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Hollon Gun Safes?

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Feb 15, 2011
Does anybody have first hand experience with them? The few reviews I've found are positive, but most are blogs or dealer reviewers... not end users/owners.

Their Reserve line is pretty generic, unimpressive, and seems to sell for the same price as their Republic line. The Republics look like a great value (as all the reviews say).

7ga body
3ga door
I like the simple black exterior

fire protection not impressive (3x 1/2" drywall in the door, 2 in the body)
made who knows where overseas (look familiar a1abdj?)
warranty doesn't mention burglary
Tan is not my first choice for interior.

I've quoted out a Sturdy Safe that fits in my space/needs and it's about twice as much $. Obviously a better safe, but I'm not in a high crime area and my collection isn't of extraordinarily high value.
I guess the silence says a lot...

That helps me narrow down my choices. I'm considering a Mesa on the cheap end (Sam's club special) and on the high end an Amsec BF6032 or a fire rated Sturdy.
I think the silence is mostly due to the fact that many have never even heard of the Hollon Safe.
As an Amsec BF owner I am biased towards it and I most certainly have a high regard for the Sturdy.
You simply can't go wrong picking one of these two.
I had never heard of them before, but went and took a look.

Hollon appears to be another importer that is rebranding and selling a foreign manufacturer's product. This isn't a bad thing. Many companies do it. The name on the door isn't important. Whoever built the safe isn't really important. It pretty much comes down to how the safe is built.

I have never seen one in person, so I can't say one way or another. I do thank you for pointing them out though. We have been looking to add some lighter lines to what we offer, and these may be a good fit. I always order a sample to inspect prior to making a decision like that. If it's not up to my standards, I won't sell it. If I do end up getting my hands on one, I'll be glad to give you my opinion then.
heeler, that is what I figured. They do seem new (2010 release?) and a bit obscure. With a $1000+ purchase, especially for something that is supposed to protect myself and my other investments, I'd rather not be the crash test dummy for quality and warranty.

a1abdj, the room this is going in will not be done for a while. If you end up picking one up, I would certainly be interested in your opinion of the safe (and possibly purchasing from you if you decide to carry them).
I have the republic series 39 gun safe

I actually bought it some time ago..I like yourself did my homework..I have to say im impressed with it..I was actually in the market for an Amsec and went to a dealer in person to check them out ..I was looking at the tf series ..the store owner who is an amsec dealer didn't have one of the ones I wanted in stock but showed me the Hollon republic..and as I said I was impressed compared to even some of the amsec sf and tf series..on mine its the 9ga steel with reinforced steel plate..relockers ..its definitely door heavy..Im sure you have seen the specs..the lock on mine is an s&g titan digital...I would have liked to had the dial but oh well ..I love the quality its super heavy and it does have a 60 min fire rating ..whatever that counts for as Ive seen on this forum..its 9 ga all the way around btw too ..I've already called customer just for some new owner questions ..they are super nice..warranty says free replacement through fire and bg .all in all its super nice..I was actually looking for someone who had experience with these ..but found this thread hoped I helped ..I am a new member and this thread convinced me to sign up
I just got my Hollon Republic RG-22 and I'm very happy with it. As stated before seamless 9 gauge steel and 1/4 solid steel plate on the door. The door is very heavy and the construction looks good.

The only thing that is a little worrysome is the door is flush with the safe when closed. I've heard it's harder to pry open if the door is recessed but for $1000 I'm not going to complain.

I was going to go with either a Hollon or Sturdy. With Hollon coming in at $700 less I couldn't justify the extra steel/features you get with Sturdy.
Thanks for the feedback. I am still evaluating the cost vs benefit of the Sturdy and the Hollon. For the price, the custom options of the Sturdy make it the better option for me compared to the Amsec. I contacted Sturdy for quotes on a few of the sizes options that fit my room. One really interesting thing is that they offer a left hinge option for $30. Getting a long personalized reply to a simple website email also wins Sturdy bonus points for me.

chargercharlie, like you the safe discussions are what convinced me to sign up. I had a TFL membership, but never felt the need to sign up for THR until recently.
For the price, the custom options of the Sturdy make it the better option for me compared to the Amsec.

