Honeybee Killer Done in by unarmed tanner

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Mar 10, 2006

Please note how the hero gets less press than the hooker, shooter or wronged cop! The Tribune again puts the emfassis on the wrong sylllabllle>

The short story is the murdering idiot, having previously killed two and wounded one, attempted to rob a tanning salon (?) and was confronted by an unarmed customer who took his gun from him and killed him with it! Video of the incident is online and the tanning center has popped for 5k for the customers kids college fund and life time tanning for he and his wife! Although fully clothed for the 12degree weather, he looked like a bodybuilder/wrestler, with @ 24" neck! Wrong choice of victim!
journalism is failing us. They are expected to be "whistle-blower" for the general public. Seems reporters always have some political agenda of their own. My gues is the liberal press does not want people to stand up to a punk, just lay down and take it. The man is a hero and that is what the story should say
No relevance to S&T so far---anyone have a relevant contribution?
Link to store camera: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-3qKkEFOlg

Some observation and speculation...

1. The gentleman remained calm.
2. He appeared to observe and assess the situation.
3. Maintained good awareness of what the baddie was doing and took advantage of the baddies lapse of SA.
4. Acted rapidly and decisively when he saw his chance.
5. Appeared to be a fit individual which will obviously enhance any course of action requiring physical effort.

Hats off to the gent...
Quick thinking, and good reflexes on the part of the Good-Guy, prevailed well in this instance.

Ceasing his moment, disarming the Bad Guy, and, on from there.

Relevence to S & T?

Whether carrying or not, situational awareness, ability and will to act instantly, and, good reflexes are one's primary 'Tools'.

Imagine this situaiton with the Good Guy being the one Holding the Revolver, intending to detain a Bad Guy till the Police arrive.

If the Bag Guy has superior situational awareness, reflexes, agilty, and the will to use them, it can be he who will prevail, even if he is un-armed, and being held at Gunpoint.
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Importantly, he didn't do what he did until it went past money, and he feared for their lives. Legally and morally unimpeachable, even in this communist-ish state.

Imagine this situaiton with the Good Guy being the one Holding the Revolver, intending to detain a Bad Guy till the Police arrive.

Very good point Oyeboten. That could have easily been a GG who loses awareness trying to call 911 or check for accomplices etc.
SA is the big time issue that screams out from that video...

The clerk doesn't have it.... chubby robber with gloves on, puts gun back in his jacket pocket and bumbles around with his zip ties for minutes..... while the clerk sits there frozen..... I suspect she could have bolted over the counter and have been out the door before he could have gotten his act together and got a shot off....

Customer comes in and is obviosly watching carefully..... when robber puts piece back in his pocket and starts whipping out his zip ties, the customer looks keyed.... and when the robber bends over to pick up the dropped zip tie, the customer doesn't hesitate at all, but is on the guy in a split second.... grappling with him, throwing him off ballance and seems to strip the gun from him quite easilly.

BZ for the customer.... keeping his wits about him and quickly siezing the momentary opportunity may just have saved several lives.

The clerk is lucky to be alive.

As was also witnessed by the recent write up about the retired marine/airline pilot in FL who popped two Subway robbers when they tried to herd him into the bathroom, having a mental line in the sand and then quickly and decisively acting when that line is crossed is key.

I'll bet ya the customer in this video has a "I'll never be tied up" line in the sand.

Of course, we'll never know and never benefit from that knowledge if the Tribune is the only write up we ever get.
Helped that the BG was a big fat slow lard ass who kept putting his gun in his pocket or on the table. :rolleyes:
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