sow!

Finally, we loaded our catch in my truck and headed out to get some ice. We didnt have a place to take them last night, so we just put them on ice until this morning where Justin (RRTX) and I could find a place to take our pigs for processing.

After that, I cleaned up my doe meat and got that in the freezer...except the backstrap, which will be on my grill TONIGHT!

Sorry for the long post, but here are some pics!

Me and my piggy:

Here is me, FIL and my doe:

Here is Justin (RRTX) and his piggy:
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good job. your FIL looks like he could wrestle one of them pigs down and make it say uncle.:D
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Some good looking pork there.

Unfortunately, we wont be hunting any hogs here in Florida since I don't know anyone who has private land near Ft Walton and Eglin is not huntable for handguns since its a WMA. Archery opens this weekend but I left the bow back in Tucson.
I just realized after looking over those pics how my pig is "dressed" in the same colors as I was and how Justins was close to what he was wearing....:D
Nice hog! Geez, that's big.

Poor little doe. You big mean man. :D

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