Have you seen any of the B rates I've talked about in some of these threads? They have heavier bodies than the AMSEC & Sturdy, the doors are heavier than the Sturdy, they are cement filled, and cost less than the AMSECs.
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Do you mean the ones on your site? I looked at them. Your smallest is at the limit of what will fit. In fact I would have to move a few studs and go without drywall around the safe (same with Sturdy 3224). The Sturdy 2723 is my most likely choice.
Renngineer, did you ever get a Hollon safe?a1abdj..I was curious if you ever ordered a sample ..I was curious to get your opinion on it as well...I did have one concern w/ it..The door when closed and locked is a little loose as i can work it a little back and forth..I've handled a few safes and even a few of the amsec safes did this as well...I did inquire about it..and was told some play is needed for expansion of the seal ..but....Any thoughts..?
I never ordered a sample because they appear to have non UL rated lock on the safes. Everything we sell must have UL rated locks.

All safes will have some play in the door, although sometimes it is excessive. Many safes can be adjusted for a tighter fit. You do not want the boltwork to drag anywhere when opening and closing.

Believe it or not, even those big antique bank vaults have some play. The pressure system keeps them in tight, but if you release the pressure system while the door is still locked, the door will move out a bit.
For some reason I thought they had a Legard lock. Are some lower end Legards not UL rated or was I mistaken?
I believe the mechanial locks are LaGard. Their electronic locks were not.

I have the ability to change locks on anything that I keep in inventory here, but do not usually have the luxury on anything that would be drop shipped.
Hollon Safe Company

The following concerns a Hollon media data safe. It is posted because I would not trust Hollon for any reason.

I purchased a Hollon media data safe (through GunSafes.com). The number of the safe was HDS-1000E. This safe is manufactured by Booil Safes in Korea. The Booil safe identifier is BDS-1000T. It is one in a series of safes such as the BDS-750T and BDS-1200T (or BDS-T750 and BDS-T1200).

While researching safes I discovered the rating systems and certifications that may be used to describe a safe. Various entities such as Underwriter Labs certify safes for specific temperatures ranges and times. A media data safe must keep the interior of the safe at 125 degrees Fahrenheit for a specified period of time (1 hour, 2 hours, etc.) when the outside temperature reaches 1700 or 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. The interior humidity must also be at a specified level.

I noted that the “rating” on the Hollon safe was 125 degrees F at an outside temperature of 183 degrees F. This is posted on the Hollon website and is utilized by people selling Hollon safes. They also have a page on their website that displays various certifications. I called Hollon and asked them which certification the HDS-750E (and by way of the same product line the HDS-1000E) had. I was told that it was UL certified. I received an email stipulating the same from Hollon.

When the safe arrived I looked for the certification plates that verify the safe was as represented. Instead of the expected UL certification plate I found a KSG-4500 plate (Korean rating) that said the safe was good for ~350 degrees F at some stated outside temperature. The plate temperature graph was in Centigrade and I had to convert to Fahrenheit.

I called Hollon and was told that:

1) It was probably a misprint since the Koreans often are not clear with the English language. They probably meant Fahrenheit.

2) The plate with the KSG-4500 standard was only for the outside safe. The inside safe was what gave the safe the media data rating of 125 degrees F. When I asked where the plate was they said that maybe the Koreans had placed it on the back of the inside safe and it was not readable.

I asked for certification documentation. I was sent a fire test that had been performed in 2005 on a BDS-C1200 safe. This test had been purportedly done (and thus certified or rated) by SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut of Sweden. I asked the Hollon technician why there was not a certification plate on the safe from SP. He pointed me to the trademark emblem for SP which contains a crown. He told me that the crown emblem was stamped on the cardboard box which the safe arrived in and this verified that SP had certified the safe. I happened to still have the box and all packing material. There was a crown emblem on the box but it was not the SP emblem and was there for a different reason entirely – not certification – and was not even related to SP.

