How big is this idea?

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Not only is it a stupid idea, but in my time zone it’s 9:00 AM and I plan on still being sound asleep. I won’t use the non-High Road verbiage of how I would react.
I don't really see how this will help our cause.

It won't. At best it is a feel good distraction to make gun owners who don't want to actually get involved with the real political process to turn things around think they're doing something. At worst, it is a provocative attention getting move that plays into the hands of the Antis.
might be alright if everybody could be off work at noon...........not like its really going to prove anything or make any difference of any kind.....
EVERY town I've lived in had/has a law against firing off rounds in the community. Would keep the police busy for sure. There are also going to be the folks who just have to shoot in the air. What goes up comes back down - hopefully without hurting anyone or damaging anything.
Thanks for posting the picture of Sen. Fineswine. I'd been looking for a new liner for my birdcage. Oh yeah,it's a stupid idea.
You guys really think that you're supposed to walk outside and fire rounds into the air?
I don't think people here are saying that as much as they are saying, all it will take is one idiot to think that and we have a disaster. And surely you admit there we most likely be more than one idiot out there. So while I know it doesn't mean that, it is such a poorly thought out idea that I hope it fades out. There is no logic behind it.

But on the flip side, how does the people behind this think it can be accomplished logistically? That is a bigger wow than your statement. Memphis has 4 or 5 gun ranges. How many gun owners are in Memphis? How the heck are we all supposed to shoot at the same time? 200 people per lane?

So this should really be "National people who live in the country and a few random city folk shoot at the same time day"

Stupid idea for stupid people that will end with stupid results
well hold on folks. we could go to a range and do this. or blanks can be used. i wonder what would happen though? i imagine one very loud bang:D
I would like to propose one other stupid ideas.

Everyone who has feet should go out at the appointed time and throw a shoe in the air.
I will be at a range event on Saturday. I doubt anyone will hear shots being fired there however.
The 'ffffttttttttt-thwonk' of a cedar shaft from a hickory longbow just doesn't make much noise.

What if we all just stepped outside at noon and yelled, "BANG!" ?

According to Unkle Joe, just gotta use a shotgun, and shoot it through a door. Then you're good.
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