How much air is in a safe (RSC) ?


Jan 21, 2003
The great state of TEXAS
Our cat is fine- but we had quite a scare. We hadn't seen her throughout the night and started searching for her this morning. She is totally indoors- we do not let her outside. After several minutes of searching I was in our office area and could hear her meowing. I thought she was in the garage, just on the other side of the wall. My wife then runs in and opens her safe (RSC) that she keeps her scrapbooks in. Out waltzed the cat. Apparently while my wife was preparing to go on a scrapbook retreat this weekend she had accessed her safe (let's just call it that for expediency) and while doing so the curiosity got the better of the cat and she silently slunk into the safe. My wife closed it up while it was still light outside. So our poor cat spent the night in the safe. She seems to be none the worse for wear, but that brings me to my question. Is our safe airtight? If so, how much air is in there? We are quite fortunate that the cat heard us calling and we heard her. I was standing right next to the safe hearing her meow and never thought she would be IN the safe. I thought I was hearing her through the wall in the garage. I guess she's got 8 lives now.
Yeah, if you could hear the cat it wasn’t a safe. As far as air in the container you would have to measure for interior volume.
Interior empty calculates out to about 31cubic feet MINUS the contents


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I don't know if there are airholes, but when my safe was stored in a carport for a few months, the outside was covered in dust and spiderwebs. When I opened it up, it was just as clean as when I had put it there, and not one spider, so I am betting it might be, if not airtight, at least very restricted.
When I was a kid, one of our cats spent some time in the back-up fridge in the basement. It was one of those, "Gee, I haven't seen the cat for a while. I wonder where it's hiding?" A few hours later, "Son, could you go down to the basement and get me a Pepsi out of the fridge." Open the fridge door and out pops the cat. He seemed fine.
When I was a kid our cat disappeared after a search, we could hear meowing that sounded like it was coming from the crawl space. I crawled in a found lots of spider webs, dust and dirt, but no cat. But I could hear him. Eventually found him in one of the kitchen drawers.
I once saw my girlfriend's Dad, not having seen the cat for a while, go around the yard shooting his .410 shotgun in the air. I don't know whether he thought that would summon the cat or scare it out of hiding. In the event, it did neither and the cat was glad to be let out of the storage shed when we got around to looking there.
We have never had a inside cat except for a big Siamese tomcat that was a dept at slipping in the door when it was opened but got tossed back out as soon as we could catch him so no problems with cats being closed in gunsafes. Cats are very tough creatures. One of our cats over the years was a slim female. She disappeared and I searcher everywhere I could think to look for her. Garage, storage building, two barns, no cat so decided a coyote or fox probably got her although I had neither seen or heard either for quite sometime. The one place I forgot to look was in the pump house. It's a large one and has some storage space. About three weeks after the cat disappeared I needed something out of it. When I opened the door there sat Puddin and she greeted me with a meow. She was probably asking " where the hell have you been". She had become a really, really slim cat but what I have never figured out is how she survived three weeks with no water.
Our cat is fine- but we had quite a scare. We hadn't seen her throughout the night and started searching for her this morning. She is totally indoors- we do not let her outside. After several minutes of searching I was in our office area and could hear her meowing. I thought she was in the garage, just on the other side of the wall. My wife then runs in and opens her safe (RSC) that she keeps her scrapbooks in. Out waltzed the cat. Apparently while my wife was preparing to go on a scrapbook retreat this weekend she had accessed her safe (let's just call it that for expediency) and while doing so the curiosity got the better of the cat and she silently slunk into the safe. My wife closed it up while it was still light outside. So our poor cat spent the night in the safe. She seems to be none the worse for wear, but that brings me to my question. Is our safe airtight? If so, how much air is in there? We are quite fortunate that the cat heard us calling and we heard her. I was standing right next to the safe hearing her meow and never thought she would be IN the safe. I thought I was hearing her through the wall in the garage. I guess she's got 8 lives now.
Does your safe have a hole in the bottom or side for a golden rod dehumidifier? If so cat is safe (pun intended).
I know the gasket around the opening of my safe doesn't contact the door. I've heard that it's supposed to expand if it's exposed to heat to create a seal. I doubt many RSC's are truly air-tight.
Some of these stories have made me laugh so hard that I hurt! On a personal note I needed a laugh right now. Our late Kitty would sometimes sneak into an open closet unnoticed and be AWOL for a day but never managed to get locked in my safe.

Glad your Kitty is ok.