Hope for America

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Illinois is poised to have a lot of people signing up for concealed carry. Which is an awesome thing because as some Bill of Rights haters over at democraticunderground have pointed out. Once folks have the right lawfully carry guns, they won't want to give it up and will start to make their voting choices based on whether or not their right to carry will be preserved. Something some of the folks (not all are bad, not many are good, but some are kind of reasonable) at the demunderground don't like because they know Chicago dems are not good for self-defense or the Bill of Rights and once voters start getting to enjoy and appreciate those rights, there is a chance for more 2A progressive dems to come into power.

Concealed carry in Illinois is a big deal. Especially the case that made it happen. The problem now is getting the SCOTUS to hear a CCW case and look to Illinois's interpretation.

Colorado was a major blow, don't let anyone be fooled about that. The lawsuits are a big deal (can anyone PM a verified source for making a donation I'll kick in $20), and the political fight is a big deal, but we our backs are up against the wall on that one. It's a fight we can't afford to lose or surrender on. But with Illinois going shall issue, the tables turned, but only a little. I'd still say we are on the losing end of this fight.

If you think the antis are giving up, they aren't. They went back to their line and are working on concocting the next round of fighting they plan to bring to us. Wait till there is another mass shooting and we will be back in for the fight of our lives as the Mass Media, Mainstream Media, does everything it can to glorify the demented and likely suffering shooter in the hopes of getting ratings for its dying medium. In turn creating the desire for more copycats.

Illinois is a glorious thing. But this war ain't won yet.
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This is a good first step. I hope it leads to more changes in the future to reduce the burden on the good citizens of Illinois to obtain and carry; especially in Chicago.
It will be great when in about 5 years we can point to the crime rate falling in Chicago and point to this turning point. Probably won't be by much, but I bet if they get anywhere near the predicted 400,000 CCW holders this year and then over the next few years I bet will make a little dent.
Hope would be 4,500 folks marching peacefully down the main streets of Chicago saying 'We don't need a permit to exercise our rights!!!'.
I know, it won't happen in Texas either. But hope does not have to be rational.

I don't know about any good CO sites but Calguns is a great organization to donate to. They actively support pending lawsuits. Give them a look.

We need to stop abandoning States where rights have already been stripped and attack them like a cancerous growth. It tears me up inside to see my fellow gun owners treat California like a lost cause. We'll never get our rights back without outside support and we continue to lose more rights and support every day.

If you have it, give $5, 10, 20, 100 dollars to make sure it doesn't spread to your State and help us bring back ours. Spend 10 minutes a week writing out of State Congressmen and Senators letting them know you will refuse to spend a dime in any state that restricts gun ownership and you will support any opposition to them.

Please help us in our fight and help lift up your fellow brothers in arms that are fallen and weary.
Ky Larry said:
See? The system does work but only if we all PARTICIPATE.

I'm all for participating in the process, and I cannot fathom why some people complain about the gov and then can't be bothered to vote at election time. But let's not forget that Illinois ONLY has CCW because they were forced to by the federal courts. Heller and McDonald were 5-4 decisions, and the idea that BHO or HRC might appoint the next Supreme Court justice keeps me up at night.
I'm all for participating in the process, and I cannot fathom why some people complain about the gov and then can't be bothered to vote at election time. But let's not forget that Illinois ONLY has CCW because they were forced to by the federal courts. Heller and McDonald were 5-4 decisions, and the idea that BHO or HRC might appoint the next Supreme Court justice keeps me up at night.
Makes me worry too.

Field tester - not sure how your reps are setup but most won't accept e-mails from people that are not their constituents.
This is a good first step. I hope it leads to more changes in the future to reduce the burden on the good citizens of Illinois to obtain and carry; especially in Chicago.

There is a good piece in The Chicago Tribune today that gives me hope as well.

Since the death of communism in most of the places where it once prevailed, North Korea and Cuba function mainly as educational exhibits for an irrelevant and unsuccessful ideology. When it comes to the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the city of Chicago fills a similar role.

The latest was Monday, when a federal district judge invalidated the city's ban on the sale or transfer of firearms. The ordinance makes it illegal to operate a federally licensed gun shop or even for a father to give a gun to his son.

As usual with Chicago gun laws, it went too far. "The ban on gun sales and transfers," wrote Judge Edmond Chang, "prevents Chicagoans from fulfilling, within the limits of Chicago, the most fundamental prerequisite of legal gun ownership — that of simple acquisition."

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