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How Hip-hop Has Embraced and Rejected the Firearm

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Forget that traitor crap up higher on this page...

How bout some MOTO rap?

Any of y'all hear about Stuck Mojo?

I speak peace when peace is spoken, But I speak war when your hate is provoking, The season is open 24-7-365, Man up yo time to ride, No need to hide behind slogans of deceit, Claiming that you're a religion of peace, We just don't believe you, We can clearly see through, The madness that you're feeding your people, Jihad the cry of your unholy war, Using the willing, the weak and poor, From birth drowning in propaganda, rhetoric and slander, All we can say is damn ya

My forefathers fought and died for this here
I'm stronger than your war of fear
Are we clear?
If you step in my hood
It's understood
It's open season

I don't need a faith that's blind, Where death and hate bring me peace of mind, With views that are stuck deep in the seventh century, So much sand in your eyes to blind to see, The venom that you leaders preach, Is the path to your own destruction, Your own demise, You might say that I don't understand but your disgust for me is what I realize, Surprise!
Your homicidal ways has got the whole world watching, Whole world scoping, So if you bring it to my home base, Best believe it, The season's open

I see you, Hell yeah I see you, Mother****er naw, I don't wanna be you, If you come to my place, I'll drop more than just some bass, Yo you'll get a taste of a, Sick mother****er from the Dirty, I ain't worrying not a ****ing bit, I'm telescoping like Hubble, Yo you in trouble, Yo on the double, I'm wild with mine, Bring that style with mine, **** with my family I'll end your life, Just the way it is, Just the way it be, Do you understand? No matter if you're woman or man, or child, My profile is crazy, That **** you do doesn't amaze me, I'm ready to blaze thee

I don't give a damn what god you claim, I've seen the innocent that you've slain, On my streets you're just fair game, Like a pig walk to your slaughter, The heat here is so much hotter, And my views won't teeter totter or fluctuate, Step to me you just met your fate, And I'll annihilate, With the skill of a Shogun assassin, Slicing and dicing precise with a passion, In any shape form or fashion, Bring it to my home, Welcome to the danger zone, Cause your attitude's the reason, The triggers keep squeezing, The hunt is on and it's open season

It's Open Season
Forget that traitor crap (Rakim) up higher on this thread...

How bout some MOTO rap?

Any of y'all hear about Stuck Mojo?

I speak peace when peace is spoken, But I speak war when your hate is provoking, The season is open 24-7-365, Man up yo time to ride, No need to hide behind slogans of deceit, Claiming that you're a religion of peace, We just don't believe you, We can clearly see through, The madness that you're feeding your people, Jihad the cry of your unholy war, Using the willing, the weak and poor, From birth drowning in propaganda, rhetoric and slander, All we can say is damn ya

My forefathers fought and died for this here
I'm stronger than your war of fear
Are we clear?
If you step in my hood
It's understood
It's open season

I don't need a faith that's blind, Where death and hate bring me peace of mind, With views that are stuck deep in the seventh century, So much sand in your eyes to blind to see, The venom that you leaders preach, Is the path to your own destruction, Your own demise, You might say that I don't understand but your disgust for me is what I realize, Surprise!
Your homicidal ways has got the whole world watching, Whole world scoping, So if you bring it to my home base, Best believe it, The season's open

I see you, Hell yeah I see you, Mother****er naw, I don't wanna be you, If you come to my place, I'll drop more than just some bass, Yo you'll get a taste of a, Sick mother****er from the Dirty, I ain't worrying not a ****ing bit, I'm telescoping like Hubble, Yo you in trouble, Yo on the double, I'm wild with mine, Bring that style with mine, **** with my family I'll end your life, Just the way it is, Just the way it be, Do you understand? No matter if you're woman or man, or child, My profile is crazy, That **** you do doesn't amaze me, I'm ready to blaze thee

I don't give a damn what god you claim, I've seen the innocent that you've slain, On my streets you're just fair game, Like a pig walk to your slaughter, The heat here is so much hotter, And my views won't teeter totter or fluctuate, Step to me you just met your fate, And I'll annihilate, With the skill of a Shogun assassin, Slicing and dicing precise with a passion, In any shape form or fashion, Bring it to my home, Welcome to the danger zone, Cause your attitude's the reason, The triggers keep squeezing, The hunt is on and it's open season

It's Open Season
How is Rakim a traitor?

