How do you decide your next purchase

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Apr 15, 2004
If you are anything like me you have a want-list about a page long that has everything from SA 22s to AK47s on it.

How do you decide what your next purchase will be at times like this?
I usually only have two or three in mind that I am "in the market for". If I see one of those for a good price I go for it. Now and again I see someone selling something that isn't in my top three list but, if the price is really attractive I can't help myself.
When the full wallet lines up with the opportunity, WHAMO!!! I buy. Typically that happens right after Haley's commet comes by. :D

I make a list BUT I don't usually follow it because a "too good of a deal" comes up. But, this time I have my list and am following it:

AR-15 w/ 7.62x39 upper and 5.56 upper (on lay-a-way)
Shotgun (either a 870 or a Defender 1300 or a Mariner :D )
SA 1911 GI model
AK-47 (clone since we can't have Da Switch :( )

Of course, the priority of the above may change.

Put me in line as well. That would save me a lot of headaches
I usually only have 3 -4 items on my want list. There's always others that would nice to have but aren't a real gotta have item. I simply take a set amount of $ from each paycheck and set it aside in the "gun fund". While it grows, I have time to decide what to get. If looking ahead, there's a tri-mester bonus likely, I'll take that into consideration and plan bigger than if it weren't coming. What scres things up however, are the "distributor editions" that come out every now and then. I may be all ready to buy a and one of these model comes out. Being a likely limited model, that'll take precidence. In '05, I'm having two "gun funds", one for the list and the other especially for these special editions.
Like everybody else, I have a list. The secret about what to buy next is to simply buy individual specimens. IOW, don't just go buy a gun because the model is the next one on your list. You need to keep looking until you find one that is made right, looks good, has a superb trigger and just generally feels right. IOW, don't just go guy a gun - shop for a good one. I'd tell you that the good ones will talk to you, but you'd think I was touched in the head. Using this method you'll eventually get all of the guns on your list and they'll be good examples. Pick a model any model, the majority of that type are average, some are dogs, and the few good ones are worth searching for. Either that or find a talented local gunsmith.

The only two guns I've bought sight unseen in almost 40 years were a Remington 76 and a Cooper Custom Classic 57. The first was a gift to my uncle and the second a gift to my father. I lucked out on them though.

Much of my list is complete - well - almost! :p

Always room for more but - deciding factors? Gotta catch myself on a good day when bills done and I think (probably falsley) I have the funds to go splash out!

Actually - key factor - if honest - total and absolute impetuosity ... and having dreamed up the next ''excuse'' .., harrum - sorry, explanation .... for Mrs P95! :D ''Yep - investment Honey - more investment''!
Make out the 2005 want list and only 4 actual guns on it couple of encore barrels but they dont last a rather disapointing list this year compared to last year.
For me it's wherever the biggest hole in my collection is. At the moment I need a decent bug, and another plinking rifle...
I prepare elaborate spreadsheets with rankings of all models based on factors such as price, accuracy, reliability, capacity, appearance, fun factor, and many others. Then I compare that spreadsheet to a second one that analyzes the gaps in my collection. I carefully analyze all of the variables and create a list of the next 5 guns to buy.

Then, and here's the truth, I'll run across something that strikes my fancy and buy it, even though it was nowhere on my (imaginary) list. Honestly, for the past 5 years a .357 4" revolver has been number 1 on my mental list of what to buy next. Since then, I've bought 5-10 guns and still don't have a .357...
How do does one decide?

For me it is a simple formula.

- 1 part rational decision (perceived need)
- 1 part emotional decision (perceived want)
- 10 parts monetary consideration (how much money do I have)
Mix in a blender (ponder all considerations until completely confused as to what to buy)

Optional ingredient
- 2 parts spontaneous decision. Re-blend with 10 parts monetary consideration. (this requires dumping previous mixture down the drain after picking up a firearm that was never even considered before seeing said firearm).

Wash, rinse, repeat as needed.

Warning!! Do not substitute credit card for monetary consideration. This can create unstable or even volatile results.

See....very simple
I research until the feaver is too much. Take the Wife to the show/gun store. Talk it up to her and ZAMO! It usually appears on a special day like fathers day, Chrismas, etc. The ONLY DANGER...sometimes she finds one she likes and goes and gets it......instead of my well researched speciman.
It's a risky business, this gun buying. :uhoh:
I start by making a list of guns I don't want. What ever is left goes on my want list.
Ouija Board, Tarot Cards.

I bought a gun once because my wife thought the finish on the stock was "pretty".

When money is in hand and the gun presents itself.

Went to the Canby gun show last October. Swore I wouldn't take any cash. Just my luck, a Ishapore 2A jumped off the rack and demanded to be taken home. Found the nearest ATM.

Looked good in the Shotgun News ad.

If you don't get it, AIM is gonna run out.

I have a list and a C&R license. A very dangerous combination.

It just seems to come to me from nowhere and then I have to have it, whatever it is. Unfortunately, there are several still on my gotta have list due to lack of funds. But I still have to have them.
Since I live in the PRK, I go by what is about to be banned. This year it ended up being a .50 BMG. Awhile back it was > 10 round magazines. I didn't pay enuff attention to get a bunch of EBR's when I shoulda and I'm still kicking myself. At this very moment I'm on the fence over a Ma Deuce receiver - I'll never have the chance again, but I don't know that I'll ever get the nut up for all of the parts.
Since it's the trend, I'm currently concentrating on semi's of all kinds - though I'm also watching the "approved" handgun list to see what is about to expire for not paying the mordida that I might want .
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