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How about some THR t-shirts!!

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May 14, 2003
Waco, TX
I regularly post at another message board for electric bass players (www.talkbass.com) and they sell some t-shirts that are pretty popular over there. I think it'd be cool if the owner/operator of THR or some enterprising user (with owners permission of course) whipped up some cool THR t-shirts and sold them for 10 bucks. It'd be a good way to help fund THR and it would also provide a way to possibly meet other THR members at gun shows, ranges, tournaments and shops. How's about it?

The shirts would have to be classy of course and hopefully wouldn't have some big flamboyant design on the front. I think a good design would be the "www.THEHIGHROAD.org" header at the top of this page across the front (kind of long and narrow just like it is on the page) by itself with maybe a pro freedom or 2nd ammendment quote or saying on the back. Fairly subtle and understated but clear is the way to go! I know I'd pay 10 bucks for one.

brad cook
They are in the works. I'm the guy. Oleg is finalizing the art work that he would like for me to use.
psshhhhaww....like what? doing work you're paid for? :D
whats more important? food on the table and a roof over your head, or keeping 5000+ members here happy?
Keeping runt happy is easy. Just shaddup and keep loading those magazines for her. ;) You wouldn't want her to break a nail doing it herself, would you? :p

Larry, if we can get sweatshirts, I could use one of those instead. Grey please.
Have Molon Labe shirts/hat and they're great (and a TFL shirt)
Would like to have THR shirts/sweatshirt, etc. when you have them.

Why not put out one with the logo/design on the BACK so it could be read by anyone standing BEHIND the shooter/firing line? (Could make for a less painful reading experience!)

Just a thought but will take one any way they're offered!
How about posting a listing of all current members in small print on the back of the shirt with a heading something like Strength Thru Diversity or United We Will Stand or Screw You Guys I'm Going Home:D . I don't know.

Just a thought.

Why not put out one with the logo/design on the BACK so it could be read by anyone standing BEHIND the shooter/firing line?
I like that idea. Perhaps one of Oleg's posters with a small THR logo on the front left (pocket)?
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