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Home Invasion suspects being rounded up

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Nov 8, 2003
Falcon Colorado
The authorities are rounding up suspects in a string of home and store invasion robberies in the Colorado Springs area. It looks like they were pretty random and vicious in their crimes.

5 suspects in robbery, invasions being held
2 more men sought by El Paso County sheriff
November 3, 2007 - 12:39AM

Five suspects in a robbery and three home invasions in El Paso County and Colorado Springs were arrested this week, and two more men are being sought, the Sheriff’s Office said Friday.

On Sept. 23, the Kohl’s department store at 2725 Janitell Road in Colorado Springs was robbed, and a home invasion took place on the city’s west side. In El Paso County, two home invasions occurred on Sept. 26 in the B Street area and Oct. 3 in the Security area.

The Sheriff’s Office said the suspects used weapons, such as bats and firearms, to force their way into the business and homes. Shots were fired in two of the incidents, and victims were assaulted in three incidents.

Willie Eugene Patterson, 35, was arrested Friday on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree kidnapping and three counts of first-degree burglary.

Brandon Anderson, 25, was also arrested on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree kidnapping and three counts of first-degree burglary. Randy Forde, 19, was arrested on suspicion of three counts of first-degree burglary. Both men were arrested on Thursday evening and were being held at the El Paso County jail.

Two 17-year-old boys were arrested Wednesday and were being held at the Spring Creek Youth Services Center. One was arrested on suspicion of attempted firstdegree murder, first-degree kidnapping and three counts of first-degree burglary. The other was arrested on suspicion of three counts of first-degree burglary.

The sheriff’s office said it was still seeking Antoine Ray Rosenberg, 18, and Jerome Keller Christensen, 28. Rosenberg is wanted on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree kidnapping and first-degree burglary. Christensen is wanted on suspicion of first-degree burglary.

It's certainly not enough to have weapons, you need quick access to them. An alarm system is a necessity also, IMHO.
Home invasions are becoming enough of a crime problem in the Columbus Ohio area that the local rag and TV outlets are starting to report on them. The Mayor and the Council haven't acknowledged the problem. So far, the growth in home invasions hasn't been linked to gangs but I believe it is just a matter of time until the gangs see this as an easy way to generate cash. Most people are woefully unprepared to deal with a home invasion.
You have to harden your home to make a forced entry difficult. Good locks, door jambs, alarm systems and other passive physical security measures combined with active measures such as knowing who's at the door before you open it and family SOPs for who answers the door etc. are better defenses then firearms stashed all over the house. If you don't have time to evaluate the situation and access your weapons (if necessary) they are worse then useless.

Passive physical security measures buy you that time. A discussion of good deadbolt locks isn't as kewl as talking about the home invader leaving a warm wet puddle where he was standing when you racked the slide of your 12 gauge shotgun before he turned and ran, but it is a much more practical conversation.

No one can live in condition yellow 24/7. We all have to relax and chill out or the stress will kill us (probably after all our loved ones depart because we're too crazy to live with) before the bad guys ever come. Your home is a place where you can go to condition white. Passive security measures allow you to safely. Active security measures allow you to interact with the world safely.

Home invasions are becoming enough of a crime problem in the Columbus Ohio area that the local rag and TV outlets are starting to report on them. The Mayor and the Council haven't acknowledged the problem. So far, the growth in home invasions hasn't been linked to gangs but I believe it is just a matter of time until the gangs see this as an easy way to generate cash. Most people are woefully unprepared to deal with a home invasion.

Are you sure? My understanding is that Columbus' Mayor and City Council are very sensitive to the dangers of guns and discourage people from owning them. I expect the city to be absolutely safe.

On the rare occasions when citizens' homes are invaded in Columbus, those home invaders therefore are likely to be either unarmed or merely ill-informed. If I were the home owner I would politely ask them to wait--perhaps have some coffee while they're waiting--until I telephoned 911 to have a police officer sent around with an explanation that they've made an honest mistake and should leave.

You are absolutely correct. The Mayor and the Council (in its entirety) support disarming the population so that only the sworn officers will have access to assault weapons, concealed carry, and other forms of delivering mayhem. They feel so strongly that they have joined a lawsuit challenging the State's legal authority to enact uniform statewide legislation citing infringement on home-rule powers as the basis for their challenge.
Robert Hairless said;
Are you sure? My understanding is that Columbus' Mayor and City Council are very sensitive to the dangers of guns and discourage people from owning them. I expect the city to be absolutely safe.

