How Best To Sell Unneeded Ammo?

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I'm getting rid of a few different calibers and have a fair supply of ammo built up over time that I won't need. So,...what is the best way for me to sell this ammo and not loose a bunch of money?

Donate your stash to the 4-H if they have hunter safety training or another similar organization?
lightman, that may be what I do...especially what with the issue with Walmart getting out of ammo sales.
Sensitive hearing causing me to stick to 22lr. I don't see that changing in the future.
Post what you have, what you have in it and what you will ship it for.

If you bought in the “panics”, you will want to wait until the next one.

Now is not the time to sell a $400 AR for $2000 or a $9 mag for $100. May take awhile, to sell a $80 brick of .22
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