I contacted SP and they said that they did not certify any Booil safes. They said that Booil had run a fire test in 2005 on the BDS-C1200 safe.

As it turns out, the safe has never been certified by anyone. I was informed by the sales people that that is how Hollon keeps it safe prices lower than other companies.

- I was told the safe was UL certified. FALSE.
- I was told the KSG-4500 plate was a misprint. FALSE.
- I was told that the safe might have certification plate on the back side of the inside safe. FALSE.
- I was told the safe was SP certified. FALSE.
- I was told the box marking was the SP certification. FALSE.
- I was told the safe was certified. FALSE.

They told me not to worry. If the safe was destroyed in a fire they would replace it. Replacing the safe was not my worry. Keeping my data in pristine condition was.

I decided to return the safe. I was told that I would have to pay shipping and restocking fees which would be about $300. I declined to take that offer and we had several days of discussions during which Hollon refused to budge.

I then produced the original email from Hollon showing that they had misrepresented their product that they capitulated. I assume that was because I had proof of legal misrepresentation which is a civil tort.

While the original claim that the safe was UL certified might have been an honest mistake the other statements and claims were blatantly false. The people making those claims assuredly knew that they were not correct.

I would not purchase any Hollon safe based on my experience with this purchase.

NOTE: Although the Hollon safe was a disaster the people at GunSafes.com were helpful.
Thanks for the information.

As a general rule, I would prefer people buy their safes from a local safe professional that actually knows what they are dealing with. Buying from the internet is also OK, if the company selling the safes is a real safe company that actually knows what they're dealing with.

The bad part is that there are a lot of companies selling on the web that don't know a thing about what they are selling, other than it makes them money. I suspect the company you mentioned is one of these companies. After all, they never checked into what they were selling did they?
I've had my safe from hollon for a while not one problem in fact its better than 99% most safes I've seen including canon,browning,liberty and most low to mid level amsec stuff. I can assure u of that..however if your trying to thwart the determined theif with a 4 1/2 grinder or a chop off saw I suggest in a safe deposit box in a bank because it all boils down to one thing they are all worthless towards a determinedperson, korean or not
Good grief Jbelen,what a mess!!
So,were you able to return it without paying for the shipping and did you get your money back??
If so good for you and your persistence.
Heeler: Yes, I was able to return the safe, did not pay shipping, and did receive my refund. However, if I had not had the email from Hollon proving that the product had been misrepresented (possibly by accident) I would not have been able to avoid paying shipping. It did not matter that their technician told me absolute lies. The sad thing is - I actually liked the safe. I just had no proof that it would actually protect my stuff in a fire at the claimed temperatures. If I buy a safe in the future it will be from a local dealer. a1abdj mentions that the reseller never checked the claims for the safe. This seems true. I just checked and they are still advertising the safe just like they did prior to dealing with me. Thus, it seems they are not too interested in advertising integrity.
Foreign ratings are a bit more comlicated to verify, but the UL ratings aren't bad. In most cases you can verify a UL rating through UL's website. I don't believe the make it as easy as they could, but so long as you don't mind spending a few minutes poking around you can usually find the information.

As a dealer, I also tend to trust what my vendors tell me. If they tell me a safe is rated, I usually take their word for it. I have seen enough safes and how they are built to spot something that looks suspect. Of course it's not always that obvious.

