How do you conceal carry a 20 cm blade??

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Jul 8, 2003
Hi guys!

Yesterday, my gf gave me a great Valentine´s day gift: A BIG A$$ knife!

It was bought from a former peruvian navy diver (spec Ops) and that is why I like it that much...but the thing is, that I just can´t conceal it!!

To give you an idea, it is a fixed blade and has a 20 cm blade, and the grip is about 10 cm tall. (one inch is 2.54 cm) so that makes a 30 cm knife!! The seath it comes with is really uncomfortable and may be worn great around a leg for camping trips, but I would just love to carry this knife everyday because it would make a formidable weapon!

How would you carry a knife that big?? Open carry is not an option here!!and I also have my pockets already filled with lots of I was thinking IWB....

Thanks a lot for the advice...if anyone can suggest a seath that is good for it, or give me some advice on how to desig one, I would really appreciate it!!
I have carried a 5" AK-74 bayo in the past in a custom shoulder holster, pommel down, but this was only possible because of the tension sheath. This conceals easily under most garments. Now that I have a CCW my knife is delegated to backup duty. For that I carry a SOG Seal Pup, which has a blade length of 4.75".

IMHO, unless you're planning on going up against large animals, an 8" blade is more of a liability than a benefit versus a smaller length. It has been my experience in martial arts training that unless you're going sword vs knife, an 8" or 10" blade isn't really going to give you much of an advantage over a shorter blade. After all, anybody with any serious knife training is going to cut you from stem to stern regardless of the length of your blade.
I don't know either, but IWB would seem like a place to start. Probably should stick the current sheath inside your pants and get an idea where it feels best (strong side or small of back) so you know what to ask a saddlemaker or knifesmith to create for you. Of course, it may well be impossible for an 8" blade.
hmmmmm.....a shoulder rig...I have never thought about it before...but does it have the same problems as a GUN shoulder rig?

I am really considering that option! Now all I have to do is find out where to get a decent knife shoulder rig here in Peru....maybe get a pistol rig and cannibalize??

Any suggestions???Do you have pics???
I really like the back seath given in the you have first hand experience with it?? Does it have a good retention??Does it print much??

Thanks you all for your answers!!!

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