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How to buy a gun...

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
...or "An Epic Tale of Government, Gun Shows, Gun Shops, and Galyan's"

Okay. I've got a buddy who is between girlfriends, and has discovered that that means that he actually has disposable income...

So, coupla weeks ago, he drove down to the local cop shop, and signed up for three purchase permits. Picked up a Smith 59 early in the week, and this weekend we were gonna go lookin' at a gun show for the other two...

Went to his place early Saturday. He can't find one of the permits - he spent Friday night cleaning house, and thinks that it may be in one of several trash bags. But we've got one. Into the Camaro, down goes the gas pedal. We break at least a dozen laws on the way to the gun show. I left fingernails in the armrest.

We go in the door, give our $6/head to the kid at the door, and start wandering. Lots of folks selling $200 SKSs and $200 M48A Yugo mausers, not a lot of handguns. He finally spots what he _thinks_ he wants - a Springfield 1911 with the 3.5" barrel. He spots it while the dealer is cutting the price tag off because someone else just bought it. Argh. Since our other option involves Bogie wandering back and screaming at some poor lookin' lady selling t-shirts and coffee mugs with pictures of Nazis on 'em (seriously - that's ALL that was at her table - coffee cups and t-shirts, all with Nazis, most of which I didn't recognize), we decided to head for the gun store(s). Back in the Camaro. Dang, those rebuilt engines sure are interesting...

First shop was a large local store. We walk in, the kid has a coupla similar pieces, but no cigar.

Back in the Camaro. My stomach, at this point, is just now arriving at the gun show. Pull up at store #2 - No cigar, but I did pick up a box of 8mm 180 grain Noslers... My bud gets on the cell, and starts running up directory assistance bills - shoulda taken my van, because there's a phone book between the seats. Shoulda taken my van. Back in the Camaro. Those exit ramps are interesting...

Off to Galyan's. They've got a Kimber Ultra II (3.5" six shot), NIB, for about $100 LESS than the lowest price other toys we saw. 20-30 minutes later, the paperwork is completed, we head back into holiday shopping traffic (Camaro does not deal well with 1 mph parking lots...).
From my experience, the City of Saint Louis Sheriff's Department has become less demanding in what they want from you when you humbly ask them for a permit to purchase a handgun.

No longer do they demand the two letters of refrence from members of your community, or a receipt for a trigger lock.

You just need the Certificate of Residency, I.D, $10, and you fill out a form telling them who you are, Social Security Number, why you want to purchase a gun, blah blah blah.

Sheesh, some people even complain about having to do that!

Oh, and you have to wait a week for your permit.

Oh, and it is also good for only 30 days.

Now you have me worked up, bogie,

Our state congress critters in their wisdom put this system in place to register guns in this state, and make them more difficult to buy. As always, there are unintended consequences.

Usually, I purchase a gun permit because I think I might want to buy a gun. After the hassle of obtaining a permit, I feel obligated and driven to purchase a gun, because hey, if I don't, all of that effort going to the Sheriff's office twice is wasted.

If it weren't for that stupid law, the number of handguns I have might still be in the single digits.

he drove down to the local cop shop, and signed up for three purchase permits

He can't find one of the permits - he spent Friday night cleaning house, and thinks that it may be in one of several trash bags

You just need the Certificate of Residency, I.D, $10, and you fill out a form telling them who you are, Social Security Number, why you want to purchase a gun, blah blah blah.

Oh, and you have to wait a week for your permit.

Oh, and it is also good for only 30 days.

...No longer do they demand the two letters of refrence from members of your community, or a receipt for a trigger lock.

Boy I'm glad I live in TX
Boy I'm glad I live in TX
Boy I'm glad I live in TX
Boy I'm glad I live in TX
Boy I'm glad I live in TX
Boy I'm glad I live in TX
Boy I'm glad I live in TX

some poor lookin' lady selling t-shirts and coffee mugs with pictures of Nazis on 'em (seriously - that's ALL that was at her table - coffee cups and t-shirts, all with Nazis, most of which I didn't recognize)

I hate gunshow nazis [/ blues brothers voice]
"...He can't find one of the permits..." Two things. Onwe. If he's not responsible enough to not lose the permits before he buys what he wants. Why should he have them in the first place? Two, this is what comes of letting the Tidy Fairy lose in your house. He'll never find anything again.
We live in Misery. We gotta get checked twice, because folks who live here must not be as responsible as folks who live in other states.

I think the Camaro is a 1995 Z28, with a few mods and a gnarsty rebuild... It should top out at around 180mph, but before it goes that fast with me in it, he'll have to have someone peel my fingers off his windpipe.

