How do you Mistake a Cow

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To me they stole a cow from my parents. If only cattle theft was still a hangin offense...

Though we don't hang folks much anymore, in Texas, this would have been treated very seriously. It would be considered the same as livestock theft and we have a branch of law enforcement the specializes in these matters. Someone killed and butchered a cow from one of my neighbors last fall and they used DNA evidence to prove who did it.
I've not paid attention to the $ numbers, but at some amount crimes change from misdemeanors to felonies. "It all depends", but nothing-special cows are worth around $500 to $800 at the auctions...

"Destroying property in excess of a value of $___" would, I guess, come under the generic heading of vandalism...

How does somebody mistake a cow for a deer? Maybe there was no mistake. We had some folks down here about 6 years ago that would just go around shooting livestock just for the heck of it. Who know? Maybe to see how fast or slow a certain bullet would kill something. Pathetic I know, but it happens.
Wyo, I think I've driven past the same farm... Last three hunting seasons, each time, the farmer's had "COW" painted on the side of most of his herd! :D

Of course, we still enjoy the story of the inner-city New Orleans students who came up here to Northern Louisiana on a field trip, sleeping overnight at a student hostel. They were shown a farm, including milking operations, and invited to try their hand. There was quite a line at the two or three cows they were milking, so some of the young men decided to milk the cow they found outside the cowshed. Only after suffering severe injuries, necessitating several ambulances being summoned, were they informed that the cow they'd tried to milk was, in fact, a bull...

I'm with Art and the guy who mentioned people getting mistaken for deer. There are jacklighting hunters shooting at eyes and then there are idiots who are shooting at movement.
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