I dont much care for wrestlers and their music. I think Stuck Mojo's lyrics just forced me to throw up a little bit in my mouth. It is nothing but anti-Islamic sentiment. And most importantly it seems like it lacks soul. I really dislike the whole rap-rock genre. And it is not Hip-Hop at all but just a bunch of chest thumping.
It is amusing that "hip hop" parades itself about as a "culture" that can be seriously explored by persons such as the authors of the lead piece. In their own way, they are more presumptuous than are self-identified "Goths."

Hip Hop the culture is just a pop culture aspect of larger society, it just happens to be the popular culture of a subculture.

There is nothing about Hip Hop that gives it the necessary gravity to be treated any more seriously than pop culture at large in any of its other frivolous dimensions.

The failings of the Hip Hop Nation as a culture have just as deep roots embedded in partying and wanton promiscuity, an overbrimming of misogyny, the glorification of hustling in preference to hard work or education, served up with a definite subcurrent of victimology "by the man," which are angles that are just as self-defeating as is the glorification of senseless violence.

Even someone as sincere and benign as Andre3000 can't resist overplaying the hip hop bimbo angle in his video for "Hey Ya." He's still a part of the overarching problem and not someone to aspire to.

There is little that is commendable in hip hop. It's almost as nihilistic as a genre as Death Metal is. The biggest difference is the Death Metal zombies can't have bimbos credibly appear in their pathetic videos, well not live bimbos anyways.
Rap music is where it is because of white teenagers. They buy into all the lies they tell in there music and try to be "hood". Its hard for old people to understand what it is actually about. Especially ones that never grew up in bad neighborhoods and got into the drug scene. Now its a bunch of talentless fools who have no skill at all. My little cousin listens to it all and there are a couple I can stand and some I hate. I threw one of his CD's out of of my truck the other day. Typical black lies from Ice Cube. One of his songs went "They give us guns and drugs and then wonder why in f*
*ck we thugs. I know plenty of gun having white folk that have problems with drugs and have no record, and THE WHITE MAN didnt give you anything. Just the typical stuff that makes you blood boil. Its not the WHITE MANS fault your poor and live in the hood, its your parents. Wish I could buy a billboard in Harlem and put that on it.
“The fact is, guns are our problem,”

Funny, I don't remember trading in my value of human life at the store counter any of the times I've purchased firearms. I guess things really are expensive in some places.


I guess all those blacks just seal their CD'S huh :what:
and everyone in harlem is a rap loving black that should be thankful for all the good white teens that buy there EVIL RAP MUSIC:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

it is close minded people that cause the anti's to think the gun culture is nothing more than bubba's:barf:
Everyone who insists on proper societal conduct can be construed as a "Bubba." Even Doc Cosby got ripped by the hip hop nation.

I can't think of a more singular source for the glamorization of the criminal use of firearms than rap "artists." Not even Hollywood compares, since not all of Hollywood gunplay is in service to drug dealing, pimpin' and gettin' respeckt.

Those rapping morons are just "keepin' it real." We in the very diverse gun rights community get to deal with the fear and loathing of guns fueled by their indiscriminate "art."
I fail to see what your getting at but if your trying to mock me let me clarify what I was stating. 99% of them are fake thugs who had nice suburban lives and never been to jail. Its all an act and the kids in the suburbs that buy the cd's believe every word of it.
All forms of music have terrible role models. There are rappers with very positive messages and negative ones, just like anyone else. Most of the people claiming moral superiority know as much about the genre as the anti-gunners know about guns, and like them, develop their opinions based on the vague insinuations of evil tied to it which are acknowledged within their social circle. So sad.

I'll also add that rap is arguably the most popular genre of music in America. Take a look at top 40 charts, and rap is easily one of, if not the most highly represented genre. A large portion of pop rap does consist of rappers bragging about how rich they are, how many women they get, and how successful they are. Immoral? Glorifying promiscuity? I suppose. But even worse, I absolutely can't stand the morality/thought police. They're quite possibly the greatest threat to liberty and freedom which exist, and surely one of the reasons I excercise my rkba.
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I can't think of a more singular source for the glamorization of the criminal use of firearms than rap "artists." Not even Hollywood compares, since not all of Hollywood gunplay is in service to drug dealing, pimpin' and gettin' respeckt.
I didn't realize that all those Godfather and ganster movies were rap based... I thought "Murder Inc" was a mob organization a long time before it was a record label. I even thought that the rappers ripped off the mobsters names and personas. And I seem to recall a ton of "bullet ballets" out of Asia that were popular, but I guess those guys were Chinese rappers. Yep, you really can't argue that hiphop is the singular source for the glamorization of the criminal use of firearms...