We just dropped a line that was being imported with fake UL tags attached. The models we were selling were legitimate, but the other models were not. I figured if they would lie about one, that at some point in the future that they would lie about the other. This problem looks like it may get worse as more and more of these safes are coming from China, where making fake stuff (including UL tags) is their specialty.
Ahh yes the unscrupulous Chinese business practice of lying,cheating,bringing in toxic materials,and never honoring patents.
Care to mention this line of safes a1abdj?
I checked with Hollon in my search for a gun safe/rsc, I was told they imported their safes, I took them off my list. Criteria number one for me is that it be made in the USA! I have made up my mind and I am going to purchase a model from Superior Safe Co. It fits within my budget, is well made, and is most importantly made here. Take a look at them, they have something to fit everyone's need. They now offer a model with a 1/2 inch thick plate door, 1/4 inch body and an inner door of 3/16. Not the model that I can afford, but they offer one.
Take a hard look at what your buying before you plunk down your hard earned cash. Me, I have been doing my research for quite a long time and while I am no expert I think I am making a well educated choice. We all know that we are buying these for protection against the smash and grab type theif, what we are really buying is a deterent against this type of intrusion. There has not yet been a safe that cannot be breached, it's all a matter of time. But think about it, how many theifs run around with huge pry bars, power tools and torches. If someone really wants your stuff it's going to be gone. With that being said, again do your research before you buy.
Hollon Safes

I did extensive research on gun safes and determined the Hollon RG 45 was the best safe for me, especially for the price. I considered some high end used safes as well, but they provided no better protection, had no better features, cost more, were more hassle and expensive to move, and had no warranty. I installed mine in the corner of the garage and built a closet around it to hide it and make it that much more secure. It is bolted to the concrete floor.

Here is what my analysis determined:

1) A determined thief will break into any safe given enough time so the idea is to slow them down as much as possible so that it's not practical for them to break in.
2) Get a safe that's difficult to remove from the house which means heavy and bolted down.
3) On any decent gun safe the door is the strongest link and almost pry proof. That's why the relockers, multiple large bolts, extra plates on the doors, etc. The lock mechanism pretty much cannot be opened by anyone except a locksmith with a tool such as an auto dialer that takes days to determine the combination by trial and error.
4) The weakest links are the sides and back where a torch, grinding tool, or ax can be used to cut the safe open.
5) Unless one lives in a rural area with minimal fire protection the fire department should douse a fire before the 45 minute to 1.5 hour fire rating on the safe is exceeded (depending upon the safe one buys). The coolest place in a consuming house fire is an outside wall so if you are concerned about fire protection putting a safe there is your best bet. In the last few years much of the competitive improvements in safes have been in fire protection.
6) Digital keypads are ok if you want fast access to your safe, but they are the most problem prone component. I figure if I need to pull a weapon out of my safe for home protection I haven't thought through emergency situations ahead of time and am best leaving the weapon in the safe. If my gun isn't at hand it does me no good.

Hollon safe strong points:
1) The most metal of any safe more than twice it's price - 3 gauge door and 8 gauge body.
2) Ten 1.5 inch locking bolts
3) Over 1000 lbs
4) 1 hour fire rating
5) Nice look and finish
6) Well designed and flexible interior shelves and storage including standard door pockets
7) Very competitive price

Hollon safe weak points:
1) No standard interior wiring or lighting. Hole in back for running your own wire.
2) Limited warranty except for lifetime on fire
3) No day key on mechanical lock
4) One choice of color

I would rather buy American, but when the day is done I buy what's best for my wallet. The Koreans make pretty decent stuff, unlike the Chinese. At least the Koreans are allies and make pretty good ammo such as PMC.

The safe company added wiring, LED lights, a humidifier, plus replaced the mechanical combination with a Liberty that has the day key on it, as well as gave me their 5 year warranty. They included this in an already discounted price. That gave me everything I wanted in a safe and I paid about $1,000 less than the next safe I considered (the comparably sized Liberty Franklin). The Liberty had a nicer door pocket system and lifetime warranty on theft but it's metal was much thinner.

There are many good gun safes out there, but for a full size (6' tall) 45 gun safe with excellent theft and fire protection the Hollon RG 45 definitely gives you the most for your money.
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