How big are the deer in your area?

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Ben Shepherd

Feb 27, 2004
Out here, an adult mulie buck can push 300 pounds. And usually you're only allowed 1 deer if you draw out.

What about the deer where you live? How big, and how many can you take?
There aren't any deer in Idaho, but if there were any, they'd be small. There's no habitat for them, really.
AB- Then why did I see a big 4 point Mulie that went an easy 24" standing on a guys front lawn in Riggins as I drove through a couple years back?:D;)
Then why did I see a big 4 point Mulie that went an easy 24" standing on a guys front lawn in Riggins

They come over from Oregon, a few miles West, in February, and go back in August.
The largest buck taken on my place was a 10 point that weighed 250 lbs that scored in the 150s. of course it was taked by someones brother in law. The largest I have taken was a 210 lbs 9 point that scored 125. My place is in Greene County Alabama near Aliceville and Eutaw.
Alabama has a new law that allows for only 3 bucks per season. this has upset some but for me if i get one buck in a year im doing great. I do practice "let em go so he can grow" religiously. Deer in Alabama are extreamly abundant but vary in size from area to area. in Mobile and south Alabama the deer tend to be smaller like what you would find in Florida.The bucks i mentioned were taken 6 years ago and we have had some that size since then but these are our largest. The smaller bucks are in the 150 + range. Does are taken at higer rates for many reasons. In my case we have "doe tags" and suggestions from biologist to take +/-20 does a year on 3,000 acers.

The one one the left was taken by my 11 year old son last year, his first time out. It was up in Jet NW Oklahoma by Kansas, 260lbs on the hoof 200 field dressed. The one on the right was shot by me in Seminole SE Oklahoma 2006 it field dressed at 112lbs. Out of the 3 seasons bow, black powder, and rifle we are allowed 2 bucks total and I think 6 does(2 per season) I could be wrong on the does.
It not uncommon for bucks to get over 200 pounds dressed...and a few does in the 150+ class either. I've taken 3 bucks over 200 pounds dressed, one was a 12, one was an 8, the other was actually a spike! Does can get extremely large...have shot a few that went close to the 200 mark.

Bag limit is 6 deer per year, with bonus tags for slick-heads. So you can actually bag as many as you want, but only 2-3 can be bucks.

3-4 is usually all I want to mess with...
Armed, what are you talking about? they just hide from you cause you're a sniper. I don't know how big the does are by me but not very big. I can get it in my truck by myself and I only shot 1 buck so far.
Using a girth measurement chart we'll see live weight mature bucks run 300-400 lbs....biggest I've taken came in around 340 lbs. (Iowa GMO corn & bean fed) Have seen a couple of older doe's that would push close to that 300lb mark. On average most of the younger deer are 200+ ballpark.

Big ones tend to run like a steer and kinda pour themselves over a fence.

Depending if you're a land owner or not the number taken can vary, I've got tags for five this year.
The deer in Riggins just come by to eat the salmon.:D

Seriously, I've slept in Riggins once, and hiked around there. Saw a few deer outside town, and one right between our hotel room and the river. It wasn't hunting season, though.:)
Mulies ain't whitetail, btw. But, the guys up in Illinois, Iowa, and such seem to think their whitetail are bigger than mulies. I know down here, we call 'em jackalopes. I've never seen a doe taken around here that went 100 lbs on the hoof. Bucks, a big one, is 150 on the hoof. I've taken ONE that big and the racks, well, they aren't managed and they don't get good nutrition, let's just put it that way. LOL But, hell, they still taste good.

Ours is a 5 deer county, 3 bucks, two does.
Using a girth measurement chart we'll see live weight mature bucks run 300-400 lbs....biggest I've taken came in around 340 lbs. (Iowa GMO corn & bean fed) Have seen a couple of older doe's that would push close to that 300lb mark. On average most of the younger deer are 200+ ballpark.

Big ones tend to run like a steer and kinda pour themselves over a fence.

Depending if you're a land owner or not the number taken can vary, I've got tags for five this year
Sounds like my dating experiences.
On average I'd guess that 120 to 140 is about the run of the mill for central Florida bucks...........doe's of course run lighter. A really good buck in the Ocala area will run to 160.

Limits two per day.
Here in NE Kansas we do have some large deer. The one my son shot a couple weeks ago according to my Cabelas big game scale weighed 324# on the hoof. I am still thinking that number is high. I would of beleived 280 without much problem but the number I got is high in my opinion. The buck was fatter than fat he really let himself go but anyway. I would say average of 240 for bucks and 160-180 for a fat doe in this general area. My brothers and I own another small farm 80 acreas in Nemaha county and the deer are smaller around it. Nothing but brome hay and praire grass for them to eat. The land our house sits on has right around it. 100+ acreas or corn, 60+ acres of soybeans, and 60+ acreas of milo. In addition to the 7 acre food plot I put in that consist of red clover, white clover, alfalfa, chickory, turnip, and a few rows of corn. We also plant winter wheat so the deer eat well around here.
Jim in Anchorage -- you owe me a new keyboard. I just spit Diet Coke all over mine. Had to change it out, I don't think it's coming back... :p

I hunt Illinois and far NE Wisconsin, where I have some land. The biggest bodied deer I've seen with my own eyes, though, was taken around Rice Lake, WI, and weighed 309 lbs. -- already field-dressed. It was a beast, with a rather stubby 10-point rack. The kid that shot it was 15 years old, and it was his first deer. He may get bigger racks in his life, but he'll be hard-pressed to find a bigger body, I'm guessing.

The biggest one I've shot weighed 255 lbs field dressed, and was a 4 1/2 year old, based on the teeth. That one came from just outside Nebo, IL, in Pike County. Neck, chest, and shoulders looked like Mark McGuire during his Unauthorized Substance days. Still looking for his buddies out there...

That said, most of the deer up there are smaller, around 160-220 for bucks and 120-170 for does.
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