His place is much neater than my place.
You just need the Certificate of Residency, I.D, $10, and you fill out a form telling them who you are, Social Security Number, why you want to purchase a gun, blah blah blah.

Sheesh, some people even complain about having to do that!

Boy I'm glad I live in CO
Boy I'm glad I live in CO
Boy I'm glad I live in CO
Boy I'm glad I live in CO
Boy I'm glad I live in CO
Boy I'm glad I live in CO
Boy I'm glad I live in CO

We live in Misery. We gotta get checked twice, because folks who live here must not be as responsible as folks who live in other states.

Well y'all keep re-electing Dick Gephardt so maybe there's something to that :neener:
Lennyjoe quote:
what the heck is a 'purchase permit'?

If you want to buy a handgun which is not black powder, or Curio and Relic, you need to go to the Sheriff's office, pay $10, produce an I.D. jump through some hoops, wait a week, and then you have a purchase permit which is valid for thirty days.

You then take the purchase permit to the person you want to buy the eeeeevil pistol from, and give them a copy. They fill out the seller information, and the serial number and description of the gun, and mail the sheet to the Sheriff's office, who then forwards on the information to a state wide database. You keep a copy so if the police ever ask about the gun, you can prove you obtained it legally.

See? Easy. :barf:

You just need the Certificate of Residency, I.D, $10, and you fill out a form telling them who you are, Social Security Number, why you want to purchase a gun, blah blah blah.

Sheesh, some people even complain about having to do that!

As bad as its getting here, at least I dont have to do that in Ohio, YET. But then I dont live in one of the Notorious Four, either (Columbus, Cincy, Cleveland, or Toledo).
sounds like you guys could use the following easy-to-use automated phone system:

Thank you for calling the Missouri Municipal Court.
This is an automated system that can handle most firearm purchasing inquiries. If after using this system, your question is not answered, please, stay on the line and a representative will be with you shortly.

If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, please press 1.
If you are calling from a cellular phone, please press 2.
If you are calling from a pay phone, please press 3.
If you are calling from a car phone, please press 4.
If you are calling from a secret-spy phone, please press 5.
If you are calling from a princess phone, please press 6
If you are calling from a car fax, please press 7.
and If you are calling from a rotary phone, please, stay on the line.

For information in English, please press 1.
For information in Spanish, please press 2.
For information in Japanese, please press 3.
For information in Chinese, please press 4.
For information in Dutch, please press 5.
For information in Latvian, please press 6.
For information in French, please press 7.
For information in Yiddish, please press 8.
For information in Ig-pay Atin-lay, lease-pay ress-pay ine-nay.

If you are purchasing a handgun, press 3.
To check the status of your application, press 4.
If you believe you need ultra-super-duper-uber-fast response to your application, press 5.
For all other types of firearms, press 6.

For concealed weapon information, press 1.
For payment information, press 2.
For court locations, press 3.
For general questions, press 4.
For court appearance and bail information, press 5.
For psychiatric evaluation appointment information, press 6.

If you need to make an appointment, please press 1,
unless you have not filled out a DD form 3018, in which case,
please press 2. To receive a blank DD form 3018, please come
down to the Missouri Municipal Court building during normal
business hours. If you have filled out DD form 3018, but have
not reported to the City Attorney's office, please press 3.
If you are not receiving physical therapy but have a relative that
voted 'no' on Proposition 187 and have collected a notarized waiver
from said relative, and have attached said waiver in triplicate to
said form, please press 4, unless of course, said relative is not
a naturalized citizen, in which case, please press 5.
If you are receiving physical therapy from a naturalized citizen but
have not voted 'yes' or 'no' on Proposition 187 and have not reported
to the City Attorney, but have filled out form DD 3018, please
press 6.

Of course, if you have not had your eyes tested by your local
Department of Motor Vehicles in the last three years, in which case
press 7. If you have had your eyes tested AND voted 'yes' on
Proposition 187, and have your DD form 3018 filled out and
have already reported to the City Attorney but have never been called
in for jury duty, press 8.

I'm sorry, but we are unable to interpret your request.
Please call back during normal business hours.

You only think you are mocking our application process.

Certain individuals can carry concealed in Missouri. Among them, police officers, parole officers, judges, Corporate Security officers, Process Servers.

To my knowledge, here is what you have to do to become an armed process server.

Bring $10 and Certificate of Residency and I.D. to Sheriff's office, fill out form for gun permit.

Wait one week.

Go back to Sheriff's office, pick up permit.

Purchase gun, give a copy of permit to seller, you keep a copy, the seller sends one to the Sheriff.

Sign up for Process Server's class, they are held twice a year.

