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How do I buy a gun?

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Mar 4, 2009
I want to buy a gun, but what do I need to have to do that? It's a revolver I want. I'm in WI. I owned a hunting rifle once. :p

Also, anyone local (milw) want to teach me how to shoot it? prefer single guys, hehe (oh, and over 30 please no boys!!!)
For starters, I suggest a S&W 617 (ugh, cant remember the model #) Airlite with a 10-round (I think) cylinder. .22 LR, MSRP about 600-700 dollars.
Ruger sp101. A dealer at a shop can educate you pretty well about how to purchase, as every state is a little different. I'm not local, I live in Minneapolis, but I would be happy to teach you how to shoot, or even just visit a range with you when I'm in the area. I drive a truck, and get around a bit. Always looking for range companions in various cities across the country.
I already know the kind I'm getting really. Don't I need to have an ID or some background check or anything?
Which state do you live in?

Were you ever a felon or charged with a crime that falls under the Lautenberg Act?

Are you addicted to any controlled substances?

Do you have a clean criminal background?

The procedure in most "free" states is that you go to a licensed firearms dealer, pick out the gun you want, fill out the ATF form 4473, submit your state-issued photo ID and wait while they perform a telephone check to NICS to verify your information on the 4473 form.
Then (assuming your NICS check is PROCEED) you give your money to the cashier and go home with your gun.

UNLESS you live in a state that requires mandatory waiting periods, registration, "safety inspections", etc. in which case those laws are what is governing the transaction.

Or, in a really free state, you meet somebody who has a gun they want to sell, and if you both live in the same state and you both mutually agree that to the best of both of your knowledge, each of you are fine upstanding citizens, and you give them money and they give you your new gun.

Just like what you would do if someone had a lawnmower, a couch, or a 36-volume set of Encyclopedia Brittanica they no longer wanted.

You are (still) able to freely do with your property as you see fit.
Welcome to the High Road!

A government-issued photo ID is fine, such as your driver's license. The dealer will do the check after you fill out a form.

Oh, yeah, and don't forget money.

If you're lucky, they'll also have some ammunition to sell you, too.

Look around the forums here, there are a lot of good resources to learn from. Check out the "Handgun" and "Revolver" forums.
Milwaukee is in Wisconsin, not really a friendly state. Even in Minnesota, a fairly friendly state, you first have to get a permit to purchase. As I said before, unless someone in WI comes on here with advise, ask the guy at the gun store.
Go to gunstore, fill out paper work, submit ID, wait for approval, take gun home.

A gun safety/shooting course would be very good to take if you can find one in your area. Ask your local gun shop.

Here is the gospel on gun safety, take these rule very seriously.

1. All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.

2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. (For those who insist that this particular gun is unloaded, see Rule 1.)

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule. Its violation is directly responsible for about 60 percent of inadvertent discharges.

4. Identify your target, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything that you have not positively identified.
Hello and welcome! I'm also in WI (Fox Cities). Go to school on the west side of the state though....

You'll need a valid drivers license..... and thats pretty much it. However you must be a U.S. citizen and not have any sort of criminal record. If you buy the firearm in another state you'll have to pay an extra fee to get it transferred. Hope this helps.

Oh and there is a 48 hour wait until you can pick the gun up and take it home.
They've got it:

1) Go to the store, fill out the paper work (there are two separate forms to fill out in Wisconsin when you're buying a handgun) and show them your ID.

2) They'll call it in to the state of Wisconsin and charge you eight dollars for the privilege, unless the city, county or store policy add to that. Approval should only take a few minutes (but they've been extremely busy lately)...

3) ...and then 48 hours later you can go back to the store and take the gun home.

I'm single, well over 30 :D and enjoy working with new shooters, but I live a few hours away. (Hey! you kids get offa my lawn!)

Welcome to The High Road and to the world of revolver shooters (I'm another one). Oh, and don't forget to buy lots of ammo for your new gun. ;)

{Edited again to applaud Mike J's recommendation in Post #18 below}
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I shot the hunting rifle, and an m16 before. I was a bad aim :p I think it was because they were so heavy.

What is better than a revolver? What kind of gun did the girl in the xfiles movie have?
What is better than a revolver? What kind of gun did the girl in the xfiles movie have?
The best guns are the ones that you can shoot well. If semi or revolver are better for you nobody can answer except for you. You really should try and find a range and rent some guns until you find the one you are most comfortable with.
You need to have:

1) A criminal record devoid of any felony convictions and misdemeanor domestic violence convictions

2) No addictions to controlled substances (or a willingness to lie).

3) A driver's license

4) US citizenship

5) The patience to wait a couple days

WI is a pretty friendly state, except for the concealed carry insanity. Open carry - technically legal. Concealed carry - a no-no. Go figure.

Did Scully carry a Glock? I can't remember..
If you want information on different types of guns. How to tell if a gun fits your hand etc. There is a site that has lots of info & good articles www.corneredcat.com . The woman that runs it is a member here & she sat it up for women that want to learn about firearms.
A 48 hour waiting period is a gun friendly state? God, I hope Ohio never gets THAT gun friendly! Here I go to the local gun shop, see something I like, do the ATF form, let the cashier call in the background check, pay my money and hit the range. In and OTD in less than half an hour, maybe longer if I decide to shop longer.
I'm going to hold off on the T-word, but my paranoia is tingly

Google gun back ground check.

Also, in WI, there is a 2 day waiting period for handguns

You must be over the age of 18

Standard procedure.
Random Public Service Announcement:

The shiny side goes out. :)

This has been a random Public Service Announcement, for no particular reason. Really.
Thanks for all the advice. It might be a while before I get this gun, but at least I know how now. I heard I can rent guns, that sounds cool. How much does that run usually?
Here in town it is $15.00 plus ammo. Seems silly to me but they don't let you run your own ammo through their guns.:scrutiny:
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