99% of them are fake thugs who had nice suburban lives and never been to jail. Its all an act and the kids in the suburbs that buy the cd's believe every word of it.
MTV is the worse thing that ever happened to hiphop, because it made it a commodity for mass consumption, with producers packaging performers and selling records to suburbanites based so called cred. As with any other art form, once it becomes commercial, and the consumers aren't educated, style and form become more important than talent or message. And then the backlash starts and everybody and their mother who's ever been offended by a Vanilla Ice song feels confident in making sweeping authoritative statements as to the nature, motivations and status of hiphop.
Way to completely miss my point. Rap only depicts guns in a negative light, in only a gangsta or public menace type of depiction. I am fully aware of Hollywood glamorizing gangsters, cowboy villians and the like over the years, but there has also been a competing depiction of guns in the hands of law enforcement and private citizen "heroes" to counterbalance the villianous use. Just about everyone in a rap song featuring firearms is a self-stylized thug just doing what is required to "get paid."

Whether that pay comes from a real life background of pimp slapping or the imagined stylings of a middle class upbringing wannabe looking to get paid by Time Warner for faking it to the pimply teenagers in the suburbs whose taste is all in their asses is hardly a concern.

Large cross-sections of society to not aspire to be mafiosi or take their lifestyle cues from HK action flicks. Hip hop is seamless in its glamorization of the thug life, from the mix tapes of aspiring gangsta rappers to the film depictions in movies geared to that audience. The fantasy isn't being the next Al Capone, it's to be the next Fifty Cent.

Apologists for the genre want everyone to believe that hip hop is more than superficial, that it actually has something important to say and that a genre based on a mix of tired spoken word performances and incessant copyright violations of actual musicians is more than the sum of its parts. Maybe it was an important development in its "golden age" but today it is as worn out and self-parodying as any arena rock act of the 70s.

The same cliches run through the same derivative loops are going nowhere. "Take a look at the Top 40?" Music sales are at an all time low. What good is it to be kings of a heap of crap?
Way to completely miss my point. Rap only depicts guns in a negative light, in only a gangsta or public menace type of depiction. I am fully aware of Hollywood glamorizing gangsters, cowboy villians and the like over the years, but there has also been a competing depiction of guns in the hands of law enforcement and private citizen "heroes" to counterbalance the villianous use. Just about everyone in a rap song featuring firearms is a self-stylized thug just doing what is required to "get paid."
I didn't miss your point, I exposed it for what it was, a sweeping and ill informed generalization, and easily disproven. You can rationalize all you want that the presence of an occasional police officer in a movie redeems genres of popular media devoted to the glorification and glamorization of criminals, but that's preciously what it is, a rationalization. Further you can deny that the model for present day media that sometimes does celebrate criminals, was and is the ethos and images of those that preceded them (and that many of them call out by name), but that denial is ridiculous on it's face. Hiphop is no more "seamless in its glamorization of the thug life" than the work-a-day gangsters on the Sopranos, or the Scorsese's American dream of a better life for your family through hard work and the occasional murder. "The fantasy isn't being the next Al Capone..." you wouldn't guess that based on the fact that's there's a rapper named Capone. What value would the name have without the cultural context that it conveys, and that you claim doesn't exist?

My reply to "Apologists for the genre want everyone to believe that hip hop is more than superficial..." is as I said "...everybody and their mother who's ever been offended by a Vanilla Ice song feels confident in making sweeping authoritative statements as to the nature, motivations and status of hiphop." You're entitled to your opinion, but it's clear the objective value and basis of your opinion is suspect.
Lay it out then--what exactly is the ethos of hip hop that supposedly elevates it out of the bikini clad muck of a BET video hour and to the status of something to be taken seriously?

I don't take offense at anything Vanilla Ice ever did. He didn't ruin rap as a genre. It took Suge Knight, Death Row, and NWA to get that wrecking ball going.
But see, gangsta rap is not the only rap around.

Just the only rap that sells well and gets made into videos.

And c'mon! Mack Daddy was a 1992 release. You have to do better than that.
Music is still extremely popular, but due to online downloading, the sales of physical records are down. Gangster rap is no longer the most popular form of rap, and much more rarely seen on TV and such. Apologists? They did nothing wrong.
Well by that logic, guns are bad, because the only stories you hear about guns in the news involve someone doing something bad with guns

I see dudes trying to get paid put in the morgue following home invasions all of the time in the news.

Besides, it is undeniable that it is in great part the thug life that gets the hand-wringers all juiced up to ban "Saturday Night Specials," "Assault Rifles," "Street Sweepers," and the like.

As such a high profile part of what helps to drive the real life criminal misuse of firearms in minority urban areas, the hip hop nation bears a special responsiblity to be part of the violence solution, not profiteers off of the problem.
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