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How do you resist the siren call of a new gun?

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Aug 22, 2008
Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
Since I've just gotten back into shooting, I'm still in the "newness/infatuation" stage, part of that stage means trips to my local gunshop, I'm just lucky/unlucky enough to live a mere 5 minutes away from the gunshop, and a 10 minute drive from my rod and gun club, we have 50 acres of land, and I also have a small .22 target range set up in the field bordering our woodlot

I can shoot my .22's on my home range as much as I'd like, but I prefer the more controlled environment of my R&G club

anyway, part of my "infatuation" stage consists of going to my local gunshop on a regular basis and looking for good deals (read; CHEAP) in their used guns, almost every week, I see a gun that I'd *LOVE* to have, and it takes a good deal of self-control to not lay down the plastic and take 'er home

I'm trying to pay off my bills first, and it's difficult to do if I'm adding expenses to the credit card or debit card, if I get every gun I want, I'l never get out from under the pile of bills, but dammit, I *WANT* a new gun, every week it seems

So, what I've been doing is being brutally honest with myself;

"Self, considering that all you are using your firearms for is target shooting/plinking and varminting, what does <insert gun I want> do that your other guns don't, considering all you use them for is punching paper targets..."

"Self, do you *really* want to stock yet another type of ammo? I thought you wanted to keep things simple and limit the types of ammo you have to store"

"Self, you're not yet accurate enough with your existing handgun, why do you want to get yet another handgun that will take practice time away from the one you have right now, shouldn't you get really, really good with your existing pistol first?"

"Self, do you really *NEED* more than one handgun, given all you do is punch paper with it, and do you want to have to deal with the additional expense of yet another ammo type, yes, a .357 wheelgun, or .45 ACP or 10mm semi would be loads of fun, and yes, you can shoot .45 ACP incredibly well, but do you want to stock an ammo that's twice as expensive as 9mm, just to punch paper with?"

"Self, you already have an accurate, powerful, soft recoiling, and incredibly reliable 9mm pistol, *WHY* do you need another one?"

"Yes, self, you already own 3,000+ rounds of .22LR, but do you *really* need a .22 handgun, even though you have enough ammo stocked to feed it, you're a good shot with your two carbine rifles, and you can only shoot one at a time (no John Woo style shooting here ;) ), do you really need a .22 handgun?"

"self, think of how much ammo you could buy with what you would spend on that gun you're drooling over, and think of how much better your accuracy would get spending it on ammo, rather than guns"

"Self, instead of looking at adding more guns to your collection, wouldn't it make more sense to get more magazines for the guns you already own?"

"Self, wouldn't it make more sense spending time getting more accurate with the guns you already own, rather then adding more guns to your collection?

"Self, remember these wise words;
"Be wary of the man with only one gun, he knows how to use it"
"you don't need a new gun, you need to use the gun you got"

So, how do you resist the siren call of new firearms?

On a side note, I always think it's kind of funny, whenever I go to my R&G club, with my Ruger 10/22, H&R single shot .22, and Taurus PT-99 AF 9mm, invariably there's some shooter in the next stall over shooting some ultra fancy, Übercustom 1911-chassis/Tactical Tupperware/Big-Bore Wheelgun/Black powder revolver or something, what invariably gains their attention is my lowly little H&R .22 single, every shooter that has tried it ends up with a huge grin on their face, it's just such a fun little gun
I tell myself that I already have a couple good guns, and with care they should last me the rest of my life. I don't need another gun.

Works for me.
I try to stay away from anything gun related, including this website. So far, it has not worked. I am still buying stuff and visiting this website. Damn it. You may need to seek professional help. Or, talk to your wife about your urges.
I don't resist. I give in.

I've been doing that for years - starting in the middle of the last century... :eek:

But at some point I had to start trading some of them back in. :(

Might say I work on the rotation system... :evil:
Okay, I'm taking the serious approach desired or not... Track all of your finances in a program like money or quicken or whatever.. Look up the category you put all your gun purchases in and view is as a pie chart. Be amazed in awe, or fear :eek: hehe keep a seperate category for range\ammo and be equally amazed.

If your married, compare that category to what you have 'invested' into your wife or kids.

