How many guns have you ever owned?

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Jan 2, 2003
How many guns (including guns you own now) have you owned in your life?

I am only 27 but I have owned 46 (I'm sure I missed one or two) in my short time. I have had guns since I was 11 years old. 16 years of gun owning and 46 guns, thats only a little more than 4 guns a year. I have about 15 now. There are a bunch of guns in my rear view mirror.
Gawd, heck if I know! I don't even have a count on what I have now. I like it better that way, because then I discover a gun I haven't used in a while and have fun getting to know it again. I haven't sold too many of the guns I've acquired--maybe half of a dozen, although that may change as I get older and I see I don't really need a lot of the iron in my collection.
I still have all the guns I've ever owned and as yet, haven't broken the 4 digit mark. :D I'm still young though! I will make it some day.
Well, as many good deals as I come across that I know I can make money on, I'd hate to guess. I own quite a few right now and have probably owned five times as many for various lengths of time.
I just counted the other day have owned 82 currently own 12
do I miss any YOU BET but there just things I'll get over it:(
OMG...I have a spreadsheet where I've been trying to figure that out...but I keep having to update it with stuff I've forgotten.

Anyone else who's ever worked in a gun store should be exempted from having to answer. There were just too many "gotta-have's" that came along.
Only about 15. But then again, I'm 19 years old, so I've got some time to make it up. :D
I miss most of the ones I have sold but not enough to buy them back for the price I sold them for. A few I would buy back, either I sold for less than it was worth (to me) or I haven't been able to find another one like it.

I would buy back my S&W 586 4" bbl and I would buy back my Charter Arms Off Duty .38 spl.
How many altogether, over the years? Heck, I dunno... I'd guess more than 300 and less than 400, all told. Never really much more than 50 at a time. Well, maybe a little more... The high water mark was probably the winter of '94-'95; I was managing a gun store at the time and had a pretty decent-sized collection.
I wished I still owned every weapon that I have ever purchased.

I'm still kicking myself for getting rid of my nickel/stainless? Russian Makarov.

Good Shooting
4. Gave one to my brother, another to a friend who did me a big favor, one to a lady friend and finally sold one.
I really don't know. I'm sure I'd overlook some. Currently at the lowest point ever.

Tamara: I bet that was a very fun,educational but hectic time managing a gun store. Perhaps a better lesson in people than guns at times.
Holy cow! I started thinking about this and starting 49 years ago, when Dad gave me my first .22, it really starts adding up. Especially when you're easily bored and change collections every 5 years or so. While 'on hand' is usually in the 50-100 range, (varies by what I happen to be collecting at the time, plus "those evil black guns that show up for no apparent reason") I must have owned at least 600 over the years.
Worse, is the fact that I don't think I EVER made a profit when I got rid of a collection.:rolleyes:
"More than I need, but not near as many as I want"! Are you counting just the ones I've payed for, or should I include my soon to be enlarged collection from you guys? :D
I've only parted ways with one firearm that has been in my possession, so in my life I have owned all the ones I currently have, plus that one.
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