Give the Sheriff's department, and FBI and any other Law Enforcement Agency permission to do a background check, just fill out your name, date of birth, Social Security Number, sign on the dotted line thank you.

Pay $350 for class, attend class, which is held on four consecutive nights. You will learn when where and how you may serve or execute summons, subpeonas, garnishments, and other fun stuff.

Pass the Process Server's test on the last night of the class, pick up your diploma.

Go to the insurance agency, purchase Process Server's liability insurance, at about $650 a year. Get a receipt, so you have proof you purchased the insurance.

Take a shooting test, with the gun you plan to carry. Make sure the person giving you the test writes the serial number of your gun on the certificate he will give to you. This is very important.

Within thirty days of taking the class, bring:

1)The proof of Process Server's insurance, indicating you are insured as an armed Process Server
2) The certificate from the shooting test with the serial number of the gun you plan to carry written on the certificate by the person who gave you the test.
3) The copy of the Gun Permit, which should have the same serial number as the gun with which you took the shooting test.
4) $150, cash or check.

The Sheriff's office will take your above documentation and money and photograph you. You put your thumbprint on the Process Server's I.D, they laminate the I.D. and you are then a Process Server! Your I.D. will be valid for two years, and then you will have to pay another $150.

Remember to renew your Process Server's insurance at this time next year, or the insurance company will call the Sheriff's office, and they will pull your license!

It's so easy!

:scrutiny: :scrutiny:

Purchase Permits??

Down here in GA that would translate to the stack of white & green paper (now white & green & pink &...) that you give the guy in trade for the gun. If I'm going through a dealer, maybe it is the CCW permit that gets me out of the NICS call in?

They expire in 30 days, eh? Can you get a re-issue on the one you lost?

I wonder how much revenue they get for the ones that don't get used? Like another posted, having an unused permit at the 25 day mark might just drive me to go purchase something... nearly anything, just so my effort would not go to waste.
Man, here in Nevada I can stroll into a gun store at say 8pm (after NICS is closed) , pick out a hogleg, pay for it and show my CCW (no background check with that) and take it home! :)

I guess "Show Me State" means Show Me Why You Should Be Able To Buy A Gun! Plus you have the Rams! Argh! :D
Oh my...

So may people ringing on what it takes to purchase a pistol in their state.. let me tell you about MI.

Purchase permits are instant, at least in my experience. They cost $5 a pop. If you have a CCW you don't need to get the permit but you still have to pay $5 for your "safety inspection" that includes writing down the serial number and making no gaurantee that your pistol is safe to fire. No way around it, there's a $5 tax on every handgun you buy here.

Lets say you go the pistol permit route. You show up at the local police station, they do your background check and charge you $5 to fill it out. The last time I got some I bought two. I fllled out one, the clerk filled out the other. Seriously. The computer was busted and couldn't print.

They like to ask what youre occupation is too while getting one. I don't know why. One of these days I'll grow the balls and say "Exotic Male Dancer" and gyrate my hips while I do it. I made $1 once so I guess it's legit.

Your permit lasts TEN DAYS! That's it. You buy pistol then haul it BACK to a police department for "inspection". Apparently you have 10 days from date of purchase to get your behind back to a PD to register.... err have it inspected. I don't know what happens if you don't have it inspected.

You cannot lend or give your pistol to somebody unless they go through the permit process either. An Air Force reserve buddy of mine wanted to get a CCW so I lent him my CZ-75B after letting him try it out. He didn't have the money to buy a pistol but still wanted to get the permit. Fair enough.... so he has to get the permit to "buy" the gun, I have to sign it over, he has to register it.... then when he gets the call to go to Kuwait I have to bust my arse back down to the PD, get a permit, "buy" it back from him and re-register, errr... have it re-inspected. Pain in the butt, and $10 for the state. At least the clerk is sympathetic. A day before I had to have my gun re-inspected a mother and son where in there transfering ownership of the son's collection before he got shipped off.

Horse dung, that's all it is.
OK, I've seen two references here to states where you can bypass NICS if you have a CCW. I bought two pistols, and transferred two longguns, through the infamous (for their shoddy records, among other things) Bull's Eye Shooter's Supply in Tacoma, and even with a WA CCW and and military ID, I still had to go through NICS.

Then again, WA has some of the best CCW laws around, excepting AK and VT.
Spacemanspiff- You're such a TOOL. ;)

Is it true that the bit where you have get someone to vouch for your character actually dates back to the days of Jim Crow?
let me tell you about MI.

Do they still give you the part of the green form to keep that has your own thumbprint on it?

God I hated that process, the pd in my town only did gun permits on Wed afternoons between noon and four if I remember correctly.

I left MI in 1998
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