Or set goals such as "I must genuinely, seriously, truly achieve XYZ before I can do ABC." Great motivation for loosing weight ect. if the goal is realistic. Stick to it. If in debt or putting on a charge you don't immediately pay off, make a firm rule that you cannot, will not spend money you do not have. Priorities. The future is a'comming whether we saved or not huh. You can't take it with you, but that goes for the guns too!
I didn't resist for a while. A pretty long while, considering I have only been able to purchase rifles for 10 years and handguns for seven. Now I have lots of cool guns and no money.

Now I just remind myself that I work for the state and therefore I am poor. Problem solved :(
I just found a sneaky way to "get more guns"....

I was talking with Dad this afternoon, he's in his early 80's and admits that his shooting times are behind him, even after I offered to let him use my 10/22 or H&R .22 Single.....

We got to talking about his gun collection, a folding .410 camp shotgun, an Ithaca lever-action single shot .22, a H&R single-shot 12-gauge, a Stevens .22 Target rifle (old hex-barrel falling-block) and one gun I never new he had, a lever action 44-40 plantation rifle

he remarked in an offhanded manner that he was dissapointed he could no longer shoot them, so I asked, if he wouldn't mind, if I could take one or two to the R&G club the next time I go, he responded that that would be fine, and he'd like to see them get some use

so, it looks like I just "unofficially" added these guns to my collection;
.410 Camp shotgun
H&R 12-gauge single
Stevens Target .22
Ithaca lever-action .22 Single
44-40 lever-action

Hmm, looks like a trip to KTP is in order tonight to pick up some 44-40 cartridges.....

Woohoo, gotta love "free" guns :)

Hopefully, I can see the following exchange taking place;

Me; Dad, would it be okay for me to take the Ithaca and/or the 44-40 to the range today?
Dad; Sure, just be careful with them
Me; I'll treat them like they were my own
I then proceed to put the 44/40 in a hard gun case, and the Ithaca in my soft padded case, go to the range and have fun, drive home, ask Dad for the cleaning kit for the 44-40, and Boresnake the .22, clean and polish them up, then hand them back to Dad to put them back in his display cabinet
Dad; (hands me the key to the gun cabinet) Here, take this, these guns should really see some use, feel free to shoot them whenever you'd like, just take care of them....

After all, he gave me his Parker VH a few years ago, and that beauty is still pristine
I WILL HAVE TO STOP someday :what:
but not quite there yet.:cool:

now when i go to the range it looks like IM running a resupply truck for our troops.:eek:
i try to get 5-7 hours at the range when i go (1-2 times a week)
ill stand in my gun room and try to make up my mind what guns to take out for stroll, seems they all want to come.:eek:

so yes IM a Gunoholic.;)
Mostly by looking at my paycheck and bank balance.

I'm new too, and I do think about what I want next, but I've acquired five guns in three months and have a few things I need for the ones I've got, like magazines, holsters, and a couple of alterations. Plus, I chose well on the ones I have and really like shooting them, so I don't want anything else crowding in just yet.
I’m a windfall gun junkie – tax return, rebate check, bonus, mortgage escrow refund, various other refunds – all end up buying guns.
How do you resist the siren call of a new gun?

That's easy. Just mention to your significant other that you saw a (fill in the blank) gun the other day and it was really cool. You'll get a response that will help you resist.
Every time I want a gun I think "I'll just get something cheap that works nice". I always come home with something that costs more than $500. :banghead: A gun habbit is worse than a crack habbit.
I budget for guns and other interests. Heck, if you go by the mantra of "pay yourself (savings), pay the bills, buy fun stuff", you'll probably be okay as well.

Budgeting is fun for me, I can look at something and tell myself "If I just wait two more months, I can afford ______".

Of course, guns, unlike many other objects in which we might pursue our leisure, seem to hold a decent value. Doubly so if you try to buy used =).
How do you resist the siren call of a new gun?

That's easy. Just mention to your significant other that you saw a (fill in the blank) gun the other day and it was really cool. You'll get a response that will help you resist.

My wife is actually the reason I have so many. She encourages the habit....
Basically I don't. Everything is paid for house, car, truck, all bills current paid in full, or scheduled. Son is finished with college and law school.

Bottom line is the Wife if I see something says, buy it, you work hard for your money, and we can afford it. So!!!

It's nice to reach that point in life.
I try the old Jedi mind trick.

"These are not the guns you'relooking for."

Hasn't worked yet but I'm still perfecting it.
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