308win said;

You are absolutely correct. The Mayor and the Council (in its entirety) support disarming the population so that only the sworn officers will have access to assault weapons, concealed carry, and other forms of delivering mayhem.

Ahemm...Gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention to this line at the top of your screen:

THR > Social Situations > Strategies and Tactics > Home Invasion suspects being rounded up

In case you hadn't noticed, this thread is in the Strategies and Tactics subforum. Comments about the mayor and city council of any municipality are not on topic here. Please restrict your comments to subjects that would actually help someone deal with a home invasion robbery. Save the political commentary for a forum where it's allowed.

That's why I have steel doors (insulated core because I live in Yankeeland and it do get a bit chilly) with steel frames and Medeco deadbolts all the way around. Windows have Shatterguard and several other noise-making features.

I think Medeco locks are really kewl.:neener: What do you guys like?

Last "home invasion" I had was two knuckleheads who stole a case a beer a piece and then proceeded to attempt to chop through the front door with a hatchet in a nice historical neighborhood which the cops use to cut through to different patrol zones (neighborhood association does not mind the extra patrols).

Homeowner called po-po and advised he had them at gun point on the other side of door. Police would not approach until dispatch advised that homeowner put down shotgun. Two drunken knuckleheads were oblivious to everything. Cops tapped Bobby Lee and Cledus on shoulder to make the arrest.
When you buy a house, change the locks on all the exterior doors. We learned this after a friend of the family experienced an absolutely horrific disaster when someone trying to get revenge on the previous owner of the house intruded. I'd go into detail, but I think it wouldn't lend any strategy or tactic other than the first statement I made.
No one can live in condition yellow 24/7. We all have to relax and chill out or the stress will kill us (probably after all our loved ones depart because we're too crazy to live with) before the bad guys ever come. Your home is a place where you can go to condition white. Passive security measures allow you to safely. Active security measures allow you to interact with the world safely.

Jeff has a good point. I can't stay awake 24/7 to guard the house. The beagle is not much of a guard dog, but is sensitive to noises that don't belong, and makes her sensitivity known vocally.

A bare minimum of dead bolt locks on all doors is a must. Its a good idea to remove the hinge screws that come with most door hinges and install longer ones that will go through the jamb and into the 2X4. There are some metal reinforcing plates for the lock side of the door jamb that are pretty effective at defeating typical kickdowns. Wooden exterior doors are usually easier to defeat than metal ones.

Windows need some kind of locking means, and should use a type of glass (or polycarbonate) that is difficult to break. Low plantings under the window right up against the foundation discourage access to the widow from the outside, while not giving a trespasser a place to hide (thorny things work well for this purpose).

An alarm system gives you advance warning and warns a potential miscreant that he should probably move on.

I had an acquaintance once who had a sprinkler hooked up to a motion detector by each of his outside doors that he turned on at night. Was oriented to spray water at the area of the door if motion was detected. The only person he ever "got" was himself when he would go out and forget to turn off the contraption.

I have been thinking some kind of strobe light hooked to a motion sensor might discourage the casual burgler.
Aw, gee, I saw some valuable tactics in those two posts, and they were NOT ad Hominem attacks on the city's fine public servants, either.

Strategy 1: Rely on government to solve all your problems.
Tactic 1: Make the world safer by taking those nasty guns out of the bad guys' hands.
Tactic 2: Be a political activist who tries to use the courts to do what the lawmakers don't have the courage to do.

I think there's room here for making a point with the humor of the absurd.

Just me....

Robert Hairless said;
Are you sure? My understanding is that Columbus' Mayor and City Council are very sensitive to the dangers of guns and discourage people from owning them. I expect the city to be absolutely safe.
308win said;

You are absolutely correct. The Mayor and the Council (in its entirety) support disarming the population so that only the sworn officers will have access to assault weapons, concealed carry, and other forms of delivering mayhem.
Ahemm...Gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention to this line at the top of your screen:

THR > Social Situations > Strategies and Tactics > Home Invasion suspects being rounded up

In case you hadn't noticed, this thread is in the Strategies and Tactics subforum. Comments about the mayor and city council of any municipality are not on topic here. Please restrict your comments to subjects that would actually help someone deal with a home invasion robbery. Save the political commentary for a forum where it's allowed.

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