Home Defense (Philosophy)

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Aug 27, 2008
Tampa Bay, Florida
Why is it that when someone puts themselves in harm's way and is willing to fight for or die for their country even when they have the chance to escape, they are considered heroes, but when they put themselves in harm's way and are willing to fight for or die for their home even when they have the chance to escape, many people see them as recklessly endangering themselves and others?

What do you think? Is it foolish to stay and fight an intruder in your house even when you have a means of escape? Is preserving your life more important than protecting a bunch of "stuff"? Does how much "stuff" make a difference? Is it always better to get away if you can?

Just wondering what others think?
Well,Joe I think the scenario is all important.
If you have the capability of warding off the intruder(s) and can do so with almost 100% certainly that your life and you're loved ones(if any)will not be in harm's way I say go for it.
Any serious doubts and you can escape unharmed without question,forget the "stuff" and vamos!
Because the media portrays military and police as highly-trained professionals (and many are) but ordinary "civilians" as dangerous dolts who lack the training and opposible thumbs to properly operate a firearm.
Such journalists have obviously never been to a match or seen how hard the peons train.
In addition it just flat out frightens people that those types of things may happen next door instead of in a far off land where it's easier to say "right on!"
While I do not condone killing the intruder if he is trying to escape, this is the way I look at it. I go to work 40+ hours a week, and spend the better portion of my life working for all the "stuff" an intruder might be after. I am not going to leave all that I've worked for behind because it was safe. I don't want to put my family or myself in a life threatening situation, but all that stuff does mean something to me.
Two years ago I would have answered differently, but now I have a little one to protect. I doubt my thought process would ever get to escape, but rather would be to defend.

Like someone above stated, you don't know what else is out there. Maybe there's more in a van parked on the curb, maybe someone is watching the backdoor, etc...

Too dangerous IMHO.
While my $30 Emerson VCR is worth more than a lowlife's life, I'd like to think that my life is worth a lot more than that $30 Emerson VCR.

I don't think I'd run out of the house, especially if you don't know where the intruder is. But I also highly doubt that I'd go room by room, clearing them out looking for the intruder.

As for why someone who fights/dies for their country is considered a hero vs someone who fights/dies for their possessions is considered foolish....

Well that soldier or police is generally "fighting" for something more than just that widescreen TV, which can be replaced. Ideals, or other lives.

Most material objects can be replaced. Yes, you've worked hard, but I don't see the point in charging into the unknown, just to save that TV.
A man's home is his castle. The way I see it, your home is your last refuge. Where are you going to run if you're already home? I'm going to stand and defend. I also don't have a valid means of escape if a BG comes in my front door.
Pragmatics vs. ego.

How much is the violation of your terrority worth as compared to the risk of grievous bodily harm that you can avoid, or the consequences of shooting someone - even if righteous?

Decide what is worth what for you. Don't complain about the outcomes based on your decision.
As for why someone who fights/dies for their country is considered a hero vs someone who fights/dies for their possessions is considered foolish....

The answer is right there.;)
I have no family. I live alone. I have no very valuable possessions. Odds are, I'm going to tell a burglar to leave, and run if he tries to do me harm. But I definitely intend to defend myself with voluminous gunfire if I'm cornered. The only thing in my house really worth something is my rifle, and it's not very expensive anyway. It'll probably be on me if I go running from someone, if I have that option.
Well that soldier or police is generally "fighting" for something more than just that widescreen TV, which can be replaced. Ideals, or other lives.

What exactly is a soldier fighting for that a homeowner is not? A piece of real estate, the items on it, the right not to have force used against you or to be deprived of what's yours...your freedom and safety?

It seems to me an argument could be made that a soldier and a homeowner are doing the exact same thing, only one of them is doing it on/for a larger scale.
What do you think? Is it foolish to stay and fight an intruder in your house even when you have a means of escape?
What I think is,
I was never very good at running away or hiding in the bedroom and I'm not about to start now.

Is preserving your life more important than protecting a bunch of "stuff"?

The "stuff" doesn't matter, I give "stuff" away all the time.
The fact that someone thinks that they can take it from me is what matters and why they will get shot.
Since we haven't had a good war at home in over 100 years, our nation's soccer moms and middle-management dads view violence and confrontation as a thing reserved to uncivilized 3rd world countries. Soldiers only fight abroad in order to enlighten those savages to the ways of mini-vans and pension plans.

Besides, we have the police to protect us. Right? I'm sure there's some sort of union regulation that prohibits people from protecting themselves without going through legal red-tape. I can't even change a lightbulb without my apartment electrician getting pissy.
If someone enters my occupied home, and isn't headed out when we meet I will definitely defend myself and my wife. If they're stupid enough to enter an obviously occupied dwelling, I sort of doubt that they came in to ask for a drink of water or to pet the dog.

In defending a client the Roman Lawyer Cicero stated, "...that a thief by night may be killed under any circumstances - and that he may be killed also by day if he attempts to defend himself with a weapon...." Sounds good to me.
There is never one correct answer.

Some may be single and while others have children and other loved-ones in the home. Choosing to stay & defend v. skeedaddling will depend on your own personal circumstance.
What exactly is a soldier fighting for that a homeowner is not? A piece of real estate, the items on it, the right not to have force used against you or to be deprived of what's yours...your freedom and safety?

It seems to me an argument could be made that a soldier and a homeowner are doing the exact same thing, only one of them is doing it on/for a larger scale.

If that's how you want to look at it. That an intruder, by intruding, is assaulting your freedom to buy things, or freedom to be safe in your own home, that's your choice.

And while I suppose that those soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places of the world are fighting for you to keep your widescreen TV, asking them would get you a different answer I think.

I personally don't equate fighting for freedom as the same thing as stopping some intruder from walking off with my TV.
You fight for your family, your stuff, your life, your doing what needs to be done to survive and protect your family. A soldier leaves his family and stuff, risks his own life to fight for your rights and your families way of life. That is why he is a hero.

That being said I still fully appreciate the service being done to the community when someone takes out a scumbag that invades there home.
The question isn't do I think their life is worth my stuff? the question is do they? By entering my home WHEN I'm home means they've already made the descion and the answer is yes
In Defensive situation, I've always liked this philosophy.

(1) Keep your head down

(2) Keep your mouth shut

(3) Keep your eyes and ears open.


I like philosophy. :)
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The first thing people have to understand is the laws in their states. In some states, "castle doctrine" laws specify that they have no duty to retreat from their dwellings, or cars, etc., before using deadly force upon the forced entry of a potential attacker. In other states that is not the case.

Seek legal advice and do not rely on internet postings!

Whatever the law may be, in my opinion one is much better off not ever having to deal with the fact that he or she has had to shoot someone.

I hope this proves helpful.
I will retreat to my home and from there I have nowhere to go. At that point I will offer anyone in my home against my will one warning. Then what happens next is already set in motion.
I figure if I'm already backed into my home there is nowhere else to go. Yeah, there's a little rightous indignation involved here. I think it takes a lot of balls to enter MY home and endanger MY family so enter at your own risk dirtbag. I can live with my response.
Fighting for our rights, country, or other innocents is one thing. Fighting to preserve your property is another. Then again, I don't have anywhere else to go from my home if someone breaks in. It is my home, my place of dwelling, so I fight for my life and the lives of my pets (who are family, not property).
My house is in such disarray all the time that if a burglar broke in and looked around, he'd leave thinking someone got there before him......:uhoh:
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